Argh... actually... I think Im still sleepy and made a spanglish there... estadistica... or something.
But yeah... Mikoto told Touma that the computer predicted she could survive 125 moves, but that she was afraid that she could not even survive the first move. And somewhere she mentioned that since they could not clone a 100% faithful Mikoto they had to make 20,000 MISAKAs
Bad luck my ass
I haven't finished yet but from what i see this guy has girls falling into his lap mostly every episode, even if they are lolis.
I would love to have that kind of bad luck....
So they got tired of just giving him 1 girl at a time so they're giving him a whole army of them at once? This anime is gonna spawn more hentai than naruto once it really picks up.
Anyway, overpowered anyone? At this time i cant really come up with a way for Touma to win this battle other than accelerator making the mistake of being too cocky and going for him head on, and even then he would have to come up with come amazing combo to knock him out in that small windows of opportunity.
This is off topic but i didn't have the chance to discuss this last time since i just recently began watching this show:
- Am i the only one who didn't buy Stiyl's explanation that the dragon that came from Touma's arm was a product of the alchemist's power?
My guess is that it was the next phase or maybe the true form of Imagine Breaker, maybe a power that not only negates another ones reality, but all of reality itself.
A crazy theory i know, but it just kinda came to me.
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Anyway, overpowered anyone?
Originally Posted by Archie
- Am i the only one who didn't buy Stiyl's explanation that the dragon that came from Touma's arm was a product of the alchemist's power?
I don't know, I bought it. Sounded fair game that since he's going ballistic and trying to use his powers at the same time, he's turning his fears into reality.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I don't know, I bought it. Sounded fair game that since he's going ballistic and trying to use his powers at the same time, he's turning his fears into reality.
Why a dragon then?? If he was turning his fears into reality shouldn't it have been something more specific? Anyway i hope i'm right, i've been dying to see an upgrade to imagine breaker, just defending powers is getting boring.
Why a dragon? You'll have to ask him ;) He was thinking Touma was a monster, so I'd assume a dragon is a monster of that calibre for the freaked-out alchemist.
But why did his right arm turn into a monster and not Touma completely?
Maybe because his whole fear was based on the imagine breaker on his arm
Argh but i want him to have a freaking dragon on his right arm for a weapon so i'm going with my theory !!! Yep, i totally owned you in this discussion Bill :p
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Yep, i totally owned you in this discussion Bill :p
Now, what that really necessary? :p
I'm just going with that Izzard subconciously associates Imagine Breaker with Touma's right arm. Even though it's cut off, Touma said "You didn't think you'd get rid of my Imagine Breaker that easily did you?!"
Then Izzard thought Touma (and his power, hence associated right arm) is a monster. That's it from me, I'm out of here.
When is ep 14 gonna be released?
Originally Posted by Archangel
When is ep 14 gonna be released?
When the subbers feel like it.
AoShen released ep 14 on Thursday. Check theirs out, if you don't want to wait for Eclipse.
I meant the day when the original aired
I've checked, it was 2 days ago so it shouldn't be that long till Eclipse subs it i guess.
Edit to above: How's their quality? Is it watchable?
I saw AoShen's versions of Birdy the Mighty Decode. They were barely watchable.
Originally Posted by Archangel
I meant the day when the original aired
I've checked, it was 2 days ago so it shouldn't be that long till Eclipse subs it i guess.
Edit to above: How's their quality? Is it watchable?
Are you talking about Eclipse's release of Episode 13? Its been out for a while now.....
Yes, after commenting on the episode pages ago i am now asking if the episode has been released 2 weeks afterwards...
I think AoShen's release of ep 14 is not widescreen or something like that. Eclipse's source is always aired on Saturdays.
No wait... the series normally gets re-airings on another channels... sometimes less quality... not hd or simply the other channels' version aren't being encoded... this ep 14 was supposed to be the re-run, yet since the original saturday source took a week off due to new years the other channel aired the episode first.
I think...
Toaru Majutsu Index: Ep. 14
Hah hah. Accelerator was too crazy and too full of himself to realise till the end why Touma could keep beating him. Kind of funny how in the last ep we were given the impression he got cautious and intended to keep Touma at a distance but in reality it was nothing but probably his usual battle tactics. After that, no matter how many punches Touma gave him, he just didn't get it why it happened. I think it demonstrated pretty well, all in all, why somebody who has never lost a fight can never be the ultimate fighter.
A good episode in my opinion. With teasing Misaka, a breast grab, a head chomp, and all.
Yep, I agree this was a good episode. Accelarator was completely nuts, and his laugh was annoying as hell.
In all, this was the first battle that I consider Touma as actually winning because he was better. All other battles had some completely bullshit set of circumstances that let him prevail.
Next episode, the usual beach anime episode. Hopefully it won't solely be about eye candy.