Animanda just saved my day, I love DN!!!
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Animanda just saved my day, I love DN!!!
My brain imploded when i saw the news of death note being licensed...
So is Animanda any good? Are they "fast" to release new episode everyweeks?
Also... where can i get the manga of Death Note?
I was bored at work today...
CAUTION: May contain plot elements not yet covered in the anime!! (omg, ya think?) You've been warned. --- Full Death Note Manga (zipped)
there's an entire section of the forums for manga... not to mention Mangatraders... but, well, since Bioalien did sorta request it...
just remember: no discussion of the manga here, thank you. Also, spoiling makes your penis shrink.
and, well I'm bummed by Live-Evil dropping this show, but from what I'm hearing this Animanda group isn't too shabby. I'm just glad someone's still working this show.
Ah, just watched episode 13...luckily, my Japanese is no too bad ^^
Great episode, though i hope ep14 will be better.
Some wierd decision making by VIZ regarding how they'll distribute the series. Best to read the article yourself:
lol wanna hear the funny thing? I haven't read the Death Note manga yet. I just have it on my comp for when the series ends THEN I will read the manga. So obviously so spoilers from me :)Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
I think Animanda had released only 8 eps this far, but they are worth waiting for since I don't understand japanese..
Oh god plz give me more DN!
The latest Animanda is #12, so they aren't really that far behind anymore...
Death Note 13 is out by KUBU subs:
Don't know how good they are
Well the best way to determine that is to actually dl them :p
Just watched ep. 13 by KUBU, and it was subbed very well. I loved this episode btw, things will get very interesting now :p
Catching up (after downloading the episodes all in one sitting), and damn ....
I love this series ^_^.
I'll try a KuBu sub once, but I'm the kind of person to try to keep all the episodes in a series from the same subs ... ah well.
I dont know if you guys heard the news, but Death Note was bought by VIZ Media not too long ago, which means it'll be coming to th U.S. soon!!!! I have see up to 12 dubbed episodes though that great invention, TORRENT files. Unfortunatly, the site I was getting it from will no longer make it, but Im willing to wait.
In November, Death Note the Movie came out in Japan. Now this I Can't wait for!! I have seen the Any info on where to get it English Dubbed would be appreciated. And to the GotWoot Admin PPL out there, Everyone and there Mothers are looking for this movie. We are all waiting.....;)
What do You think.....?
this could have went in the other death note thread gl with the hate you are about to recive. but i didnt know anything about a death note movie?
Topic merged, posts merged, and Idiot warned...carry on. -MOD
Where did you get 13 at? My site stopped making them, cause Death Note was Bought by VIZ Media.....
but i didnt know anything about a death note movie?
I seen the previews on YouTube,English Subbed......check it out.
Yea, I'm to lazy to download, well, at least until I'm sure of the quality. I did watch it on crunchyroll though, and they aren't half bad. The movie is on crunchyroll if anyone wants to view it.
i didnt think the Kubu sub was bad at all but the video quality was kinda grainy but otherwise not a bad sub and i cant wait for 14 =D
Death Note - 13 by Animenoobs Fansubbers (They do Detective Conan)
Death Note - 13 by Under9000 (Never heard of these people)
Some new groups getting in on the vacancy, the system still works, with luck one of these three new groups will manage to be prompt and decent.
I'm downloading the version from ANFS. As for the one from Under9000, I'm not too sure about it. I saw their link from Tokyo Toshokan yesterday, but their homepage linked to one full of yaoi pictures and looked like a jap message board.... so try at your own risk.
As for the Death note movies, I've seen both and think they are great. It's complete on their own, so you do not need to read the manga to understand what's happening. As with all movie adaptations, certain arcs are cut out. I'm not sure as I've not read the manga (yet), but as far as I know the 2 movies were hits in Asia and are most probably making their way aboard.