I think he was narrating, but doing a really crappy job at that.
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I think he was narrating, but doing a really crappy job at that.
Ehehehe.... MIkuru Knock-out shots from main website LoLz
I love this episode to death... MORE FROM 2ND season.... If it has 1....
Bump for some Haruhi fun and goodies I found:
Haruhi characters done in Simpsons style drawings:
Kyon and Haruhi
Itsuki, Yuki, and Mikuru
Various renditions of "Hare Hare Yukai":
Performed by zombies
Done by the pink Power Ranger
Some weird guys in their underwear...
and my personal favorite: Set to the dance scene in Napoleon Dynamite
And finally a now infamous Haruhi/DBZ crossover that's floating around on a few image boards:
Heheh Haruhi vs. Kyon on one of the WWE games
Must have spent a lot of time finding the right clothes
I liked the zombie one Comp =P
The zombie one is amazing. The middle zombie rocks my world.
Hi, I'm looking to check this show out. What's the best fansub out there, or is a.f.k is the only completed one so far. I see a few from Animanda, ASR, but of course they are not complete, but it seems they are from DVD rips.
Also, in regards to the rumor of a second season, here's some more rumors.
Yes, afk is the way to go.
Interesting about the figures, sucks about the rumor, but I think where there's a will (read: profitability), there's a way.
I'd rather see a movie or OVA than a second season.
A movie or OVA? What's wrong with a second season? There's a ton of material in the novels that haven't been used in the first season. Plus, there's a lot of unexplained stuff that happened in the first season (ie. why was the cat able to talk in the first episode?).
Indeed. Movies and ovas to aired series are usually pretty static without any real development happening (there are exceptions of course). So, a second season would be needed to get Kyon and Haruhi really together under the same umbrella (well, that's what I'd like to see anyway)...
Definately second season... and may it be a longer one, like 26 episodes or so.
I've read the first novel and a bit of the second novel, so I don't know how much material they still have. The show used bits and pieces from all the novels so I guess they'll have to mess up the timeline again if they decide to do another season.
I say movie or OVA because they can elaborate on one big event.
I loved the first season, which is I'd rather not see anything else at all. (Please read my whole post before you randomly down rep me.) I'll explain why I believe there should not be a second season, OVAs, or movie.
First off, movie or OVA: As Kraco said, due to time limitations, there's really only so much you can do with a movie and in most cases, OVAs as well. That's why OVAs tacked on to the end of series are usually little more than gaidens or sidestories.
Now for why I don't want to see a second season. First, there's a good amount of material, but not that much. There are 4 books that haven't been covered. Five, if you count "The Sighs of S.H." but the majority of that was actually covered in the very first eps, spliced in with the filming comments.
"The Disappearance of S.H.", "The Intrigues of S.H." , "The Indignation of S.H." and chapters not covered from the others amount to about a whole book (maybe a little more). This would only be a little more than the anime covered, maybe 1.5 times at the absolute most. That would pretty much rule out a 26 eps series, unless you included filler. I know several people were not very fond of the 9th eps of the series, so that would be a glimpse at what we'd be seeing in terms of filler.
So, based on the fact that the author likes "The Disappearance of S.H." (He said as much in an interview, buried somewhere in this thread), we can make the assumption that the second series will be centered on that as the first season was centered on "The Melancholy" then the process of randomly inserting other material from the books (I don't know what The Intrigues is about, so I'm making another guess here). The second season would basically be a clone of the first one unless they decided to abandon the jump-around delivery method that both the first series and books employ. If you like more of the same, fine, but I think it could have a negative effect on the franchise whole if we got more of the same.
The larger problem is that the second season would have to top the first season, or fans will inevitably complain. There will be endless comparisons between the two, and the second season will have to overcome a lot to get out of the shadow of the first season. There can't be the slightest drop in animation quality, and the story would have to match the first in terms of intensity. The way the first season was done, it's already hard to top, and though I love the material in "The Disappearance", I don't think the intermission episodes can top the ones from the first series in terms of content. This is where it would be hard to beat the first season in, since it picked some of the funniest side stories.
Many series have suffered from sequels that couldn't best their precursors, the one most notable to me is Slayers TRY compared to Slayers Next. I liked them both, but there was just something lacking in the 3rd season. Another is School Rumble. It was more of the same, and I loved every minute of it, but in the end, they just couldn't take it anywhere above the first season. Most of the storylines died off. Rozen Maiden is a third example if you've seen that. I feel that a second season of Suzumiya Haruhi can't take it into a conclusion that would properly satisfy fans.
Mostly, I just do not want to see the first season marred by a potentially inferior second season. I was one of the few satisfied by the way the series ended , and I'm reading the books as they are translated. Sure, it makes me a hypocrite by reading the books but not wanting a second animated season, but I'm happier knowing that if there's no second season, the anime will be very fondly remembered as is.
I completely agree with you, Ryllharu. I meant I'd prefer an OVA/movie if I absolutely had to choose between OVA/movie and a second season. I remember telling a friend that this series is better off staying the way it is instead of spawning sequels.
They already deviated from the novels to end it at ep 9 so I think that's indication that they don't plan on continuing the story.
If we're talking about pure hypotheticals, I'd have rather seen a 26-ep version of the original series, arranged for 26 instead of 14, filling in the couple of big gaps in what showed.
But that'd be hard to do. The way it was arranged and the way it ended was all really excellent, and I don't think they could accomplish the same sort of intrigue and impact in 26, because for most of us our memories aren't that long. Especially if you're following along as it airs (or gets fansubbed), it's not too hard to remember what happened 3 months ago, but it is to remember things that aired 5 or 6 ago. Even binge-watching it after the fact, it'd still be hard to accomplish the same effect.
I have to agree, part of me definitely craves more. But I would rather see it left alone than wrecked. If it comes down to that choice, between making a mediocre followup to an excellent series versus leaving it alone, well ... I'm satisfied enough with where it ended to say leave it alone.
ANN reports that Bandai has licensed The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi.
No date was given.
Heck... I WANT this series on DVD. Definitely.
source used by ANN
While none of the MIkuru's were high pitchd enough it's really just a short coming of the actressess voice box, I chose 3 since it was thie highest pitched one of the three but this VA just can't pull off that pitch.
For Yuki I was pretty upset since I love her so much and this actress also can't do her right at all, however of the 4 the fourth seemed the least different, though the actual english dialouge is so crappy that it doens't really matter what she's saying :( Too bad.
Uh? The English dialog is the same as the Japanese. I think you're just realizing that when you actually understand what Yuki is saying and listen to it out loud, it sounds really corny. That's gonna happen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
In any case, I thought number 3 was pretty damn good. She fits almost exactly what Yuki should sound like: Cold and mechanic. Her acting sounded a bit rigid, but thankfully these are just audition tapes, and not the lines that will be appearing in the dub.
Also, I won't argue about Mikuru. NONE of the voices sounded good at all. Number 2 in particular sounded ridiculous. I ended up voting for #1 because she sounded the most natural in the role, and didn't sound as if she was forcing herself to sound "cute".
Coincidentally, both the voices I chose for Mikuru and Yuki turned out to be Michelle Ruff, the girl currently playing Rukia in Bleach.
The poll for Itsuki is also up. I voted for number 5 because he sounds eerily similar to Crispin Freeman, who I always imagined Itsuki sounding like. Number 1 is Johnny Young Bosch, and is to no surprise, the most popular voice in this poll.
Nagato - voted for 3
Itsuki - voted for 5
Asahina - didn't care, they all sounded pretty bad to me, but then again, I would imagine that it'd be extremely difficult to do her voice in English without making it sound bad.