well that kinda stinks it took around 9 months of delay... oh well... the last episode was good tho i though but i figured their would be more to it or to the end of the season... but still good as a whole though
well that kinda stinks it took around 9 months of delay... oh well... the last episode was good tho i though but i figured their would be more to it or to the end of the season... but still good as a whole though
darn, just as i clicked the torrent fo the last ep (ep 22) the torrent died for a prob with the tracker....so, could someone please tell me what to do or make a new torrent for the one ep, PLEASE???!!!
Umm, if you looked at the AonE tracker, we batched all the eps of AMG S2 into one torrent:
thanks, i tried it. this error appeared abt the tracker:
Error: Tracker Response Error:Client Version is banned. Check with the tracker administrator in Tracker: http://tracker.gotwoot.net:6968/announce
"Client" may refer to the software you're using. Have you updated lately?
Originally Posted by lambchopsil
Ahh, is there no way to get episode 22 individually? I have the first 21, and I don't want to download the batch just to get 22!!
Dude, you can just make it so that your client just downloads one file only. Just search for it on the client or go to the support section. It's really not that hard, so you should be able to find out very quickly.
You probably have a banned client, or are just out of date. Refer to http://wiki.depthstrike.com/index.ph...Client_Banlist for a list of banned client versions, and don't use the.Quote:
Originally Posted by AlRitza
Originally Posted by kooshi
What? I'm quite sure my client can't do that. I use Bittornado...
Get utorrent. Being able to choose individually which files to download in a batch is a very basic function in a client.
Bittornado works great and CAN do that function. It's under DETAILS.Quote:
Originally Posted by narutosharingan
There still some unknown characters when I watched the ending credits. But if ep22 really is the last one, then a 3rd season is needed to introduce them.
22 was the last one? Kinda short
So sad we have to wait for so long :(
Hey ho everybody, i just joined the forums and :P questions keep flowing.
Finally watched the two seasons of AMG and the show rocked, however i know the manga dosnt end there so is there any season 3? Searched the forums and google but all i could find was rumors (too often have they disappointed me). Does anyone know ANYTHING for sure about the third season? And exactly when did the second season end and if a third would air when would it do so?
Merry Xmas everybody
Nothing has been said to either end and I have no idea how well the show did ratings-wise, but it is a popular manga and the general assumption is that it's going to happen.
it ended back in september maybe late september 06 i think so season 3 if there even is one im not sure myself would prob start in spring sometime around april or fall ish i think or hope a third season if there is 1 will start .... it seems every anime series startes in april something and goes till around setpember ish goning about 20 eps or least the ones ive wateched followed that pattern for their seasons and amg did the same for the first 2 seasone i believe correct me if im wrong here i really dont know just guessin on a limb =)
Well this pace is due to the fact that these are School dates in japan :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Whitefang1987
The manga is still going today, so I'm sure there will be more seasons to come, but there just isn't anything definite yet.
Hmmm, dunno about S3, but on their official site, I think it says (under NEWS) that they are coming out with unaired episodes 23 + 24 on DVD. When, I don't know. I don't even know if what I'm saying is correct. Tried to translate the page with Babelfish, but it comes up with script error every time. Seems right though........ Guess we'll find out. :D