Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Ragnarok is the norse apocalype, known primarily for a large snake swallowing the sun. Perhaps he intends to build something to swallow Jupiter instead? Or maybe...just maybe, he intends to enter a so called "Jupiter Space" and attack one of the gods named Ishtar. Then in killing her, he will remake the world in his own vision.
/back to being serious
I starting to think that all along the Emperor meant for Schneizel and Lelouch to fight in a war of succession. Lelouch said that his only true equal in chess was Schneizel. Charles obviously wants to move onto bigger and better things, and we've heard all about how unfair he thinks the world is during that flashback that showed Marianne and C.C. together while he talked to V.V.
So what better way to find someone worthy to take over your empire? Let the eldest, weakest, dumbest heirs fall to the wayside, and let the two best and brightest fight over the entire world. Euphie was an easy sacrifice for him, Cornelia was too dependent on her little sister, the eldest (or second eldest) is a big dumb wuss who was pushed by one of his younger brothers into marrying Tian Zi. The others we don't know much about, but they seem to be more interested in the politics of things and being important. Certainly not enough to do anything that would put them in danger.
We just don't know where Schneizel stands. He's a huge manipulator, but not in the same way Lelouch is. He tells the gentle like Euphie and Nunnally that he only wants peace in this world, and he tells Nina and her kind (racists) that they need the ultimate military might to make that peaceful world. We really don't know what he's after, but no method is certainly beneath him in making it happen.