Don't ever work in the government.Quote:
Originally Posted by infidel
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Don't ever work in the government.Quote:
Originally Posted by infidel
At least you have a job where you can stay somewhat active, even if it's mindless work. Desk jobs get boring and your ass balloons (well, not mine). Of course, you get internet (and GW) access if you have a desk job, which is kind of cool.
But it drives you nuts. It's just a sea of cubicles. It makes you feel so worthless.
Yeah I know what you mean, I've worked in cubicle farms before. You have to make it fun with cube wars and LAN games and stay somewhat social with your fellow cube-dwellers. Hardest part is staying physically active while trapped in a 6X6 box.
Those options were not available when I worked with a bunch of old civil engineers........
Well I don't plan of doing any of that when I get my major from college, I intend on being a Social Work major.
Wow, social worker? Does that job pay well? You'd better minor in CS or something useful.
Computer Science or Communication Studies?Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Computer Science is actually a lucrative major...Communications is pretty much useless.
If you don't go to a graduate school to get your Masters in Social Worker (MSW) you can't even get a job unless it's a shitty one, but I definitely plan on going to Graduate School. With an MSW you open doors and your pay increases -- I'm not really doing it for pay anyway...I live to help people. Social Workers make around the same amount that High School Teachers do.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Social Workers with just a bachelor degree start around $31,425 per year, with those who receive their masters start around $40, 548 per year.
Masters in Social Worker...? Never heard of that degree before.
Originally Posted by Board of Command
That will explain it to you better than I would be able too, plus I'd probably just screw it up.
Never knew you need such degrees to do social work. Interesting...
You need them in only a few states, but you need them to get your certificate. If you don't get such a degree you get stuck doing desk jobs.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Haruhi Vol. 9: The Dissociation of Suzumiya Haruhi......
There was so much promise in this book, but it doesn't end! It's the first book in the series that finishes on a "To be continued..." This was the shortest book so far, and it still left me hanging at the end. It seems like the author purposely cut it short so he can publish a 10th book. Pisses me off.
A Masters of Social Work lets you get your LCSW license which allows you to do clinical work like a psychologist with less education(1 to 2 years) and being able to charge less per an hour (20-30 an hour compared to two to three times as much for a psychologist). If you have a bachelors your usually a case manager/paper pusher. Not everyone is shallow like you BOC I happen to be a social worker as well, some one has to pick up the pieces when you computer people get all depressed and disfunctional due to the lack of human contact.
I've never been depressed and never will. My personality simply doesn't allow it. I've never even be stressed. Don't know what it feels like.
I love being depressed, it makes me feel cool.
Anyway, today marks 4 days until I move into my new school and have to do the entire college orientation process again. Which sucks.
I just came back from an annual half marathon event, and my entire body is aching due to running 21 km. Lack of training also meant that my body's not conditioned enough, and I'm been getting cramps since I crossed that finishing line.... I'll need a few days to recover from this.
Psyke, I'm american so i dont think in kilometers... but i assure you, 99% of people on these forums could not even run 5 km without breaking down and passing out.
anyhow, current bitch...
i have 16 computers that need to have all of their adobe / macromedia cs2 stuff uninstalled and i need to install the cs3 web premier suite on all of them. sounds simple enough.
upon uninstallation i realise that 3 of the computers dont even have dvd roms so i have to go get them and install them.. finally get around to installing cs3.
started at 12:44... it is now 1:38 and it is still running. now, if i have 16 computers to install this on and its going to take at least an hour per computer, how the hell am i going to do this today? (needs to be done by tomorrow or tuesday) so, while most people have sunday off i am stuck working until who knows how late tonight.
(uninstalling all the stuff alone = 10-15 minutes per computer)
-im going to maybe run and get some dvd-r's and attempt to burn the install cd a few times mehhhh this sucks.
yeah, parallelism is definitely a win on that. Start one uninstall, then another, then another ... etc.
Also, you might consider just dropping the whole installation dvd into a network share, and installing via the network. Particularly if you've got gigabit...
so my friend hosted a bbq today. five other friends confirmed that they were going to come. the bbq time was supposed to be at 4 pm. i went there at 6:30 pm and no one had shown up yet. waited for four hours, and still no one showed up. we left messages on people's phones, and no one called back. finally at 10:30 pm i decided to leave. i can't decide whether to be really mad at my friends for being such jerks, or to let it go because i like them so much. it's not like any one of them to do something like this.
Wait a minute here, you decided to go at 6:30 when it was supposed to be at 4? If i were the guy hosting it i would be plenty mad. It is real bad manners to arrive 2 and a half hours late. It's even worse from your other so called friends to not show up or call or anything.
I have an advice for your friend hosting it though, get new real friends that shows respect.
no, well, the earliest possible time was 4, but since it was just a small, casual thing and people were working and such, the host said that we could come any time after 4, be it 5 or 6 or 7or whenever. two people cancelled, one took sleep medication and accidentally slept through it all, and the other two are still unaccounted for.
well i'm glad i bought myself a psp this past weekend because my birthday has gone to shit
and what do i get this year for my birthday? well ... because i somehow managed to lose my only car key... i get to have my car towed and have a new key made. That is my birthday present. i would say life sucks but then i realise that alot of people dont even have cars.... what fucking luck i have with cars... *life sucks right now.
It can suck to be the first one at the party....which usually happens if you show up right when the party is supposed to start.
I've been there, being a pretty punctual person. It's especially awkward if the host is just an acquaintance, and your other friends aren't showing up until later. I usually budget to arrive 30-60 minutes after the official party 'start time'. It gives a bit of time for the party to start, but isn't insulting to the host, and people don't start wondering where you are.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
When I myself am hosting a party though.....I hate it when people arrive really late. But, I've gotten around that due to the fact that people who come late to pie parties don't end up getting any pie, cause it's all been eaten. It's the people who come early that end up getting the first choice of pie out of the oven. It's surprisingly effective for getting people to arrive on time.
Annoyance of the moment would be... my apartment's toilet has been on a constant run since we moved in here. A little drip is no major problem and almost 2 years later we finally get the caretaker to fix it. Oh he fixed it alright... the new pump keeps hissing rather loudly at random every so often so it freaks you the hell out when you don't even know it's been "fixed" getting home from work and you're standing in the bathroom when the toilet starts making growls at you lol. That... and you have to keep the back part open to manually stop the water from rising by nudging it or it'll overflow. Caretaker better get his butt back here tomorrow...
My schedule for school is totally fucked :/.. I just dropped a science class I don't need.. and a music credit.. so now I'm a part time student unless I get into the classes on my waitlist lol..
It really irritates me when people don't answer to your emails promptly. For my next term, I'm sharing this place with another guy whom I've never met before. I emailed him on Monday about some fairly important issues. Guess what? It's Wednesday now and still no reply. He's moving in on Saturday and I'm moving on Sunday.
That almost happened to me, I had not yet learned to check my university email and my roommate had emailed me like 5 minutes earlier. If I had not checked then I would have missed it for probably a week.
Oh and on the bitchy side, FUCK 8 A.M. CLASSES..... that is all.
My address (not email but the physical) seems to be cursed, what comes to anything being shipped from the USA to here. Four parcels/letters sent by a buddy living in the USA and only the first ever got here (that at least is good seeing how it contained stuff worth 200 euros). The other three wouldn't have been anything that expensive but it's still seriously pissing me off. Are we still living some bloody 17th century with pirates sinking ships carrying the post or what?
held up at customs maybe?
Then it would be the American customs, but even then I wouldn't know why. The one that did manage to get here was certainly stopped at customs at this end and I had to go there to open it for them to check for whatever they hoped to find, but nothing like that has happened with the rest of them. I never got any notes to come and get them. So, I can only assume some link in the chain though there was too much weight to carry...
Me and my band was supposed to finish up recordings for our debut release tomorrow but due to various circumstances we have to wait even longer. Goddamnit! Feels like an eternal delay! And that's my bitching for the day. Also I'm unemployed again lulz. :(
I'm still sick. That's my issue of the night. Not much of one but one worth complaining about if my head doesn't stop pounding >.<
Two bitches today...
1) Stupid woman with a cellphone didn't stop in a red light and crashed me from behind about 2 weeks ago...
2) Bought Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on ebay two months ago. Game never arrived. Ebay states to wait about 40 days to start disputes. Waited that time. Seller states I took to long to ask, but I had asked her about 4 times already. Seller offered to refund only shipment, so I escalated it to ebay. Bleh...
I love ebay, but at the same time they suck when it comes to small dollar purchases like that. They may be able to get your money back... but they will take $25 of it to "process" so that leaves you with barely anything. I got ripped off for $30 and got $5 back... thats weak sauce.
anyhow onto my bitching... Relationships. I know there is a relationship thread but damnit, i'm here to bitch. My girlfriend of 8 months and I just aren't doing too good. most of it is my fault but like, today... she has class until 4:15, i get done working @ 4:30. if i meet up with her, that means that i'm spending an extra hour and a half in my car driving when i have been up all day and just want to go home. she did this same thing this past thursday... i wanted to go home but then she waits for me and then im obligated to spend the next hour and a half in traffic taking her home, then 30 miles the opposite way to get to my house. I met another girl that i like alot, but i know that we could never have a relationship... I know that i am an asshole and that i do alot of things that negatively effect my girlfriend. *argh*
relationships are such bullshit. whenever i'm single i feel that i need a girlfriend, but when i have one i start to think that maybe i really didn't need one. at least not anything clingy. idk, i dont want to rant too much longer. RAWWWWWWWWWWWWR
You just want unattached sex like most men. Men form a bond before sleeping with someone(Usually.. I don;t have the graph with me.. but it is something like that). Women on the other hand form a bond after sleeping with someone.
Originally Posted by bbaucom
alrite, so i usually dont post here cuz i tend to let things slide alot...but this is just pissing me off.
So i deposited a check for 500 sometime last week....because i got my first credit card recently, and thus have a new/non-existant credit history, the checks dont go into my account rite away. i have to wait 5 business days for the total amount to clear. Now this was never a problem before i had a credit card, but whatever. So here i am, a full 7 days (and probably more) after i deposited my check, but when i try to withdraw cash from the atm machine, it says i have insufficient funds. ok...i check my balance. 400 dollars. try to withdraw again...insufficient funds.
So i figure i'll go to the bank and see why that's happening (this is before i knew about the 5 business day holding period). The lady at the bank tells me its cuz they have to verify the checks, and it takes 5 business days.....hmm, i could've sworn its been 5 business days since i deposited. oh well....she says by 6 pm tonite it'll be verified and i can take out some money.....alrite, i can wait a few hours.
6:30 rolls around, and i figure i'll go do some shoppign since they money will be accessible now....i go to the local fortino's, get what i need, go to pay with my debit card.....*beep* insufficient funds.
check my watch. 7:20. try again,
*beep* insufficient funds.
WHAT THE FUCK!!! so now i gotta go back to the bank and find out why the fuck i can't take out my own money, which the even machine shows i clearly have. I dont get my student loan for another week or so, so im pretty much flat fuckign broke because the bank is fucking with me. i had to buy 17 dollars with of groceries with my god damn credit card......which is apparenty the cause of all this 5-business day verification shit anyway. hows that for fucking irony.
I think i live next to an insane woman. Like door to me there are two adults, but at totally random times of the day (or night for that matter), i will hear loud screaming, uncontrollable crying, loud noises and things crashing. Its been going one for a while, and its really affecting my sleep, amongst other things. I'm afraid to have guests because of this. I'm not sure if i can endure another 20 minute to an hour tirade of whatever this woman has...
That is some crazy sex.
I used to have noisy sex neighbors in the apartment next door to me. It gets annoying when they start doing it late at night when you're trying to sleep. It's funny at first, but gets creepy way too fast.
However, in college, it's always hilarious. The bunk beds have poor/no cross-brace support, so they move around and slam into walls loudly.
...or she could just be on crack. I lived near one of those types too.
FUCK! I just accidentally left my phone, the phone in my avatar, in the washing machine.
I took off the jeans I had been wearing and put on some shorts, ready to do my laundry. I thought I had taken everything out, but then I started looking for my phone, which was nowhere to be found. Just as I started to worry what I had done with it, I heard the washing machine start to fill up with water and my insides turned to ice. By the time I ran over there, my jeans were already submerged and my phone was filled with water.
I found this site about 10 minutes ago and followed the tips. All I can do now is wait.
Originally Posted by Hikyuu
Its not sex...ive seen her alone outside screaming like that :(
Then, that sucks.. you might wanna do something about it.. Landlord? Quietly approach the number with offerings of food and conversation? Be a nice neighbor.
My phone is ok!!!
I waited 2 days to let my phone dry off, keeping it under a lamp to let the water evaporate. I also was lucky enough to have a packet of silica gels (because I just bought a new bass amp, and hadn't thrown the box away yet), so I put them with the phone inside a ziplock bag. I'm recharging the battery now.
Basically what I'm saying is, if any of you do a dumbass thing like leaving a phone in the washing machine like I did, that site I found has some pretty good tips. In general, just remember to act quickly and remove the battery before anything else.
I bet you have a very clean phone now, in any case.
Bitching for today... why the fuck has osama bin laden been dying his beard... wtf.
anyhow, real bitching. I was expecting to get one ore a couple of things i've ordered recently online. I got a 4gb pro duo for my psp the other day from hong kong faster than some other things i've ordered from inside the states... wtf is that?
anyhow, the texas tollway.... they turned this highway into a toll road months ago and they dont have toll booths, so they just take a picture and bill you later. Back in march i got turned around and had to exit on this highway. So eventually i got billed, not for the posted $.25, but for $1.25. Now, its not much money but its the principal of the matter. If you post a 25 cent toll, thats what i expect to be paying, not 5 times that amount. So anyhow, i paid that months ago now, but today i got a $5 bill in the mail which since it is even, they have subtracted the original $1.25 and are now trying to collect 20 times the original toll in late fees. I sent them a long email breaking down the numbers for them and telling them they will not see another penny from me since i have already paid the toll they have posted five times over and that it is rediculous that they would try to collect twenty times the posted toll 5 months afterwards.
That's great to hear. I remember when we had a terrible rainstorm a few years ago and water leaked into the basement and on top of our television. I immediately unplugged it, cleaned up the water on the top and put a small container for whatever else made it through. I left the television unplugged for 1 or 2 weeks then plugged it back in and turned it on and it worked! Strangely enough we have never had another leak. :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
My new roommate locked me out of the apartment. It's 4:00 am and his ass is asleep while I'm in the main office's computer lab.
At least he gets up early. That means I only have to wait 4 hours.
Edit/Update: It's 7:50 now. I'm in my room. Goodnight.
I hate the 9 to 5 scene.
I'm back in school and I HATE how full it is...50 student capacity and there are 49 people in it. There is no goddamned room in any of the classes. And since we had to pick a section which is consisent in all the core courses, I have to see the same people EVERY SINGLE DAY. Also, I see there is a group of asshats in my classes who were in my classes last term and every one of them are back again. On top of which, one of them, probably the one I hate the most, is in my randomly-picked group for Marketing. Hoo-fucking-ray.
EDIT: rant rant rant...
I sympathize. There's a big over enrollment problem at my school. People just whine to the right people about how they desperately need a class to graduate (this is why I'm in my 9th semester of college. If I can do it, they can do it). Eventually, someone caves, and then you've got 55 people in a class that was meant for 40.
Thankfully, it wouldn't have mattered if there had only been 16 in the class. We've been more or less told outright we'll have to teach ourselves. Business as usual in engineering.
If you want to see other people, take classes in other majors as electives. That's why I take Literature classes. A broader education is not only a pleasant break from the tedium, it also looks nice on resumes.
I'm tired of not getting any breaks at work. By law, every 4 hours, you're supposed to get a 15 minute paid break. Only I can never fucking take it because no one is capable of covering for me. There's either (a) no one around, (b) people who legally can't work my counter, or (c) I've got too many things to do where only I know the procedures and have the training for. I just add the missed time to my timesheets, but it wears down on you after several days in a row.
Then when I get home, I'm too worn out to start on any of my homework for college.
current bitch...
The reason I interviewed for the job Im working at now is because the posting was for a "PC Technician" simple enough. What did I do today at work? well, I tried hard not to fall asleep. I made/edited a pretty cool looking menu bar for the comanies web site which needs to be completely redone... omfg it just seems like such an impossible task when i barely know html and there are so many other factors that go into the web site that include VP's wanting the web site to mimic one of their compeditors. So even if i could put endless hours into creating a brand new web site for them... one of the VPs might see it and think it is trash and then I'd have to start all over.
also, Nubs negative repping my posts with comments such as "no shit? DUH" it just reminds me that it is an all ages thread and that i could very well be dealing with angsty 13 year olds.
Ryllharu, I have no room or time for any more electives right now as my schedule is filled with 4 core courses (Finance 1, Operations 1, Human Resources, and Marketing) and my 1 elective is Intermediate Accounting 1. This is going to be a FUN term, hahahaha.
And you don't have to tell me about engineering, I was in Chem Eng for 2 years (well, 4 when you include having to repeat the first term after fucking off and not quite making it to the second and the bullshit co-op terms).
Since last Friday, I had to benchmark some ATI mobile engineering samples on a Santa Rosa platform. The card they gave me (mobile version of HD2600) was a piece of unstable shit and crashes 3DMark06 4 times out of 5. It always crashed on either the Complex Vertex Shader test or the Particle test. So basically, if it crashes, then I just wasted 12 minutes since those are the last couple tests. That doesn't sound like much, but it adds up really fast when you need to run it so many times just to get one set of data, and then need to run it again for different configurations.
I emailed the person who asked me to run these benchmarks today and explained the situation. Turned out she didn't really need the feature tests. I only ran them because the guy who had my job previously did those tests.
So I basically wasted nearly 2 days watching the computer crash over and over. I understand that it's an engineering sample I'm playing with, but they, too, go through QA. I don't know how this piece of garbage ever ended up in my hands.
Family in general. 'Nuff said.
Currently, I have very little to bitch about... then again, I don't bitch about much.
But mainly, this past week, I slept in and missed a day of school. Allright, now five hours after I find this out, my father comes home and pretty much says, "Give me your PSP, your Computer, and your Playstation."
I'm wondering: how the fuck are you going to be that irrational over ONE DAY OF SCHOOL?! And one more thing, I don't have a single clue as to WHEN I'm getting these things back.
When he's played through all your games? Depending on how much he sucks at games, don't hold your breath.Quote:
Originally Posted by python862
I dont know if this belongs here or the relationship thread but FUCK....this chick ive been hanging out with, who says she's attracted to me, and talks about me to her friends and so on and so forth, out of the blue says she has a mystery boyfriend in mexico city of all places (BUT WE BOTH LIVE IN KOREA< WTFFFFF), who is coming here soon, that she never mentioned before...ever. Now, i have nothing against the mexicans (dont be mad ryougazell, Bud, Wingeddancer...) But come on...that came out of nowhere. And the whole reason she got an apartment, and has been so busy is because of this...person. I swear, im through with these duplicitous minxes screw korean women!!1Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Bud is Mexican?
Edit: And why did you quote Kraco? Your post had nothing to do with what he said.
Umm...I was drunk too...:confused:
Hate debugging shitty outsourced code written in a shitty opensource language.
There's another piece to the puzzle that is "Budweineken"...Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
/me stirs up mystery OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!
todays bitching...
i'm taking this class that is all day on sunday, 9-4. There are only 2 other people in this class one of which is not here today. This other guy in my class... he will not stfu.
he keeps asking questions about anything and everything not even related to our class... its mostly a self paced class, and if i knew i was going to hear him waste 45 minutes of the class asking bullshit questions over and over with the understanding of a 12 year old... i would just stay home.
fast forward... hmmmm 8 hours! i am still here! stuck working now.
Current bitch? adobe is on my shit list. While installing CS3 web premiere on 15 computers in this lab i am responsible for, acrobat failed to install on 10 of them. so today i was going to re install it but the mapped network drive w\ the installation isn't there and i dont have access to that. Next best thing, a friend of mine burns me 8 dvd copies of cs3 of which none work... why?
in order to install anything you have to use the original install source.... which i dont have. even worse? i'm trying to uninstall so that i can just re start but the uninstall has been going for over an hour now and the progress bar is like... half an inch... OMFG!
Apparently a death in the family is not a good enough excuse to reschedule a test. No you have to be there to take it or your shit out of luck. Also if you miss a special assembly because you are not dressed properly is a better excuse than a death in the family and they can get credit for being there while i get points taken away for a legit excuse. Well I guess this is a welcome to college, they don't give a shit.
That's unreasonable. My university, excepting a few choice professors [read: assholes], accepts funerals as one of the very few excuses for missing an exam. For illness, you need signed doctor's note that you were gravely ill or otherwise in the hospital. I've taken a couple exams with a ~100°F fever.
There's no excuses accepted for Finals Week though. You reschedule them only if you have like 4 in one day.
Then again, this is a school that builds 100 million dollar training facilities for a football team that still doesn't do that well, and refuses to build more dorms for the regular student body. I guess our exam policy is pretty lenient in comparison to that.
I pulled the funeral angle on a professor once, who was going to penalize me for missing an assignment. He gave in and let me slide.
From that point onward, however, I noticed a significant decrease in my performance on all his subjective exams.
So basically, you need to evaluate your leverage before playing that card.
A wasp decided to play ninja on me today... and stung me in the neck on my work break. I had no idea it was there and made no movements :P
I hate wasps with passion. Probably because years and years ago one of those ninja wasps had crawled into my bed to lay there in order to ambush me in the evening. And its foul plan succeeded perfectly for it stung me when I went to sleep, unsuspecting.
I have a smallish nest of european hornets in the wall void of my house.
So far they've been territorial but not aggressive per se (they'll buzz around and let you know they're there if you're hanging around within 10 feet or so of the entrance, but they haven't stung anyone yet). So I guess I'm not really going to bitch about it. But I am going to pump the crevice they're coming and going from full of foaming wasp killer around the first freeze, and then fill in the gap with something or another. Probably expanding foam and some caulk.
Well it could have been worse...Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
That would have been madness!
The wasp nest was between the roof and the inner ceiling of the building. A wooden outbuilding at our family's summer cottage. There are wasps there nesting every summer and inevitably some get in every year through some crevice.
Ouch, that looks like a nasty snuggle buddy. Worst I have done is playing hide and seek I walked right into a bed of those and hit a bees nest at the same time.... it wasn't fun.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
jeez, quit yer bitchin!
I just started doing the laundry and wow...I can't even begin to imagine what my roommate washed in there yesterday. I opened the lid and holy smelled like dead bodies in there.
I just hate those White anglo saxons :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Iridani
Anyway, my current gripe is that my lub life is getting in the way of my studies. I still haven't found the proper balance of seeing my gf and skipping classes. I hope I get it under control before I fuck up this semester like so many previous ones.
god damnit.....
so irritated....
I get jira tickets, emails, skype messages, and voicemail messages every day about various bugs and issues. Can't they just stick to ONE MEDIUM?? Of course, it figures that the one they feel like contacting me with at any given point in time is the one that I'm not looking at, so I don't catch them until half the day has gone by.
The only thing more annoying is that every single bug/issue they send me are the same damns one they've sent me 3 other times previously.....the ones I've already resolved over a week ago. How inefficient is that??
"And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Eight bosses."
"Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it."
What always made this quote great was that in almost any workplace, this is true. It happens to everyone with at least one job they've had. If you haven't experienced the joy of redundancy, you will.
My car is having serious electrical issues. The headlights keep burning out (so far thankfully one at a time), my high-beams dashboard light is on whenever I turn the lights on at all, including parking lights, and sometimes I can get the high-beams stuck on (flipping the switch a few more times takes care of that). I'm sure the problem at least starts with the switch in my driving column, but there's no way I can get to a garage by the time I have to work tomorrow night. I'm gonna be in really deep shit if my other headlight burns out while I'm driving home.
My old workplace apparently moved the server rack again, and so now there's no gotwoot irc because they didn't get everything plugged back in and turned back on.
Also, my new workplace's email is Lotus Notes, and the people who manage it aren't willing to enable IMAP under any circumstances, and also aren't willing to give us the information to download a linux native client. As a unix/linux sysadmin, being stuck with an old version of Notes running in a hacked-up version of wine just to read my damned email.
todays bitching... first off, i'm sick and have had a headache going on 4+ days now that wont go away.
anyhow, the real bitching. I'm having a good night out with my girlfriend, dinner, good movie. and we're leaving the movie good vibes going. When i hear 'there he is' and kinda see a couple people above ( in a mall ) and this guy is all like ' you got a problem? ' i ignored and kept walking although this event would bug me for the next hour or so. Did i have a problem with the guy? no... i may have glanced at him... you know, but so did every single person who walks past him since he is a 300 pound hispanic guy with a green mohawk and alot of tattoos wearing some ratty clothes.
so, no... i did not have a problem with him but it just makes me wonder how ignorant somebody could be to know that they look like that and expect people to not look at them.... he may as well have been walking around like an african bushman with a 12'' dinner plate in his lip.... jesus christ. Ignorant people like this just make me angry.
I just got banned from Pantless Clan's CS:S server. I have no idea why. One minute I was playing, next minute I'm banned. I wasn't even doing ridiculously well or anything. I think I was around 25-6 when I got banned.
Odex, a company that licenses and releases anime is accused of copying from a.f.k's subs for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Damnit those people sue downloaders for downloading licensed anime, and then take subs from a fan group and sell it to people?! This is pissing off lots of Singaporeans. :mad:
Currently: Easy Web Design work.
I'm tired of the redundancy brought down upon me by a Web I teacher who knows less than I and teaches OUT OF A BOOK. The projects are so ridiculously easy, and the codes are simple enough a two-year-old with enough sense could use them. I've said this before in the "Today I Learned..." thread, but yes, I'll say it again. I know more HTML than over 99% of the population of this retard-ridden haven for insane and stupid people. I hate it. I NEED a challenge. Give me something that I don't know, and have to look up.
Instead, I gave myself a challenge. That I still haven't figured out. Which is good, 'cause this teacher isn't going to help me. You know how he checks our work? Dreamweaver MX. You know, the program that, instead of telling you how to fix your code, just yells at you "YOU'RE WRONG!". Anyway, the challenge I gave myself is to create or find a simple login/password field that would link into a members-only portion of a site. Similar to that of a forum, but different (yeah yeah, I know).
So, in closing, please, someone, kill this teacher and take over. I'd gladly take Complich over this guy (and yes, that is a compliment, Complich).
Hmm... There didn't seem to be too much evidence (yet). Those two shots somebody posted in the thread might have been coincidental. Although of course if almost every line in the episode matched that well, then it would leave little doubt. However, with only two screenshots I wouldn't make hasty judgements.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Well, they've yet to comment on this issue yet, but they don't exactly have a clean record. The CEO admitted that some of their part-time translators took fan-subs and passed them off as their own work back in 2004.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Some more shots
And I quote a user from another forum:
Originally Posted by user from another forum
Given the unique way that translators and their editing teams produce translational differences (even with much simpler Japanese), I find the evidence even from those two shots to be fairly overwhelming. Not only that, Odex has done this before with Nanoha using Triad's subs, and been forced to publicly apologize for it.
Yeah. A while back I read that they indeed do have a record of stealing from fansubbers. And they already had back then a lame excuse as well in their hip pockets, just in case they get caught.
It would be funny situation, though, if they really used fansubs. Illegal TV transmissions and possibly DVDs by a legit (on paper) company. Well, on the other hand they have no reputation they could lose so in that sense it makes little difference.
In a few hours time, Odex and representatives of four Japanese studios, including TV Tokyo and Toei Animation, will be in court to tesitfy for their appeal for one of the ISPs to reveal illegal downloaders' information.
As bad as Odex's reputation is, if they win, ultimately new laws will be implemented with regards to intellectual property rights of online anime. You can bet that all anime fans here will be crossing our fingers and hope that Odex loses the case....
I'm really getting sick of getting up at 7:00AM every day to make it for 8:30 classes...and driving through all the god-damned traffic. I also can't stand how this is no longer a small town and every fucking asshole on the road can't drive worth shit.
i feel ya on that. on thursday when i went to exit the tollway, the 2 cars behind me passed the double white line while i was waiting to let this truck get over in front of me... and they got me stuck out.... omfg, wtf! i was severely road raging, i'm late for work too asshole!!!!! i cant believe they did that.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
anyhow, todays bitching:
i'm enrolled in all flex-term classes. we didn't have our first of 8 classes because the teacher had to be out of town. so now it is week 7(tomorrow) i have taken 3 out of 7 tests, done horribly on 2 of them and i dont even think i have read a complete chapter. Further, im trying to catch up and i fell asleep this morning and took a 2 hour nap. I dont know what im going to do in 2 weeks when i have 2 classes instead of just the one. *sigh* i suck at studying. plus, i need to study for my ccna certification that i'm taking on the 24th which every day becomes a day closer with me having not even started to actually study for it.
Haha I know it's been a long time since I've been here but I'm really suprised at how much cursing is allowed now.
Other then that I don't really have anything to bitch about I got kicked out of my dads house about 6 months ago... but that worked out awesomely. I'm now living with my mom in Hawaii. I don't have class, I don't have a car my town is about 5 miles long and I can ride my bike everywhere in it. The next big town over is only 7 miles away. So life is good. ^_^
I tried to voltmod my 7900GS using wires instead of conductive ink for two reasons.
1. It is virtually impossible to find conductive pens (e.g. Circuitwriter) in Canada.
2. All stores are closed today for Thanksgiving.
I spent about an hour preparing two tiny wires. The idea is to tape these wires onto the board, joining specific "points." The wires are very small, and the points are even smaller. It was difficult. In the end, I was able to get those wires on there.
And it doesn't work. Maybe the contact is bad. Maybe the wires have too much resistance. Whatever it is, I just wasted over an hour of my long weekend fiddling with tiny wires only to fail the voltmod.
Damn it...
I am sick... It fucking sucks. My head feels like it is about to split open and reveal the gates to hell while my constipation makes it impossible to well... use the restroom. I had to take a math test today which was an easy 100 that turned into an 88 because I felt like shit and made stupid mistakes because of my lack of concentration. I almost threw up in my 8 am class and had to quickly rush out of the room.
Anyway... general statement, I think I am dehydrated and have the flu now and it sucks ass.
make sure to attend all your classes and get as many of your classmates as sick as possible.
Will do my friend. I am sure I can get maybe twenty before I feel better.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
"raging diarrhea"
I'm glad my friend canceled the "going out" this morning.