wow kage that text is wicked really like the sig.
nice work alhuin
oh yeah cool sig PSJ
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wow kage that text is wicked really like the sig.
nice work alhuin
oh yeah cool sig PSJ
My first Naruto sig, hope you guys like it.....
Tried making it more red....
Messed with my aegis sig a little more.....
Id say its a good first try for naruto.. better then anything Id ever put out.. only one thing of criticism.. how that liney grainy texture suddenly dissapears..its a bit odd e.e
looks cool, just one suggestion, male the left side of naruto more red.
@Hikyuu: yah, thats what I was going for with the lines, trying to convey more motion.
Well, if that was what you were going for then you have portrayed it e.e
@alhuin nice work
@Fooman great sigs, really like the aegis - prefer the 1st one..
made a quick naruto sig too... =p
Still lookin great for a noob. Are you using brushes?
about brushes - not really, even if i am i'm using the really basic ones, gonna try using it more from now on, need to start downloading =p - resources - photoshop brushes - top favorites
@Fooman: The first one is really good! I think you should take the Kyubi from the second one and put that on the first one, I like how he looked in the second one. The Naruto in the second one was a bit too red but nice job for your first Naruto sig! The Aegis sig is kickin' to!
@DeckZ: Not bad! For a first timer at PS, your stuff is lookin great! Still love that Heine sig [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
I did a little brushing here and there on my Sasuke sig and did some brushing on Sasuke himself.
The sig itself looks good.. I just dont like the pic of Sasuke, personally. Also the hand is covered making it look like a different shade in the bg and not a hand..
@NarutoMaster: thks & like the sasuke sig...
attemp #4, Justice Gundam:
@Dekz: Looks nic Deckz, a bit big for a sig, but it looks nice. Hard to believe that your a noob to Photoshop.
@NarutoMaster: Maybe widen the bar that goes behinde the text so that is is easier to read. Also I think the render would look better without brushing, looks kinda dirty. Just some suggestions. oh and thatnks for the nice words, I like the first aegis sig better too but I thought I would try a different text affect on it.
Thks =), i agree its way too big for a sig...and love all of ur Kimmimaro sigs....
Edit: Sized down abit...
ok deckz if you can get rid of all that de-contasted junk on the left side I'd say you have a hell of a sig. Great text and brushing, and name placement.
Removed that cloud & Saturated thes mini bits at the bottom left...
looks cool, try doing a brightness/contrast layer and up the contrast to where it looks sick.
skate sig
thats really cool kage the texture looks funny though because it goes in one direction then goes in another