Being sunburnt is no fun. :(
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Being sunburnt is no fun. :(
God, I accidently stepped on a nail. It didn't stab through that much, but enough to make it bleed and hurt more if I step on it. Now, I have to limit my movement around for a while till it heals up, and maybe go see a doctor it something weird presents itself (like an infection).
Just be sure your tetanus vaccination is still in effect. Seeing how you are 92 years old, you might have forgotten when you were last time vaccinated (booster).
Heh, I got it checked and it turned out okay as long as I don't apply any force on it. I did renew my tetanus shot so now I have another ouchie to worry about.
I discovered today much to my dismay, that a box Girl Scout cookies are on average 1/3 smaller than they were last year. They still cost the same.
It is only now that realization of the full extent of the global economic depression really hits me :(
Cookies? Bleh..
Try living outside the US and see you economy go downhill thanks to the dollar.
Before this mess began I could buy a dollar with 11 pesos. Today the freaking dollar costs 16 pesos. Thus... games, movies and whatever crap I want to buy ends up being almost 50% more expensive
Thin Mints are one of the greatest gifts mankind gave to itself. :p
Don't think it's that much better here. While it may be entirely our economy's fault, things are not pretty here. I lucked out by being in a slower-growth stable industry, but everything else has gone to shit. The huge company right down the road is laying off hundreds of researchers. That's a huge hit to the upper middle class in the region, which will cause a ripple effect over the long term. They all tighten their belts, everyone in the retail industries suffer. It can cause a big cascade.
As for the exchange local?
I've got no problem with local things. But manga and videogames are extremely expensive now. For instance... Street Fighter 4 sells for 1200 pesos in its normal version, whereas if the economy hadn't go down it would cost only 700 pesos. And thats with 'legal stores'. Those that import illegally sell it at 900~1000 pesos.
Don't really want SF4, but it was a good example.
On a less depressing note, went basketballing last weekend. Caught in the defense a big fat guy drives in, hard, and I tried to hold him off with my D and reached for the ball. :(
Ofcourse a foul cause I hit his finger while reaching with my left arm, but at the same time I think my right got tangled up with his left in some way.
It felt like my arm was being dislocated and relocated on the spot. It hurt. Bad. But I shook it off and kept playing. Didn't suffer much from it the rest of the day.
Then in the evening the pain just came like a 100 MPH schoolbus into my arm. I thought it was gonna fall off. It's better now, though I can't make excessive movements with it. Today while playing, I reached with it for the rebound. I felt that. :o
Thank god that this economic disaster haven't reached Poland. Games are now expansive as hell(200PLN for new console game, average earnings 2000PLN(500-750 <- remove this for taxes), if they would be more expansive no one would buy them.
lol. In the midst of a global recession and you guys are only concerned about the cost of video games. Seriously.
The recession hits people in different regions in different ways.
you mean like how manufacturing activity in the UK is currently at 12 year lows, how your FTSE 100 has regressed to levels from 2002, or how the euro lost 20% gain on the US dollar?
You're right DS, time to load up on food, water, shotgun shells and xbox games!
The system has gotta hit rock bottom before you build it back up, or they'll just bandage it and this will happen again in the future.
Xelbair is a 17 year old guy. Video games and fast food are probably the two most important commodities to him at this stage in his life. Nothing wrong with that.
everyone, regardless of age, is perpetually young in these forums.
My example was based on games because its something I usually import. Like a book, a manga, a game or a movie. And because it would be easier to explain to many of those that post here.
I have no problem buying local things nor paying services (phone, isp, etc).
Plus... I leave at the North of Mexico, so going to USA and watch the cost of the dollar is quite usual.
Every region is different, there was only one bank here that almost died, but it was taking care off, people here joke about the economic crisis, simply cause, it hasn't really hit as hard as in other regions of the world. Everything still costs the same, people aren't getting fired, heck the only ones really experiencing some of it are people that are in stocks or large corporations.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
So if the price of anything else wouldve gone noticably up, even games, I'm sure it isn't really that weird to bitch about it.
I absolutely love that, yet another great Assertn quote. Surprised you're making such a fuss over the current financial crisis though. You've been here long enough to know GW doesn't pay heed to such things.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Well - i just continued from what RZ said - about games and manga etc. most important thing for me right now is my guitar.
I'm starting to feel like everything in the world is losing density and falling apart.
My neighbor asked me a while ago to help her with a computer problem, turns out she was trying to copy-paste text from a webpage, and it turned out all backwards. this WAS an issue about ten years ago, when right-to-left text (like hebrew) didn't show up well on explorer so every site was written backwards so it would show up right. freakin' nostalgia.
but that's aside, how the hell is it Wednesday already? I have no recollection of doing anything this week, where has the entire week gone? on the same note, did we just skip out on February?
the most bitching thing is, however, the fact that my underpants somehow lost their rubberband. I have no idea how it happened, maybe I hulk out during nighttime and the rubber snapped (not to be taken is perverse context), but if sudden super powers is the best explainnation I have for why clothes don't fit me and I need to use my belt to keep my underpants up, something must be wrong in the world.
oh, economic recession, I don't personally feel it, my parents workplace isn't much effected by it, and my job is the kind of shit that I'd hate no matter what.