I'm slightly annoyed at how my dye job didn't turn out as purple as I wanted. It only shows up in the light.
And now I'm wondering if I should've left it on longer...Tch, now I might have to re-dye.
Pain the ass...
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I'm slightly annoyed at how my dye job didn't turn out as purple as I wanted. It only shows up in the light.
And now I'm wondering if I should've left it on longer...Tch, now I might have to re-dye.
Pain the ass...
That sucks I witness that alot of times, is your hair naturally a dark color? may be you should use a higher volume while mixing the color, the higher the volume the stronger the the color agent is.Quote:
Originally Posted by Junior
I ordered acekard2 for DS, i just seen some awesome homebrew stuff(doom, quake, duke nukem, DSorganize etc) but the courier fucked up, they say that they left me notice(called awizo here), 3 times, but courier was never here.
What do you guys think about hacks? I think it serves a good and a bad purpose:
- To be able to research locked materials that weren't known to communities before, and/or try to frabricate the provided resources.
- Sadly, hacks can ruin a person's gaming experience by manipulating the game aspect. Turning off Fog of War or have Auto-Headshots is really painful to endure.
I just don't like them period. It ruins gameplay. I really don't care if they play around with it on their own, but bringing it into "secure servers" makes things suck. It's one of the reasons I don't play F.E.A.R anymore.
I don't know who I should be more frustrated at, the hackers, or the supposed Valve Anti Cheat and other policing entities who are supposed to catch them.
Comparing the Valve Anti-Cheat with Blizzard Warden, I would say the latter has proven to be worthy, since it did catch over 100,000 users with hacks. :D
hacks are just lame. I remember wasting so much time playing starcraft only to be overcome by hackers....weak sauce.
i just can't see any point in using them... may as well be playing a single player game w\ god mode on...or bouncing a tennis ball up against the wall.
Cheats in general suck. Why can't people get by on their own merits and hard work? I don't mind using cheats after I've finished a game, but cheating to beat a game just defeats the purpose of even playing. Using hacks in online games is the worst form of cheating.
Online cheating/glitching has no meaning whatsoever. Cheating = losing. However, I'm not opposed to cheating when playing alone, especially in action games. I remember having so much fun with a gameshark back in the PS1 days with the Resident Evil games. The amount of stuff you can do is amazing.
yeah, it is. ^^; After I dyed it, it's only purple in the light. Bright light...Quote:
Originally Posted by paper mache
I thought I'd try leaving the dye on longer, but your idea sounds good.Thanks. =) I'll do a test dye later this afternoon (please let it work...)
Cheats are bad, but idea of finding glitches its pretty good. unless you use them in normal online game. I was one of "Climbers" of CoD2, i had known glitches how to get to room with see through walls, invincible spot from which you can shoot, very high hidden sniping spot etc. it was really fun - but i weren't using them in normal game - it would ruin the game(especially the one invincible spot - only way to kill me is with grenades, but they also don't see me so its hard, nearly impossible).
I hope it work out to, but it should work if you try a higher volume or leaving it in a extra 10-15mins, but be careful that your hair doesn't get damage from coloring it too much :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Junior
I left my bike in for repairs and after a week or so, I get a call. "We're done with your repairs, so you can come and pick it up anytime." I go there and see that my bike... has been transformed. "This isn't my bike." I repeated but they still insist that its my bike, since it has the tag (with my name) stuck to it.
I bring the bike home, got another call, and they said, "Sorry, but we gave you the wrong bike." I biked there and gave it back to them and got my original bike back (costed me extra). I said, "Why did it cost me extra to get my bike back?" "It looked like you were stealing that bike, so we don't wanna press charges against you." Never again, shall I visit the bike shop known as Jo's Bike Shop.
That sucks, If it was me I would've start a comotion but im consider a rebel so :o ,Nevertheless it wasn't your fault that you had to pay extra it was the Jo's employees who has poor judgment when it comes down to customer service. They shouldve credit you back the money free of charge for the hassle imo.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Go throw a brick through their window some night. And then send them a bill for the good brick.
Originally Posted by Kraco
lol I second that :D
Great idea, and Kraco - give me one car please.
What the fuck?Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Totaly! :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
In the end you could have protested though. Even dared them to press charges. After all, didn't they say "Sorry, we gave you the wrong bike?" And since when did people have to pay up for looking like they were stealing a bike?. For F*@K's sake, call the cops. Let them sort out if you're stealing the bike. Cop's job, not theirs.
But that's a hassle unless they back off. Just brick it ;)
Eh, I would have done something if my family weren't egging me to finish the task quickly and get back home. They know the situation too, but they didn't seem to care that much. Oh well.
I highly advise letting your disappointment and frustration fester for six months or so before lobbing bricks (or other, less dense but much harder to remove item) through (or against) windows. That way, they will have undoubtedly screwed someone else over by then, taking suspicion off of you (they probably have your address and number unless you paid cash).
And seriously, don't think that leaving a sarcastic note is a good idea.
(Not that I know anything about having my revenge on businesses that went out of their way to be assholes about their own incompetence. :rolleyes: )
If you must resort to immature, but no less hiliarious petty vandalism, do it wisely.