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NM your new lee one is great. The right side of that render is fine the left part of his head was weird but now that its not visible it looks much better. Go check out the Sig Competition thread here:
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Thanks PSJ, Kage, and Uzumaki Naruto for the comments [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. Ah, it looks like the Sig Competition is more organized now. I'll post there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Here is my newest work, the bg is old i improved on it slightly. You can see it in a Naruto sig a few pages back.
thanks to NM for getting me the render.
@ Fooman: The red sasuke on looks amazing.
@ Alhuin: Red Kenpachi is much better, bte i like you "energy" auras you got on you renders.
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That came out nice PSJ! Nice job on it. I think it'd look even color if you raise the brightness of the bg a bit more. Man, I love those renders from episode 134, both Naruto and Sasuke were drawn so nicely.
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Hmm yea the brightness of bg, i tried it out with a bit more brightness but i liked it better this way.
It's thanks to you that i can use that render [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Currently working on my contest sig(i think it will be the one i use, anyway.)
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New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Not very good. I've been out of it for the past couple of days... and the red may seem repetitive. But it's different at least...
I am currently working on my sig for the "Sig Competition" as well...
EDIT: Here's another Bleach sig I did. Which do you think is better?
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First one, your sigs just keep getting better.
Another Street Fighter sig. Yes I'm addicted to SF3 Third Strike.
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Very cool sig Kagemane your best yet even.
Good choice of game to get addicted to as well.
I have a Remy figurine on my shelf [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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Looks great Kage. Maybe try to make the render stick out a bit more... seems like it blends in with the brushing too much. Text looks a little off as well; the "Str" being a bit lower than the rest.
That's a pretty weird render...haha. Makes it look like his arm is really huge!
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He's doing the shoryuken. That's why his arm looks bigger. It's like your looking down as he's coming up.
Thanks Terra, and out of all the game characters in the world Remy is deffinitly your type [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Edit: Fixed up Ken sig........who am I trying to be like XD
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Shouldn't have done any changes it was fine as it was. I liked how the render blended with the background.
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If anything I blended it more. All I did was make the quality of the render better.
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Okey, it still looks better in the first one, might got something to do with the text to, it's to flashy in the second one for my taste.
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I like the brushing on it Kage, It's sexy.
Al, you continue to improve, I like the first one as well.
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Fixed up my greatest sig evaaaaaa. Sure do wish I could current it.
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Well on popular demand, well it was really a request. I have changed back to a Auel ava and sig, newly made the ava and sig i wear.
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@Kage: Looks a lot better. I retract what I said about un-blending it. It looks great blended now that you've heightened the quality...
@PSJ: I like the new sig/ava. Horizontal scan-lines always seem to work in your creations... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]...
EDIT: Made a Tsubasa Chronicle sig. Again, I made two versions:
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Love your new stuff PSJ.
@Kage: Yeah I'm told that my taste in characters is quite easy to predict [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Here's pretty much every wallpaper made by me worth showing: (Caution: Very, very slow site and some contains mild nudity)