a woman came into the store today and asked for a diary, she then asked if we have monthly diaries.
I told her that around these parts we call thing a calendar.
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a woman came into the store today and asked for a diary, she then asked if we have monthly diaries.
I told her that around these parts we call thing a calendar.
I don't know why you're bitching about it... some funny shit though.
I just my old job back since I'm going back to school, which I have to commute an hour to everyday. I was hoping to find a roommate and it's getting really irritating that I can't.
I pretty much kept myself on lockdown for the last 2 weeks or so.
The reason? I was unfortunate enough to pick an accounting teacher that decided to notify us about the project 1 1/2 weeks before finals. The project required us to use Peachtree (an accounting program) and it must never occurred to him that most college students never even heard of this program before, let alone use it.
The program isn't exactly hard to use, but the issue was learning to use it on top of having to study for all of the finals at the same time. The "tutorial" session on how to use the program was conducted by the librarian who probably looked at the instruction manual an hour before said session.
Needless to say, it took me forever to complete this project which consist 2 accounting period with approximately 80 transactions per period and 10 other items that is required (half of which had to be done manually since we're not allow to use the version that the program produce). By the time i was done with this, there was about 3 days left until finals which left me just enough time to cram for it.
Fast forward to Wednesday of this week. I woke up, ate and then went out with some friends to celebrate finals being over. At around 5 PM i came home and was planning to relax, do some web-surfing and maybe play a few games. I went to turn on my computer and the light came on for 1 second before shutting off again. The reason that this happened was because my Power Supply shorted out, right on the first day of my winter break.
The best place that i could think of to get a replacement with my local directron since they happen to have a good Power Supply unit on sale. Unfortunately with my luck, the unit i wanted was out of stock so i had to wait for them to restock unless i wanted to spend an extra 40$ for one just as good.
Three days of waiting, 80 dollars and an extra day of stress testing for over-clocking later i am finally back online. Normally this wouldn't be worthy of a bitch but it had to happen right after that crappy 2 weeks and with Christmas coming up, i probably won't have anytime to myself until well after new year. I really hate it when bad stuff just decide to happen at the worst possible time
My home system's bluescreening about once a week, at times that are unpredictable and uncorrelated to any specific activity on the system, but only happen when there's some activity on the system. Pretty sure it's either the video card or the motherboard, because hdd-induced bluescreens tend to leave error messages in the system event log and these aren't. Then, it could be the proc failing in some way or another, or could be a function of some other new-ish but persistent behavior, like running several torrents off a network share instead of the local disk. Network driver bugs are also conceivable.
This annoys me because the debug process for a recurring non-inducible issue like this is tedious and uncertain.
Or maybe your memory's going bad.
Ugh... my computer has also been having random blue screens while on screensaver mode... to make things wierdier (sp?) they don't happen if I switch to the 'log on screen' without logging off before turning off the monitor...
Why the hell is there not a stickied thread to wish people happy birthdays in?
People's birthdays are not important to me. Make a single, official thread for that crap.
I don't think people care enough about the feelings of user from jul 2008 and 52 posts. ;o
Especially the opinions of blatant assclowns like Stitch here. And getting called an assclown by someone like Animeniax, that means something.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
That is quite true Ani. :D
Well, i'm not the one to say so but with neg rep too...
Don't you hate it when you run into some glitches in a video game? Some are avoidable, some are not. Those unavoidable ones tend to get in your way to enjoy the game. :(
Of course - we hate it. everyone does, Fallout 3, buggerfall, Dungeon Lords - great examples of annoying buggy games.
I really hate it when I can't tell if it's a bug or if I'm just doing something wrong. It's usually 50/50, and looking at a walkthrough shows me what I'm doing wrong half the time.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Hate singstar... honestly really hate it
Our refrigerator just broke. I think it's 15 years old, so we got good use out of it. I'm checking prices for a new fridge and damn these things are expensive. What's worse is the number of bad reviews for brands with good reputations like Kenmore and Whirlpool.
Kenmore and Whirlpool often re-brand refrigerators and other large appliances (washers, dryers, stove tops) from other manufacturers and call them there own. I've seen several models somewhere else with Amana or LG or one of the other less famous brands and everything else is exactly the same (even the model number).
Sears and other large retailers all do this because Kenmore and Whirlpool are "signature" brands. It's not like they really make all of the products with their name stamped on it anymore.
You should try a retailer that still runs on salespeople and commissions. There's a good chance you can make out on a deal by driving the price down (especially by telling one of them what the other is offering). It might help a bit.
Thanks for the info. That sucks that you can't depend on name branding anymore. The folks bought a Whirlpool washer over a year ago and it's already on the fritz.
It's the fridge at the parents' house so it's their decision, but since the current one is kaput we didn't have time to shop around or risk having to throw out a fridge full of food when it all spoils. Currently we've placed 7 bags of ice in the fridge to keep things cool until the new one is delivered in 2 days. We went with Kenmore. They only come with 1 year warranties now.
$390 electric bill....
seriously though... I want to call and bitch to them but the last time that happened I had some lady on the other end of the phone repeatedly try to explain to me that they come and read the meter, then they come again and subtract the difference. I explained to her that I was well aware of the simple math but that it wasn't possible for 2 people to use 1500 kwh in 2 weeks in a 600 sq foot apartment.
last months was like... $190 - around 1000-1100 kwh. insanity.
seriously... we're not running a grow operation in the closet... no 500w bulbs burning 12 hours a day... not happening.
I got fallout 3 for christmas for PS3 and it wants to update before it will play and then it fails to update after a few minutes stuck midway on the update download screen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
i messed w\ my router for a few minutes and it didn't help so i haven't touched it since.