RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
i dont see a 3rd doll......i see karasu in front of ukon, and i see another behind kankuro
the only thing kankuro has in his hands is the strap for the one behind him, his other hand is for the chakra strings that Anbupawn did a good job of adding in
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
To answer some questions(not sure if answered already, dont wanna read 12 pages),
Gaara is now good because of Naruto making him realize that fighting for others is why you become strong. He started to understand friendship/love. I personally think the Tayuya and Sakon have no chance against Temari/Kankuro, first because they've used up most of their chakra from activating level 2 seals. Sakon isn't in level 2 anymore, and hes no longer combined with Ukon, which means Kankuro can most likely beat him. Termari is fighting a weakened Tayuya too which gives him a good chance. Gaara has Shakuku inside him and him incredible ultimate defense of sand, and he can do desert coffin, I doubt Kimimaro can match the power of a demon. So im pretty sure that the sand trio will beat each of the Sound considering they're all weakened.
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
that would be my thought......although kimimaro DID defeat like, 200 kyubi narutos
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
i'm seriously gonna be pissed if kishimoto has kimimaro get beaten to a pulp by gaara's cat litter. kimimaro should whoop ALL of their asses and just lose at the end.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
Originally posted by: itachi_
yes there is a big possiblity that there is someone stronger then itachi inside the akatsuki
No there isn't, because Itachi is the strongest character that's alive... If someone is stronger then him, that shinobi would be able to take over the "naruto" world, including all countries, because have the power that's greater then Itachi, it's godlike, no one can beat it.
This is the most ridiculous statement I've ever seen, Itachi is not the definate strongest, are you saying he's stronger then the 3rd hokage when he was alive? No. Itachi isn't godly, get that through your head. He may be strong, but NOWHERE in the manga does it state that Itachi is the strongest ninja alive. Just believe Orochimaru says Itachi is stronger than him does not mean hes that strong. Orochimaru only thinks Itachi is stronger because he is based on juutsus, and Itachi will copy all of them. Someone like Jiraiya though, he doesn't solely rely on juutsus, and neither does tsunade. From what source did you get that Itachi is godlike. Your information isn't even backed up by anything from the manga, your assumption is therefore invalid. No one can beat it? That's probably the most ridiculous thing I've heard from an Itachi fanboy, Itachi isn't godly, and Itachi isn't the strongest. Itachi is strong, and he's a genius, and is one of the strongest characters introduced so far, but he is no way godly or he'd be the leader of Atasuki.
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
the way itachi_ posts reminds me of this schizophrenic i know
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
should i just retire from itachi related discussions? actually, nah.
you said jiraiya and tsunade don't solely rely on jutsus...then are you saying that their taijutsu will be better than itachi's? hello? itachi has sharingan... and plz don't bring up the fact that taijutsu is the worst match up for a sharingan user cuz that isn't necessarily true. it's only a bad match up if the sharingan user isn't as fast as the taijutsu user. and besides, jiraiya and tsunade haven't shown us any GREAT taijutsu. tsunade has freakish strength but that doesn't really mean anything. let me bring up a...DBZ EXAMPLE:
trunks was stronger (physically) then cell but could not beat him because cell was more quicker and agile.
if kabuto was able to fight against tsunade (they mostly used taijutsu with the chakra scapels), then i'd say itachi should be faster.
BTW, i think 90% of the forum members hate me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
PS, everyone check out my profile and rate me. =D
EDIT: response to below:
hahahaha, it's ok assertn!
anyway...well, obviously people like jiraiya will give itachi a lot of trouble. jiraiya is a sannin after all. itachi said that he doesn't need to rush anything and he was already exhausted from using mangekyou sharingan too many times. i say itachi is a smart fella and just playing the game as safely as possible.
EDIT: ah wtf! everytime i check my rating it goes down lower and lower =(
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
if itachi was as strong as some people claim he is.....then he shouldnt have failed in his attempt at capturing naruto
what the? why does Mut@t@ have a better rating than me? i'm only half the jerk that he is!
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
By not relying on juutsus, i meant that Jiraiya has Rasengan, and Tsunade healing stuff, I highly doubt Itachi can copy this type of juutsu, which gives them better chances against Itachi, and even if Itachi is stronger then them, it's not by much, and it'd be mainly because of sharingan.
EDIT: Btw, I gave you a 10 on your rating thing Assertn [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
the reason that itachi didn't try and take naruto was cause he was already tired as it was. wasn't it the same day that he fought itachi and ended up using his mange sharingan. so he was already tired from that and he probably didn't have enough streangth to take on jiraiya.
also how do you get and give ratings.
nevermind i figured it out.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
besides.....if itachi WAS all powerful.....then i would highly doubt he would join an organization like akatsuki....unless he joined just to see if he could kill them all [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
thanks xceleration [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
it seems the way i post is reflected by the rating people give the lower it goes...the more i'll be a bastard on the forums [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] (just apologizing in advance)
most people dont bother with the rating system, i'll prolly just take it down at some point since the only people that usually vote are ill-tempered whiners who dont like being yelled at for breaking rules or giving out massive spoilers
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
Oh well, I usually like your posts AF, gave ya a 10 for the intellectual value and open-mindedness of your presence. If there's anything I CANT stand .. it's cement-for-brains people who live in a 1-dimensional black and white world where they can never consider alternative viewpoints, and who can only throw personal insults at others when they run out of things to say [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
All this Itachi discussion, how come the Itach thread hasn't been revived? Then again maybe it has, I haven't checked yet. It won't be long before we'll have to make a similar thread in the anime section, I'm guessing.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
Lee is good....he has speed and he can open gates...which is a genius thing to do in itself...even Kakashi admitted to that.....Lee is good enough to push kimimaro to go lvl 1 and i think thats an achievment too. now we have to see how good is Kim against Gaara.....i seriously think Kim is gonna get his ass kicked all the way to the Bone City.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
It depends largely on what Kimi has left (including a possible level 2) once Lee got simple again he owned him.
If Lee was fighting with weights Kimi's in trouble as things stand, if not then Kimi has a possibility of dusting both of em (as unlikely as that is)
I'm betting on Kimi putting up a good fight before somebody shows up and breaks up the party or he goes down.
Lee pushed Kimi because he finally got past the problem with his taijutsu it's simplistic and too straight forward. without the liquor he would have gone down without really doing much more than impressing Kimi.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
Kimimaro's got some dances left, and his bone abilities probably arent at his limits yet. I don't think that he has a level 2 seal, I don't even think he's used his seal yet, it's just his bloodlimit.
RE: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
All this Itachi discussion, how come the Itach thread hasn't been revived? Then again maybe it has, I haven't checked yet. It won't be long before we'll have to make a similar thread in the anime section, I'm guessing.
YOU CAN COUNT ME IN TO BE THERE FOR THAT THREAD! [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]
anyway, i believe kimimaro has two dances left. we've seen dance of willows, camellia (twice), and pines. so he has two more left. and is it just me or do his bones look hollow? that might be something. kimimaro is gonna own!
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
This looks likes it geting to be the best fight so far. Kimimaro is a extreamly interesting fighter cant wait to see what he will pull out next (no pun intended... really...) and gaara was one of my fav char good to see him back in action [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
Watching Gaara fight is boring actually, when he fought Lee, all he did was stand still like an idiot. The two of them against Kimimaro will still be a good fight though.
Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*
i only hope that kishimoto gave Gaara more moves than the "sit there with your arms crossed while the sand does all the work" jutsu. Really no skill at all....gaara needs skill