Semi-NEETs don't exist. You're either one or not.
Well, obviously there are worse people than NEETs. They aren't Hitler...
No one likes taxes. But Death and Taxes.
It's not that you like NEETs. You just, uh, hate a lot of other things more.
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Semi-NEETs don't exist. You're either one or not.
Well, obviously there are worse people than NEETs. They aren't Hitler...
No one likes taxes. But Death and Taxes.
It's not that you like NEETs. You just, uh, hate a lot of other things more.
5 days. They are very lax with the time and focus on the results, so I just leave early and no one cares. I can also work from home from time to time.
Well, in Germany 40h+ is the avg. and I've never heard anything below 35h.
Don't you have to be there for the clock or something? I'm probably effectively only working ~28-30h out of my 38 too, but I still need to be there to fill up my weekly threshold.
How does your employer even keep track on how long you work.
Some things:
1.) Between Otaku and Neets, I believe more people would call Otaku "losers", while feeling sad/empathic for Neets. You could say both are losers, but Otaku decided so for themselves, Neets usually have a psychological issue.
2.) shinta´s whole outrage against people who "leech off others" feels to undifferentiated for my likings. If somebody has no option to earn his own money for whatever reason, that doesn´t make him an asshole leech. Now, somebody who thinks to himself "haha, these fools are paying for me. More time for me to enjoy games and shit!" is a total degenerate loser, indeed.
3.) Are you a girl, shinta?! Are you a super-handsome guy who gets approached by girls? Are you gay? None of that is a problem, I was simply surprised by your wording ;P
4.) On the matter of Neets being useful for Satella, that´s two-fold: One, I believe there is a huge immersion-factor going on in this anime, playing at its audience. The audience here happens to be otaku/neets, so that´s all the justification needed. Secondly, as I mentioned, Neets are likely more and easier influenceable than experienced warriors or whatever else you could think of. Who are those disgusting people that worship their waifus, form fan clubs to go wotegai-ing? Who prefer 2D over 3D? It´s Neets. They´re super lonely, seek out romantic relationships without tackling more pressing issues, and won´t stop fighting for their waifu ever ... on internet forums. Give someone with that state of mind actual ability and you have a devoted servant. And that without raising somebody slowly for years.
5.) Kray is German, too? OMG
@Krayz - We report our hours at the end of the week through an app. No clocks or anything.
@Mfauli - I qualified the leecher comment in an earlier post. If the NEET is a NEET because of a systemic or health reason, that's not actually his/her fault, and therefore absolves them of blame and my hatred. However, if they just enjoy not working (you gotta admit, it's an awesome way to live) and living off others who actually work hard, then degenerate.
No, I'm not a girl. I just didn't use female pronouns in my statement because I wasn't trying to brag. I was just making a point about how creepy it was. Women seem to like how I look, but since I only care about 2D, it is utterly irrelevant to me.
Did something bad happen to you for being an otaku? I haven't experienced this judgment against otaku you speak of. And I used to have figures (SFW ones) and framed anime girls on my desk at work. Most people I meet generally don't give a shit about one's hobbies and judge your value more on the $$$ you rake in and how nice you are to them.
Well, I´m morbidly obese and without a proper career to show, so naturally I´m more aware of otaku stereotypes, becaue I´m a "perfect" fit. Which is why I´m not THAT open about my hobby as I´d like to be. Trying not to reinforce the stereotype, you know.
Also, lol, I´m too curious: Are you honestly only interested in 2D girls or is that being hyperbolic? :P
Right now, it's fact. But things change. I used to like them once upon a time, after all. Preferences shift like waves in the ocean.
I think people who treat you badly because of being fat or not "successful" are just assholes. They would treat anyone who doesn't fit their criteria for a cool guy badly, even if that person isn't an otaku.
I joke about fat people all the time because I was fat as a kid. I think I hit 216lbs once. So I do know the stigma and dealt with it for many many years. Slimming down is doable and very good for your health.
I missed this. Now I hate you too lol :p
Work is not always like that but I had worse. 45-50 hours a week plus travel times is the norm problem is that eating hour breaks the day. "Good" thing is we can take breaks and stay in the office having some cofee, net browsing, talking, etc. But I would prefer an 8 hour non stop working day.
Well episode 19 finally out
I've been jonesing all week to watch this episode, time to get the series back on track and I think this will be it. Will watch it soon.
episode 19 is out
First of all, fuck Subaru. It was hard to watch this episode, as EVERY SINGLE scene featuring Rem was prove of how big a fool he is. Such a great girl. Also fuck that scene with the riding dragon that made a joke about Rem and her love towards Subaru. Uncalled for.
Ignoring the above: While I hate that this was another preparation episode only, it was nice to see people follow his words. I guess he´s lucky that Crusch is known to have the ability of 100% knowing when somebody is lying. If it wasn´t for that, he´d have to convince someone to trust his crazy story with nothing to back it up.
I still wonder why the can remember the killed wife of the butler guy. I´ve seen the excuse "maybe she wasn´t eaten by the whale" thrown around her, but it feels just like that, an excuse, when we had Rem completely erased from existence. Makes me imagine two possibiities: Rem being erased from existence wasn´t the whale´s fault, or the wife is actually still alive.
The whale itself is cool, albeit it looked a bit small this time. Looks like a doable fight, but who knows.
Finally Subaru used the things he knew from his previous lives properly. But I agree on the fact that it is odd that they remember the Master Swordsman. Perhaps only those eaten by the White Whale perish completely. Not the ones who he just belly flops on.
Or maybe it was a different thing that killed Rem.
Was disappointed in this episode. Was preparing myself to see Subaru in a battle of wits against all the previous leaders, and outsmarting them as he went through them and what not, and all we got was a shortcut with little impact other than moving the pieces along.
Loved the last scene of the episode though, also I'd imagine Subaru is going to use this opportunity to lead the White Whale towards where Emilia is, and by extension this big army... along the way maybe confronting the Witch Cult as well.
He doesn't need to lead the white whale anywhere. After/If they defeat it, the whole army is obliged to help Emilia because the trade for the mines and the white whale location info was an equal alliance, not a one time whale busting truce.
It really feels like we missed an episode. The suffering episodes earlier could've been reduced to make room for how Subaru convinced the pink haired bitch.
This flying white whale might be the most impressive monster I've seen in anime in recent years. It's a rip off of Moldy Dick, but the way it flies around the air like that makes it a thousand times more terrifying to landlubbers.
So......Subaru doesn't actually own those mining rights does he? Or did I forget something that happened in earlier episodes?