Looking forward to seeing Hit fight. Guessing he is pretty much the God level of his people.
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Looking forward to seeing Hit fight. Guessing he is pretty much the God level of his people.
I had to laugh at the end. Vegeta basically infused the good saiyajin with the worst part of "our" saiyajinīs property: Pride. Fast forward 100 years, the 6th universe is fully of blood-thirsty evil saiyajin :D
Also I am sorta glad Vegeta is calling it Super Saiyajin Blue instead of Super Saiyajin God Super Saiyajin.
Just wait until they reach the next level Super Saiyajin Blue 2! Or Super Saiyajin Green! Super Saiyajin Blue Slightly Pink!
I'm just thrilled that Super Saiyan Red was a form that became obsolete after a single fight...
is vegeta even capable of going super saiyan red or does he just skipped it like he skipped super saiyan 3?
He never skipped SSJ3. The Blue and Red forms are a different branch of transformations. But yeah SSJ Red is achieved with the help of 5 other pure hearted Saiyan. Vegeta never did that.
Well, Hit is amazing. He's basically "What if Guldo wasn't a shitty fighter."
That said, the king of universe 6 just happening to have all the info on a fighter from another universes special ability was pretty lazy writing.
"Maybe he's doing this thing. And also here's all the details of exactly how that thing works. Oh look, that's exactly what he was doing and how it worked."
Monaka being nobody was funny. So basically, Universe 7 had a 3 person team.
I don't think it's fair to draw that conclusion when we have no idea how they obtained Super Saiyan Blue in the first place.
When they trained together in that place Whis transported them. Back then you saw a brief flash of that blue ki when they fought there and both of them realized it.
Whatīs so disappointing about this tournament is how casual everybody is about its rules. They keep changing them with every fight. Makes it less exciting.
And do transformations not increase speed?! Makes no sense otherwise for Goku not using it to figure out Hitīs weakness. If heīs fast enough without transforming to scratch Hit, then winning as a SSBlue should be a piece of cake.
I feel like that would depend on how serious Hit is, him having his hands on his pocket makes me believe that the answer is "not very".
welp, goku himself said why he is not in his god form yet, each iteration of transformation cost stamina to maintain... by now i am pretty sure they can stay in super saiyan form forever, but going beyond that doesnt give them any advantage if they dont know how to even touch hit.
goku just barely managed to scratch hit so for now he is just learning hit's movement to know how to block and counter, right now i am pretty impressed by goku's willingness to study his opponent rather than just going all bat shit crazy with his transformations
Iīm too low energy due to a long-needed dietary change right now, so I donīt feel motivated to argue. So just that: That makes no sense. Imagine Kuririn fighting Freezer in DBZ. Imagine, Kuririn had a transformation. But he doesnīt use it and instead tries to figure out Freezer in his base form. Would it be believable for you that base Kuririn as we knew him at that time would be able to do ANYTHING in the face of Freezer?
My understanding is that Hit is not that quick and strong yet, at least compared to base Goku and Vegeta.
And Goku does not like to go all out from the get go, even if the stamina argument was also valid.
He proved he was right.
Now they can properly escalate the powers and have 30 eps on that fight :D
but this is not base krillin, its goku, he can receive a beat up... and freezer was going for blood, he was trying to kill everyone. this fight against hit is in a tournament, with specific rules that would prevent anyone from dying, so yeah if krillin could take a beat, and if he was sure he wasnt going to die i could see him trying to figure out a way to beat freezer, last time i checked he actually cutted freezer tail?
episode 39 is out
lol, this makes no sense :D Time either is stopped or not. Doesnīt matter how much you become, Goku :P
It was cool to see Kaioken again. Just feels bad that Vegeta once again has been played a fool.
My biggest criticism from the very beginning of Super remains, though: These situation just arenīt serious enough. This was made specially obvious when we saw the nice flashback to where Goku fought Vegeta. That was AWESOME, because Goku was surpassing his own limits to save the world from an evil villain who intended to kill or enslave everybody. The stakes were at maximum level! Here we see a new kind of "transformation" in the middle of a tournement fight, where rules a made up as they go.
Therefore, my hope for a truly evil villain remains.
Also, whatīs up with Hit? Assuming any species can achieve a god-like status, wtf. Hit would be more powerful than anybody else! Fighting on par with a SSJ God? Wow.
What do you mean not serious? everything about this episode felt serious. Besides, what`s the worst that can happen? they become property from one god to another, for all we know champa might treat them better, remember when Beerus was threatening on destroying Earth?