I am pretty sure another season will come out. But with pretty sure I mean hope.
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I am pretty sure another season will come out. But with pretty sure I mean hope.
Aldra seems to have gotten substantially more powerful since her retirement as Queen. She returned to summoning, but instead of being possessed, she utterly dominated two Demonic Princes as her minions, and gained enough mastery over her own demon side that she could help Annelotte, her obvious missing sibling.
If we've mostly been seeing bad Ymir (i.e. Melona), where the heck has "good" Ymir been all this time? It wasn't Ymir just doing her usual greedy thing, it was Melona-Ymir doing legitimately evil things.
I wouldn't be surprised with a second season. The first season ended with the Queen's Blade Tournament legitimately starting. The stage is set, now the rebellion can start.
I can only assume that Claudette is somehow possessed as well. By what or whom is anyone's guess. Either the Swamp Witch or the fallen angel again.
Yep second season.
For a good majority of this episode I was watching it like any other serious anime/boss fight..
.. and then Sigui starts fapping. It totally reminded me that I'm still watching Queen's Blade xD.
[Waku] Queen's Blade ~Vanquished Queens OVA~ - 04 (BD 1280x720 AAC) [5B0A8478].mkv
[Waku] Queen's Blade ~Vanquished Queens OVA~ - 03 (BD 1280x720 AAC) [5924D9D3].mkv
[Waku-Oyatsu] Queen's Blade ~Vanquished Queens OVA~ - 02 (BD 1920x1080 x264 10bit AAC) [D7D69EA6].mkv
[Waku] Queen's Blade ~Vanquished Queens OVA~ Special - 02 (BD 1920x1080 x264 10bit AAC) [9962499C].mkv
[Waku] Queen's Blade ~Vanquished Queens OVA~ Special - 01 (BD 1920x1080 x264 10bit AAC) [A6F8DDD2].mkv
[Waku] Queen's Blade ~Vanquished Queens OVA~ - 01 (BD 1920x1080 x264 10bit AAC) [4F9D2BE1].mkv
Oh the glorious soft-core fanservice!Quote:
Originally Posted by MAL
I have been waiting for the latest one. Hmmmmm Echida =3
The contraption used in episode 03 was my favourite.. mechanic, if you will. As long as it's not a genital, anything goes - really.
There are still reused frames, but overall the quality is pretty amazingly high.
Porn itself means material created for sexual gratification. It probably didn't apply to the main Queen's Blade series, but I agree that Vanquished Queens is pretty much that.
Conservative estimates are that it's 50% about seeing the characters you like, and 50% seeing the characters you (may or may not) like getting off.