Well, them talking about how Esper powers are really the user's distorted reality,
Imagine Breaker suddenly makes sense. Imagination Breaker would make more sense, but it's close enough.
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Well, them talking about how Esper powers are really the user's distorted reality,
Imagine Breaker suddenly makes sense. Imagination Breaker would make more sense, but it's close enough.
I added this series to the En Fuego section. This thread will remain here until the next episode is released, but feel free to create other discussion threads in the En Fuego section. Enjoy.
So the next episode will mean a new thread titled Toaru Majutsu no Index: 14...in General Anime? Or En Feugo?
Edit: I get it now. Soul Eather: 38 explained everything.
When episode 14 comes out, create a thread in General Anime called Toaru Majutsu no Index 14. Once that happens a me or some mod will move this existing thread to the En Fuego section.
The En Fuego section should also be used for any other type of discussion you guys might be interested in that is not episode specific, like Super Powers, OST, etc.
Hopefully this system will be good and promote better discussions. We'll see after a couple of weeks or so.
Edit: Instead of using the full title of the series 'Toaru Majutsu no Index' to name new threads, we'll simply use the tag 'Index:'. It'll be easier for people creating new threads, plus it works better as it regards the 'Latest Post' view/
He was scared shitless for his life at the moment... he clearly felt overwhelmed. Nothing to do with stupidity or anything like that. A waste of a chance? Sure, but he was in a very disadvantageous position at the time, and fighting against a very powerful Esper and it was simple reflect.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Also, we don't know if by simply grabbing his arm it would be all over right? Have we seen him grab someone and render that person powerless in the process? Let me know because I can't come up with any. I mean, would grabbing him prevent the guy from using his powers? Would grabbing him prevent him from kneeing him in the head? So as good as a move as you seem to think grabbing him would be, in the end it probably wouldn't have accomplished much and the result would've been the same... his powers revealed.
I can agree with the reflex idea, but if he was mentally prepared that too can be prevented, much like how a boxer is trained to not flinch at punches. If he was waiting for that chance from the beginning, he should be able to take advantage of the situation instead of being dictated by it.
It is true that we cannot be certain about the effects if he grabs onto a person, but more likely than not the esper should be unable to use his powers. It is probably similar to how he could not be teleported before.
Either way, grabbing the enemy and at least trying to attack is much better than revealing your powers with 0 gain. I doubt that Accelerator can manage to do anything proper to defend himself immediately, much less knee Touma in the face judging from his shocked and confused reaction after just being slapped on the hand.
Even if for some reason grabbing the enemy does not seal their powers, just knowing this fact is already enough reason to try it out. I would certainly prefer it to simply being chased around running for my life.
That's true about the teleporter thing... but maybe it happened that way because she was trying to teleport the whole body, so that might prevent the power from manifesting. So, it may not be representative, but a good example.
Still, he was on the floor and clearly scared. I think we can forgive him this once. I think his only plan was to land a solid knockout punch and that's about it. Also, even if grabbing the dude might have the desired effects, Touma probably doesn't know it.
Everybody makes mistakes I guess.
I just hope it doesn't become a pattern. I am waiting for Touma to kick Accelerator's ass without help next episode, as unlikely as it may seem.
Hey guys i just started watching this and i had one question, does the main character ever get any other ability besides the esper nullifier thingy ?
I think Touma never had the complete information regarding Accelerator's powers. My guess is he was expecting someone like the alchemist or like Mikoto, not someone that could throw anything due to his vector power.
And as Munsu said... he got scared noticing in what deep shit he had gotten. All for MISAKA and Mikoto.
See Kraco, who says that the En Fuego doesn't promote lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Anyways, so far he really hasn't gotten any... though as the series progresses who knows what he might be able to gain to help him throughout. I think the most important part right now is to see how he finds new ways to apply his powers, and I have a feeling that it isn't fully developed yet.
Does extreme bad luck count?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
His power even negates it.
Just one thing Archie, because it was commented before. The series is based on light novels, so a few people commented the series seemed to be not following a line, but it actually does... it follows Touma's 'vacations' from school... lol
Currently 3 novels have been animated (we are currently on the 3rd)
What amazes me is that even Mikoto can't do a thing against the accelerator.
Afterall, she's aliased railgun, as I've read in a thread before.
That alias should'nt be taken lightly. I guess you guys know what we talk about when naming a railgun...
We talk about a device able to launch pellets at speeds of several hundred miles per hour... giving those pellets an unprecedented penetration factor.
Or is it because she isn't railgun yet? I mean she doesn't know yet she can accelerate a piece of metal to incredible speeds?
Because I guess there's a limit to Accelerator's power to divert a vector.
In a railgun case, we talk about a mere 1 to 5 kg pellet able to pass through a tank as if it was butter and move it tens of meters from its initial position...
Or is it Touma who will give her hints and help her defeat him? He should'nt even need to touch him to weaken him...
Accelerator thinks himself as quick, but I do not see him quicker than a railgun bullet...
He clearly specified his power is at the surface of his skin,
I do not see a surface power being fast enough to divert a pellet launched by a powerful railgun...
She used the railgun in the first episode with a coin.
I didn't even remember.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
So she's not even confident to defeat Accelerator with this. Humm, Touma really needs to be clever this time.
Yeah, but she also hasn't fought him herself so who knows. The clones might not be able to use the railgun though.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
The bad thing about the railgun is of course that if it doesn't work, she will automatically die herself. Quite a bet, especially with the initial assumption the dude can reflect it.
Accelerator completely cancels out her power with his own. He said it to one of the MISAKA's before he killed her, he can change the vector of anything, even the flow of blood, just by touching it. He changes heat flows (fire), he changes electron flows (Mikoto's normal ability), bullet trajectories (MISAKAs previous modes of attack), and anything else.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Because her railgun is just a vectored projectile, he can turn it away just as easily. Accelerator also told MISAKA-10031 (The one before 10032 that Touma is trying to save) that his body is defaulted to a reflection mode. Subconsciously. Anything Mikoto magnetically accelerates at him would return to kill her, just as the sniper rifle rounds returned to destroy the gun of the first MISAKA we saw.
This is why MISAKA 10032 remarked there was no wind and was trying to suffocate Accelerator with fused ozone. Without any kind of wind, not only would the ozone stay in the area, Accelerator wouldn't notice or be able to do anything on a large scale (as he would with a gust of wind) about it.
It also doesn't matter if Mikoto defeats him, Mikoto explained this in quite the desperate tone. She's a Level 5 just the same, and unless he kills her easily instead of in the 128 encounters (125th would statistically kill her), the organization would determine she was strong enough to train him to Level 6. If Mikoto defeated him just by a little bit, they'd probably be delighted. Only by getting killed would it prove that the magnitude of a 100 number of samples are an efficient way of training Accelerator up.
Touma on the other hand, proves that Accelerator isn't anywhere close to as strong as they thought, and no matter if they have him kill 1 million MISAKAs, he would never get to Level 6.
If a MISAKA took him down, that might be similar though.
Touma's power is the reason he has a chance at all. As we saw with the little slap, Touma negates Accelerator's Auto-Reflect form of energy/momentum manipulation. This drove him into a manical rage (because I imagine Accelerator hasn't been touched in a decade). If Touma can get close, he can slug the shit out of Accelerator.
While Touma holding Accelerator might allow Mikoto or MISAKA-10032 to defeat him, it still wouldn't stop the research.
Ah...everyone beat me to it.
I thought the MISAKAs said they couldn't see the energy flow without the goggles, and as a result, can't really control the energies instinctually well enough to generate the railgun effect.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
I agree with all you said. Just quoted this fragment to clarify something.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Accelerator needs to kill either 20,000 MISAKAs or 128 Railguns... since they only have 1 Mikoto they cloned her. The part of that 125th would statistically kill her I think it was the predicted moves in battle the central computer came with, not that the 125th battle would kill her.
At least that its what I think. I mean... they already have Mikoto's DNA. If she could indeed survive until battle 125th, those madscientists would have made her fight, and then make Accelerator kill just about 200 more clones in place of the last 3 battles. I mean... they do rely a lot on the stadistics.
Well, I could be wrong, that was just how I took it. I'd have to rewatch the episode, but given how easily he kills MISAKAs, you are probably right. Still...if a MISAKA is equal to a 156th of a Mikoto, then it's possible she could survive a number of their encounters.
I imagine a lot of their battles would be back an forth things. She zaps at him, he reversed it, she railguns, he reverses it...until he throws a non-metallic at her and she fails to vaporize it.
Eh, you're probably correct.
I just really liked the way you Freudian slipped on spelling 'statistics.' One 't' away from 'sadistic,' which the scientists certainly are.