What store was that?Quote:
Originally Posted by Sandldan
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What store was that?Quote:
Originally Posted by Sandldan
It's just a small chain with maybe 4 stores in finland now, named "pelimies"
Dang it :/Quote:
Originally Posted by Sandldan
I have like 50+ ps2-games, it would be welcomed to get rid of 20 of them.
eb games lets you trade games for credit towards other things too
Even crap games?Quote:
Originally Posted by saman
yeah. they put values to games though, so if it's a crap game, you shouldn't expect it to be worth much. they had a thing going before smash bros brawl came out where you could trade three games worth $8 or more each and get smash bros for free. don't know if they're still doing it.
Last time I checked, it was like $5 for sports games. Even brand new ones.Quote:
Originally Posted by el_boss
A sexier PS3? http://gizmodo.com/351496/slim-ps3-i...es-this-autumn
Im still waiting for the PS3 cord with 2 exclusive games to choice it costs approximately 435 euro's
From magicbox: Sony announced a new wireless PS3 keypad add-on for the DualShock 3 and Sixaxis controller, which attaches to the top of the controller. The keypad will also include a touch mode for mouse input.
Looks good but I think most people would go for a real keyboard, which would cost much cheaper and easier to hook up...
I don't know if I should make a thread or just post here but anyways, all of you know that the update 2.60 will allow divx 3.11. But I found out an exciting bad ass program (maybe im late here or whatever). Ever since the update the mkv's and hdtv streaming from PS3 Media player and Tversity is 2x better. Lets say you want to watch Casshern Sins Episode 6.
Or my favorite Casshern Sins Episode 10
Instead of of converting and all that nonsense, how about we use Tversity and PS3 Media, somehow it streams and transcodes automatically. When I watched episode 10 on Media it was good but on Tversity tweaked up, it was way better. Not true HD quality on Tversity but barely any pixels and all that other bs. On the forums I found out I had to have a dual core to watch hd quality on my hdtv. I tested other movies like What Just Happened and Into The Wild from Mininova. Anyways I wanted to let you guys know, I probably found out too late. Trust me they are both good programs but Tversity was made for XBOX360 mainly.
http://forums.tversity.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=11288 - Installation help if you need it.
http://ps3mods.blogspot.com/2007/08/...ty-tweaks.html - Tweak, its pretty simple just follow the directions.
Basically you just install no other codecs needed other than java. But you must have a bad ass computer to run HD. MKV's are fine.
Just to let you know, you won't be dissapointed :). I like to watch my anime on my HD.
I did something better instead of searching hacks, installing them or whatever. I connected the computer to the TV :P
Guess I'll need to download yet another useless update if I want to keep logging to the PSN store...
I've never connected my PC to the TV once I set up the PS3 with Tversity. With all the added support with new firmware, it's become really convenient to download and watch anime on HD televisions.
Well... in my case my TV is my sole monitor. HDMI connection too.
I thought about doing the whole connecting my computer to my HDTV, but I would have to get a new computer :) and a cable. Other than that I think its convenient to use Tversity and PS3 Media. If I wanted a perfect quality, would it be better to use the connection from computer to tv? Or just wait for an update from PS3? Which would hopefully take 2 months.
Thats why im a little jealous of the 360 :(.
I have one problem with PS3 or my PC. after updating PS3 and my X-Fi drivers i get no sound via optical connection, its all set on in ps3 and in my pc. and i have no idea where problem lies. and before you ask - yes i tryied other cable. and PS3 dosen't output sound on TV too.
Wait a second, what are you trying to do? You didn't specify anything. Are you trying to hook up your pc to the tv or are you trying to use a media server?
I had my ps3 hooked up to my pc(via front panel of X-Fi sound card) using optical cable, and now for some weird reason i don't any sound of it, i tried all combination of optical cable modes in ps3, set up everything in my pc too, and still no sound
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 has been announced for PS3 in the new Famitsu.
- It will be an upgraded version of Ninja Gaiden 2 (not a direct port)
- Set to release in autumn 2009
- The magazine will be reporting new elements in coming issues
- Producer and director: Yosuke Hayashi (From Sigma)
- Development: Team Ninja
New features in the PS3 version:
- New weapon - spiked hammer "Genma"
- New giant boss battles not in the 360 version
- New playable character - female ninja Ayane
IGN Story
Looking forward to it since I didn't play the 360 version. There's also a new Gundam game coming for PS3 called Kidou Senki Gundam Senki.
The game will feature cooperative and network options, a brand new original story and scenario mode and more. The scenario mode will feature the exact same characters revealed in Gundam Ace as well as the RX-78-7. Of course, the game will feature HD animation with a hybrid of 3D models and 2D character animation.
I hope the gundam game turns out good.
Anyway, ng2 on ps3 is a real backstab loophole from Tecmo man, fuck. NG2 is published by MS and the name "Ninja Gaiden II" is owned by them, making it"Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2" is just such an idiot loophole, I bet MS is very fucking displeased with this.
If Tecmo at least brings the extra content to 360 aswell (which should be entirely possible) I'll get it, but I definitly won't buy ngs2 just to get to play with Ayane ( how awesome she might be ).
El oh el @ Itagaki. The biggest Xbox fanatic on earth is getting his game ported to PS3. It just makes me smile inside.