I hate Misa...She follows Kira blindly and doesnt know what she's doing.She's a complete retard for bringing up the eyes message. Models these days :p
Was an interesting episode though, but I hope we get to see an episodeas good as 11 real quick.
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I hate Misa...She follows Kira blindly and doesnt know what she's doing.She's a complete retard for bringing up the eyes message. Models these days :p
Was an interesting episode though, but I hope we get to see an episodeas good as 11 real quick.
Originally Posted by Carnage
I agree, long since I wrote anything here at GW, but there's been no reason for any "excitment" in visit these forums as Naruto is today, and the lack of shows like Full metal panic, Gundam etc etc..:confused:
UNTIL, I found this thread that opened up a new world for me, a world of "Death note's" and Shinigamis.. :D
This is the best show in many many months!:cool:
Oh, I just can't wait for the next episode to come, isn't it time for epi. 13 to be realeased?;)
I guess there's no episode this week..... again. :(
=( No Deathnote yet?
Well the next ep "Confession" is aired today, so the wait shouldn't be long
Live-evil dropped the series because it's been licensed by viz media. Here's the article:
ouch they are the ones i have been archiveing too =/
Toriyama World also dropped (Their translator apparently works for Viz...go figure). For now Animanda seems intent on continuing but I think they said they'd bow to a C&D.
I'm quite interested in how this online distribution thing will work. complich8 offered a theory that Viz might try to partner with Apple and use iTunes video to distribute the releases. Since i'm far to cheap to ever pay for non interactive entertainment I don't particularly care what medium is used but the idea is novel enough to counter some of the dismay that i'll have to wait for Animanda's subs now.
Yes so far I have only been dling and waiting for Animanda releases since I read the manga and Animanda take their time to release the best quality. I hope Animanda keeps continuing since they take their time to release it and really do a great job with it.
so, jszt to be sure:
No more Death Note-anime downloading?
*off to download raw for episode 13*
Guess I'm gonna go with the manga in the mean time..... not too much of spoiling anything as I've seen the second movie recently too.....
I think that this is a perfect chance for Proxy-Fansubs to step up and rescue the fans of Death Note that have been thrust into darkness...Please help someone! Must...find...a...fansub...for...Death Note...I guess I am with Psyke and gonna have to turn to the manga in the mean time. I hope someone picks up the series.
(And no, i am not a t/l and don't know of one for anime so keep looking P-F)
Find us a T/l and we will indeed!Quote:
Originally Posted by FrogKing
Whoa, whoa, whoa...I am not working for you guys. I would hope that you can land a t/l and all will be well in the world!Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
AonE not interrested in this series ? :D ;)
I hope Animanda continues, they have pretty good quality. Well, someone needs to do it.
Crap, I've only been following the TW subs. Guessing Animanda is the 2nd best?
Aw crap, didn't know it was dropped, surely some super sub group will come to the rescue. If not I guess I will hit up the manga for more greatness. Please someone pick up this great series. :(
Since Animanda will continue subbing DN, for anyone that wants to you can post a thanks to them here :
Animanda Thank You Thread
It also says they will respect other groups decision but they will be continuing DN on their IRC channel topic.
Their quality is the best. Im not sure if the translation is better than TW, but they're definatly good overall.Quote:
Originally Posted by Aeon