I won't even tell you the kind of homework I have to do because your brain would explode.
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I won't even tell you the kind of homework I have to do because your brain would explode.
that's why you should wait till 30 min. before the class to do it......
yeah but i've had tonight to do it thats it, how bout you?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
120 questions? That's not too bad. I have an exam review package with 300 calculus questions. Son, you ain't see nothing yet.
thank you very muchQuote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
I won't even tell you the kind of homework I have to do because your brain would explode.
thats what i usually do.......but now i cantQuote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
that's why you should wait till 30 min. before the class to do it......
lol...fuck you both.Quote:
Originally posted by: Zinobi
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
For a whole year my friend disagreed with me on my take on the guy, but now, the three of us are as close as possible without being gay...
Since there's a lot of bitching about school, I'll jump on the bandwagon. I start next semester in a couple of hours and yet, I've only registered for one class. I could just register online for most of the classes I need, but for one of the classes I have to do a special registration because of the way I met the prerequisites. It is now 5:25am and I have to get there at 9am to make sure I get one of the remaining seats. Sigh, since I'm stupid enough to wait so long to register, I guess I should be thankful that all the classes I need have open seats in sections that fit my schedule. But I'm also stupid enough not to be greatful and bitch about it here.
Damn, your school is actually awesome enough to have enough of the classes you need in a given semester (mine DOESN'T, maybe because I've run out of electives to take) so I don't know how the fuck I'm going to manage getting classes I need next semester that aren't even OFFERED.
The other dy I was looking for a parking spot, found one with an SUV pulling out, I sit there patiently with my blinker AND THEN SOME FUCKING WHORE COMES BARRELING OUT AND TURNS IN MY PARKING SPACE. I couldn't move because the car pulling out was coming in my direction and the car that took my spot came in the other way. I honked my horn and called her a fucking idiot bitch whore and she wouldn't even look at me.
Well my internet is working again, but now there's a bigger problem. MY XBOX MIGHT'VE OFFICIALLY DIED *dun..dun.....dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn..*
which really sucks, the crap just randomly happened yesterday when I was playing halo, I turn it off(completely off) and the game was still running. I turned it on 2 hrs. later and the stupid green light starts blinking green/red and a message comes up saying that I need to call customer service(so I emailed them) and the people tell me to call customer service as well.
I think I might get it to work long enough for me to get all my stuff on memory card, but that will probably be the last time I'll be ever to play with that xbox again....god one bad thing right to a mother fucking other
Well, if it gets to the point where you need to add more classes solely to maintain student status, then you can do what I did my last year: Choose extra courses, then drop them after the first drop date. If it's like my university, then it'll still count you as a student without hurting your GPA.Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Damn, your school is actually awesome enough to have enough of the classes you need in a given semester (mine DOESN'T, maybe because I've run out of electives to take) so I don't know how the fuck I'm going to manage getting classes I need next semester that aren't even OFFERED.
That's a strategy I reserved for when I needed less than 24 credits for my last year, so I spaced it out to like, 11 and 6 credits for each semester....I think. But, another strategy is to register for more classes than your anticipated load, with the expectation of dropping one or two classes. This way you can put a few on a "test run" and see if you like the teacher or the class, and then narrow down which ones you want to stick with for the semester.
I highly recommend it.
and who says women can't drive?Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
The other dy I was looking for a parking spot, found one with an SUV pulling out, I sit there patiently with my blinker AND THEN SOME FUCKING WHORE COMES BARRELING OUT AND TURNS IN MY PARKING SPACE. I couldn't move because the car pulling out was coming in my direction and the car that took my spot came in the other way. I honked my horn and called her a fucking idiot bitch whore and she wouldn't even look at me.
hehe, seriously though, that shit pisses me off too. Lots of people just drive like they're the only actual person on the road, like their agenda and shit is more important than anyone else's. I am a very polite and calm driver, and I accept that alot of assholes are on the road, so it really doesn't get to me.
What does get to me are people who don't know what they're doing and slow down for no reason in the middle of a road. Or the people who get distracted at the front of a stoplight and then don't move for like 5 seconds when it turns green. THAT pisses me off!
That's my dad right there. Don't know what the hell he sees when he looks up at the traffic light.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Or the people who get distracted at the front of a stoplight and then don't move for like 5 seconds when it turns green. THAT pisses me off!
Probably the same thing my mom sees, or I should say, doesn't see. God I hate that. I also hate the people who stop 30 ft behind the guy in front of them at a light. Seriously, why? On smaller roads and left lanes, that blocks people out. I fucking hate that almost more than people who go 30 in a 55 zone.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That's my dad right there. Don't know what the hell he sees when he looks up at the traffic light.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Or the people who get distracted at the front of a stoplight and then don't move for like 5 seconds when it turns green. THAT pisses me off!
I'm the same way. What pisses me off about driving is when someone tries WAY too hard to seem like a badass driver. They like to think they're fucking Jason Statham in "The Transporter", and they're not. Jesus, stop going 90 miles an hour out of your driveway, it doesn't make you look cool.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
I am a very polite and calm driver, and I accept that alot of assholes are on the road, so it really doesn't get to me.
I guess people like that fall under the "Attention whore" category.
Even worse is the people who drive like they're the only ones on the road. There are a lot of students in my area, so we have quite a bit of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Three times in the past week I've nearly gotten hit by a car because some jerk guns the gas on a right turn, not checking to see if there's anyone crossing the street. Or there's the people that see you walking, but they see that you're watching them and expect you to wait for them to drive through before you cross. Someone even had the audacity to honk their horn at me earlier last semester when I started walking across at the same time that they started turning, even though it was clear that I had the right of way.
this is fucking gay, my grades suck for this semester... looks like i'm going to have to really try next semester...
japanese lvl 2: A
PE basketball: A
adv geometry: C
AP world history: C
adv english 10: D ( T_T sad...)
chemistry: C
i know this is the bitching thread but now i get to laugh at you.
i have straight As-A+!
I'll just have to "grammar police" your ass every time you make a shitty post.Quote:
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
adv english 10: D ( T_T sad...)
It's for your own good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Hey at least they honk and don't try to purposely run over you. The town next to my school is full of shitheads that try to hit you and think its funny.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Even worse is the people who drive like they're the only ones on the road. There are a lot of students in my area, so we have quite a bit of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Three times in the past week I've nearly gotten hit by a car because some jerk guns the gas on a right turn, not checking to see if there's anyone crossing the street. Or there's the people that see you walking, but they see that you're watching them and expect you to wait for them to drive through before you cross. Someone even had the audacity to honk their horn at me earlier last semester when I started walking across at the same time that they started turning, even though it was clear that I had the right of way.
Lolz everyone. For me, I dont have to try at school. 8th grade is easy as shit. Highschool is going to be a bitch though. *Sigh* OOooooooh wellll.
I've hit two cars like that while biking. Happened years ago when I was in grade 7...twice in one week. There's a big white line behind stop signs for a reason. Those drivers apparently forgot that and turned without ever stopping. First time I rammed a car nothing happened, but the second time was a lot more serious and I totalled my bike. I ended up with a massive bruise on my knee. How hard is it to stop behind a stop sign?Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Even worse is the people who drive like they're the only ones on the road. There are a lot of students in my area, so we have quite a bit of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Three times in the past week I've nearly gotten hit by a car because some jerk guns the gas on a right turn, not checking to see if there's anyone crossing the street. Or there's the people that see you walking, but they see that you're watching them and expect you to wait for them to drive through before you cross. Someone even had the audacity to honk their horn at me earlier last semester when I started walking across at the same time that they started turning, even though it was clear that I had the right of way.
HAHAHAHAHA! Having to try at High School.... good one.Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
Lolz everyone. For me, I dont have to try at school. 8th grade is easy as shit. Highschool is going to be a bitch though. *Sigh* OOooooooh wellll.
lol it's not because of the grammar, it's because of the freaking reading assignments and freaking essays, out of this whole semester we've had about 12 essays and 5 books we had to read. *sigh*Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I'll just have to "grammar police" your ass every time you make a shitty post.Quote:
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
adv english 10: D ( T_T sad...)
It's for your own good [img][/img]