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I was talking about the street fighter text but it looks fine now without it. Before it just didn't blend because it was hidden (thought it would look good with the text above the bandana. The way it is now looks good though. I prefer the current one as it is anime related, and the other one looks to be just an abstract render, but I could be wrong and I'm not seeing what I am supposed to, I did think PSJ'S blnded gundum was brushing, so.....
This is what I was trying to say for you to do....I also added diagonal scanlines, hope you don't mind me messin with it.
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Thats perfect. I never picked up scanlines and I don't have any cool text. We could make some sick collab stuff fooman. Put your name on that shit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Tell me if you wanna do a collab.
edit: and could you find a better text to use for the kage? I'll send you the PSD. PM me your email.
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Nice sigs everyone. Foo... I especially like that Kakashi one. Good job on the Street Fighter one Kage (and nice revision by Foo as well). One thing that kinda bugs me though is how the "Street Fighter" text (on Foo's) is transparent so much on the brushing. But, it still looks good.
Anyways... been gone for a couple days... decided to try a couple more.
A Kenpachi one I threw together real quick.
Another Ichigo one that I also threw together real quick.
I feel the yellow may not match right on the Kenpachi sig... and there may be too much orange in the Ichigo one.
Criticizism is welcome. I'm starting to run out of ideas and need some tips!
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@Al: Your Bleach sig is ownage man. Very sexy!
Changed up the Lee sig. Kage, the render was the best I could do for Lee =/. If ya got anythin better (I know you do, you got alot of sick renders [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] ), then hit me up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
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The lee sig is much much better.
Alhuin. That's some cool shit you got there, a fan of diagonal scanlines?
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Haha... yeah, I guess you could say so. I tried some horizontal/vertical on a few sigs... but they jsut don't fit right. Diagonal always seems to
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I love horisontal scanlines. Works in most parts if you put them to soft light.
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I'll give 'em a try sometime again. I'll play around with the opacity and whatnot. I don't really have an idea for a sig right now though... need to find a good picture to use...
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Okay here I go again("oh not that guy again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] )!
The texts really crap(and proerbly the whole sig in your eyes)..but it's late and I dont have strenght to find any better!
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The stroke on the "Naruto" text is too thick imo. Try moving it from 3px to 1px. And the colours don't really fit well together. Also... the render seems little blurry. You should also add a border.
That's a typical naruto pose... hehe... only he doesn't seem to be smiling. Could just be me though.
Good job Ki-Boy. Keep practicing...
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NM: Looks better now.
Al: Sick Ichigo sig.
Ki_boy: keep it going. Mess more with PS [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
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@Al: your stuff just keeps getting better, good job. Also I thinl red would look sexy with kenpachi. Also if you did added a few things to those two they could be very sexy but as they are now nice job, I'll get with you later.
@Ki-boy: not to be a jerk or anything, but are you color blind? I think if you cosidered the coloring of your sigs they would look much better. To often the colors you use contrast way too much and are way too bright. But you have to start somewhere so keep it up and you will slowly improve like most of us here have I'm sure.
@Kage: Glad you like the changes a colaboration would be fine, and interesting as well. I think text is one of my weak points so it's interesting to here you say you like my use of text. Backgrounds arn't my expertise either but you always seem to have some nice looking one's.
@Uzumaki Naruto: Like your current sig but it needs something, unfortunately I cant think of what, maybe some more brushing with the darker orange. Looks good though keep up the the good work.
Hope nobody minds me commenting, I don't like to pretend I know all that much about photoshop or anything, just trying to be constructive. And since im an insomniac here is something sexy....
here is a red version...which do you guys prefer?
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Cool sig Fooman. That render is Interesting. Dont think blue works with it tho. Maybe a goldish-sandish color to match the arm of his.
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Ok thanks for OK comments i gues^^
@Foo- Acctualy I am colourblind so you cant blame me! LOL ^^
But stil I managed to get an A in Art in school and that was only using colours so I can et it's just harder on computers!
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red one looks more evil [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
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Fooman.....fuking ownage disgustingly nasty awesome shat lol. That sig rapes everyone here's mother eight times over.
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How's this Foo?
I didn't know if you meant a dark red or a light red... so I just went with what looked good to me.
EDIT: btw.. I like the blue one better than the red one Foo. It just makes the render stick out more I think.
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@Foo: The red one is very badass man. Keep it up, I love your sigs dude! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
@Al: It looks good to me! Keep up the good work!