This is my new sig, not quite done. I'll fix it later. After I've played some more ^^
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This is my new sig, not quite done. I'll fix it later. After I've played some more ^^
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
yea that sig is the one you use now. there is a "eeuuuhhhmmm"because i don't now where the sig stand's for.Quote:
Originally posted by: Alhuin
The "eeuuuhhhmmm"?...hehe...
If you're refering to the sig I'm using right now... I use it 'cause it's different... it was a qucik make... and it's a good sig for the moment.
But if that's not what the "eeuuuhhhmmm" is, could you verify?
All I did was throw in the "Heaven seal" that Sasuke has... and just put my name in it. The background is a few brush strokes... and, of course, the bar. As I said, it was a quick make... and I really don't mean it to stand for anything. Is it too misleading to have done that?
Great sigs everybody. Finally whipped up a new sig
A Destiny sig.
so what do you think?
thats wicked, really like it
nooo but if i see the badass ichigo sig then i ask myself why using the simple sig. that's all.Quote:
Originally posted by: Alhuin
All I did was throw in the "Heaven seal" that Sasuke has... and just put my name in it. The background is a few brush strokes... and, of course, the bar. As I said, it was a quick make... and I really don't mean it to stand for anything. Is it too misleading to have done that?
Nice work PSJ. Think it would look better if you've copied the all the layers, gaussian blur and soft/hard light. And maybe the font. But it's still kickass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Hmm i could try that as i still got the PSD.
looks nice PSJ, a little empty on the right side but the brushing and the render look nice, good job. Some diagonal scan lines would probably look nice on it as well. Here is something I put together real quick.
Good to see you make new stuff, PSJ. Ain't my favorite gundam but I really like the colors.
Foomanchew, you've been making good stuff recently. I particularly enjoy your Kimimaro work. Keep it up.
There is a pic of the gundam in the background on the right that's why i didn't put more stuff there. The pic in the background shows quite well right?
PSJ- I love that sig, its great. I have an idea but what exactly did you do to get that effect?
Fooman- you do the most original stuff I love it. I wish I had that kind of creative mind. I'm a copycat not an innovator [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Effect? You mean the gundam in the background? I just made the pic black and white and then i put it behind the brushes. Nothing fancy but it worked out nice.
Made a new Lee sig. Which one do you think looks better? I think its the first one (Only thing that changed was Lee's hand and a bit of his position).
@Uzumaki Naruto: Sick Naruto sig man!
@PSJ: Looks great! Love the effect you did on it!
@PSJ: Did not recognize the gundum in the background, for some reason it looked like abstract brushing, man I'm blind. Disregard my insensitive remarks, I feel stupid now. Good job PSJ.
@Kage: Thanks for the nice comments Kage. I try to copy others styles as well (Like a50's), I just like to try new techniques as I learn them or new brushes. I don't know about anyone else but downloading brushes and downloading stuff in general is very addictive. Also Kage your always asking about brushes so I thought you might like the ones that this deviant makes, I used his on my sig I just made, he has some nice brushes chek em' out.
thanks fooman I've seen his stuff before he is crazy good at making brushes.
NM- that render on the left is nasty, replace it and you got a hella good sig.
Edit: Ryu sig, what'ya think?
Something like this. Just copied and drew a bit, Used the big head and the big hand [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Also tnx for comment
Kage: you should maybe change the font and maybe smooth the bg. Cool sig
Fooman: cool sig too
Thanks for the great comments guys. I guess i'll try to whip up something new soon.
Good stuff Kage, BG looks a bit rough other than that its very nice.
The Rock Lee sig is all to bright to begin with. Make it a little darker.
Thanks guys, I guess the blending on chibi Lee didn't work out too well. Thanks for the help on that Uzumaki Naruto, I'll replace what I have with what you have and see what I can do with chibi Lee and tone down the brightness of the sig.
@Kage: Freakin awesome Ryu sig man. Keep it up.
Kage: the text is hidden somewhat, perhaps if you had it flowing along the side of ryu's bandana.
NarutoMaster: I have to agree with others in that the sig is way to light colored, try using a darker green, maybe add some different brushing.
Terra: Thanks for the nice comments, I really like your current sig, and the ones you made to match it.
When are we going to have another sig contest? Beginning of August would be good, since everyone seems to have alot more free time on thier hands with school out.
Ah not august, im moving to florida and school starts AUGUST 8th -.-' but yea we get out may 25 so its the same amount. I say a sig comp within the next couple of weeks. We should make a new topic about it so we attract the attention of someone who will host it. Doesn't LCD have a site [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Anyway I'll go try to fix up that ryu sig. When you guys talk about the "text" which one do you mean, theres three. And thanks for the nice comments guys.
NM- I like how you had the chibi lee, I think the Lee on the left wasn't a good enough render. Lee doesn't have many good renders out there but keep searching. Was he on a manga cover? I agree with the bg being too light I also think it's a bit repetetive but only a little. I suggest making those white fractal brushing into black brushing.
Edit: better?
and what do you think is better, my current or this