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Yet another one from me. Another Bleach one.
I'm not too happy with this one... feel there's too much orange. Seems my previous one was better. But... oh well... I really liked the render. And, chances are, I'll redo this sig in the future...
Hope this one's better...
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@Alhuin - I like that one, it's pretty good. Your blue one is cool, too.
@Kage - Your second version of the Sonic sig turned out very well. Nice work!
@Itachi_y2k5 - Love the new sig!
Here's my 3rd Gaara sig for the forums.
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Very nice gls. I like it. The colouring seems a bit too bright for the brushing though.
Btw... you say this is your thrid... do you have a link to your prvious ones? I'd like to see them as well...
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Originally posted by: Alhuin
Very nice gls... I like it. Btw... you say this is yoru third... do you have a link to your first two? I'd like to see them...
The History of Gaara Sigs, by me, gaaralovessand...
1/06/05 -
2/26/05 -
7/07/05 -
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Good job gls but the color balance doesnt match the render colors. Everything else is pretty much perfect.
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the last is obviously the best out of the three, and I guess that stuff is suppose to be sand. Its good though.
heres my new sig(more or less my new one I'll be using here), sorry Kagemane but I didnt listen to your advice about making it like yours [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Edit: I just noticed something, theres no border; guess I have to make one of those eventually
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lmao I love it Al! The render looks a little out of place but everything else is great.
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nice siggies gls, gaara is always badass.....isnt it your b-day today?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
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the kon one works much better than your previous ones alhuin....i think its because of your color scheme for it
one thing that kind of bugs me that tends to recurr in your recent stuff is the large amounts of empty space. Filling it with text and decals help, but don't be afraid to pull out the crop tool and trim it down as small as you can while retaining all the important stuff. If you crop the bottom half of that kon sig, it'll be perfect.
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Thanks for the comments guys. I can't do much about the render since both of them (only 2 were colored from the chapter) weren't Paint Pixel colored. Hopefully someone will color it that way, and I'll replace the render. I'll also make it less tech-ified to. Assertn, you think if I add in grid-lines, it'll help the background a bit? You were kinda right about some of the tech there, I'm thinkin about keeping just the tech that shows information on Sakura.
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for kage (and ne 1 else who would like to see the progress):
dont mind the lower torso though, its a place holder [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
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Is this better Assert? I'm really not that good at cropping and combining things into a samll area... hence why my sigs are usually pretty big. But, I took your advice on this one... and hope it looks good.
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That looks really good, I like it alot.
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I kinda forgot about you guys D: anyway heres a Magna carta wallpaper I whipped up.
V for non members
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not your best usually make things flow nicer this one looks like you just slapped a render and added some brushing.
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New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
post your damn brushes 50 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
shadow sig
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your really into sonic arent you kage [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]