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Gundam! That's sick ds. Keep posting them when you finish new parts.
Just a quick one. I really didn't know a good colour to use...
Nice one alhuin, i normally use orange for ichigo but thats just me
sig inspired by anime050
Damn you guys are both getting much better. Great color choice Al I love how the blue light on his sword is the brushing color. I'm not so sure about the outer glow though.
Itachi I think your colors are too saturated. But it's still one of your best.
@Alhuin and Itachi: Kickass sigs you guys! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
EDIT: Cant believe I forgot about the almighty a50 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]. Awesome sig man.
Oh how I love Ashitaka, he was cool in that movie; Good work Itachi.
and Spawn is always cool.
itachi, try pulling up a levels layer up top of your bg layers.Quote:
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
Nice one alhuin, i normally use orange for ichigo but thats just me
sig inspired by anime050
take the white arrow and pull it inward a little, and the black one inward too.
That should make it look sexier.
Really nice work.
I think it would look better, if the render wasn't covered with brushing. The text could use a little bit of work too.Quote:
It also looks like you mixed abstract brushes with grunge ones.
I personally think that using the same brush set gives the sig a certain 'theme'.
Other than that it looks really good, nice choice of colors.
EDIT: New sig.
looking good guys. a50, your style lives on. xD
Here's something I made with someone else. I think it rocks.
Not sure if the blue is an appropriate color, may look better with a different color to match the render, otherwise looks real nice littlecooldude.
Here's my new forum sig....
thanks guys ^^ i'll try to edit it a bit i cant really change the background its all one layer :S but i'll try
thanks, your model is coming along pretty nicely as well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: darkshadow
excellent sig man, could you post that render of angel spawn, cause th e1 i have is exltremly low res
nice model man, you really got some skills
ive been working on this lately:
pic 1
pic 2
i just started on the torso so it looks like shit ( using max 5 btw )
you might want to look into getting 3ds 7, it has lots of nice additions, including some awesome modifications to the already-awesome editable poly tool. I'm not sure if version 5 even had the editable poly or not, but basically, its a superior version of editable pretty much every way
@Kage: Nice Sonic sig! Good to see some sigs of him [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
@a50: Awesome Sasuke sig dude. Looks great.
@LCD: Very cool. I love the brushing you did on both sides, looks awesome!
@Fooman: Good stuff man! Keep em coming!
Made a new wallpaper [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. Since the anime is still not up to where the manga is, I'm linking this wallpaper of Sakura. Please consider it as a spoiler. I tried to make it tech like, tell me what you think.
GODLY AWESOME SIG a50. Probly my fav from you. I'll post the fixed sonic sig in a bit.
fooman I think the brushing is good, but I just don't like that render. It looks weird to me idk I could just be crazy.
Same for you NM everything is perfect except for the render.
for some reason I love this sig
Man... everyone's gettin good all of a sudden. If I weren't so busy trying to move out of my house I'd probably crack open the PS myself.
NM, I'm not too fond of the font that you used on the left.
Try changing it up a bit.
It's also a little over teched =[.
damn you a50 what do you think of the improved sonic sig?
and could you post some of your brushes? like the ones you used in that sasuke sig.
NM, i think the tech contrasts too much with the background. Normally those stylistic brushes are just to fill in empty space with subtle details. Also, you might want to avoid using the same tech brush in different parts of an image (unless its a brush that tiles well). Other than that, pretty much the same as what kagemane said, avoid blurry foregrounds with crisp backgrounds.
Yeah Sou, i know what you mean. I'd have to say my current favorite is terra's new sig though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]