There are gamblers and then there are fraud victims. You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them; know when to walk away, know when to run.
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There are gamblers and then there are fraud victims. You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them; know when to walk away, know when to run.
I've been sick since Tuesday. For the first couple days, I didn't have any food, cause I was out of groceries, and didn't feel well enough to make the 20 minute walk through the perpetual rain to the store. Friday I was feeling better, but had completely lost my voice. Went to school, got some food, things were looking up. Today, I feel utterly terrible, still have no voice. What the heck immune system? You don't like it when I give you food?
Although, watching Chaos;Head while all drugged up on cold meds is oddly appropriate.
Haha. Some series certainly would be better watched with a lowered state of consciousness.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
I hope you get better soon. Being sick is no fun.
I was sick last week, too KitKat. I now have an arsenal of about 4 different kinds of decongestants/throat medicine as well as 2 types of Theraflu (one for night and one for day).
Also people kept telling me that tea was great when you're sick, and I didn't believe them until I actually had some. This tea with honey mixed in gave me the best night's sleep I'd had in a while, and I woke up not sick anymore.
Hope you feel better.
It's fall so the weather outside is beautiful in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately that's perfect weather for the bugs too. I've got six bug bites on my arms and neck, big old pink welts that will slowly collapse into little nodes. Now I have to wear Off! throughout the day.
It's spring here, which would be hell for those unfortunate sufferers of hayfever (not myself :D). Jacarandas bloom beautifully here.
(maybe this doesn't belong to the bitching thread....)
Tonight is the third allnighter I'm having to pull in the last 2 weeks to keep up with homework. How the fuck do our teachers expect us to learn anything if all we want to do is sleep?
Actually it's weird because it's fall here but hayfever is in full effect and people are suffering from allergies. I can't wait until Dec when it starts raining to wash away this crap.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Well, I patched myself up after another fortnight or so, then had a bottle of beer after work. It was a different brand, and tasted noticibly weaker than the other brand I bought last time. I tried 2.1 standards this time, compared to 1.8 last time.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Result: I felt a little itchy the morning after, like the type you get from dry skin, which I thought I probably had. No rash though. No redness whatsoever. Logic dictates that since I had more ethanol this time, my rash should be either equal ore more severe than last if I was truly allergic to alcohol.
That, I'm glad to say, doesn't seem to be the case. Whatever it was, it's not alcohol that's ticking me off. Guess that means I'll have to drink selectively (preservative?), but drink I can :)
Maybe its to the hops, or yeast.
Do you absolutely have to make the homework? I really wouldn't do it otherwise, unless i completely sucked at the subject or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr Squiggles
I can understand if it's the yeast, since they might use something different, but I'd imagine an allergy to hops would be all round. Since I reacted to one but not the other, yet they were both beers, it doesn't seem likely. I can't really be bothered finding out what it is though. I'll just wait till it bothers me again.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr Squiggles
Unfortunately, yes i do. All that stuff has to be handed in :/Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
I just turned in an assignment 1 minute late. It was like something out of a movie.
"SUBMIT, SUBMIT DAMMIT. PLEASE let me make it on time!"
*clicks submit*
*Assignment submitted at 12:00 October 24"
Granted, it was due on the 22nd, but now it shows I'm 2 days late, and the TAs usually allow for 1 day lateness. On the other hand, I didn't submit it on time because I finally saw WALL-E, a movie I tried all Summer to watch but never had the chance. You reap what you sow, I guess...
Ah, reminds me of a similar experience. Except mine went like this:
"Okay...all done....clicks save"
"Just a little longer...."
Browse->My Documents->Assignment.doc
<Upload successful. Do you want to submit? Yes/No>
SUBMIT! HAHA, win! :D*
<Red Text: Please enter file description and assignment title>
Browse->My Documents->Assignment.doc
<Upload successful. Do you want to submit? Yes/No>
<enters assignment description and title in description box>
<Submission successful. Please check your student email for an electronic receipt.>
<Assignment received: 12:01>
Originally Posted by KitKat
I know that feeling. The medicine I've been taking was used to stop my immune system because it was ripping off my intestines... after the medicine stopped it, I started getting better. Now Im taking medicine to start the immune system again.
Xan & Buff:
LOL... I didn't have a 'minute' experience... but a similar situation for a team I was off was like this:
<Final Project of Design and Quality of Software>
- Make an Organizer Software for a PDA -
- Project took 4 months to be developed -
- Project due to 10:00am of X day -
- Team gathers at 9:00 am outside teacher's office, ready to burn the cd and hand the project -
- Project was copied into two laptops the day prior -
- 1st laptop owner did not arrive, because he overslept -
- 2nd laptop's Windows crashed and wouldn't boot, not even on safe mode -
US: Teacher... see our laptop T___T
Teacher: .... okay... you have an extra hour to find your classmate who has the other copy...
US: We didn't find him... so... here's the project at 75%... our most recent copy on the other laptops...
Teacher: .... okay... I'll grade based on that....
We got 80 points out of 100 at the end because teacher was flexible...thank god... damn project was worth 50% of the final grade.
Of course the guy who overslept got kicked several times when he appeared.
that sucks....
I really dont like relying on other people when it comes to grades i need. was there not a way to have backed up the project onto flash?
unrelated field of study.... i'm taking this sociology class because i need 3 core classes to complete my associates degree ( lame i know )
so, come to find out that sociology is basically a joke. the whole thing is objective and we're doing these 'discussion boards' in groups where you basically answer a question or 2 in a forum layout and then you have to respond to somebody and then you have to respond to the person who responded to you and make any changes.
and of course i'm way too involved playing WoW to do all the reading but scoring 60/100 on a test after reading only 1.5 / 3 chapters is pretty good to me, even though alot of the wrong answers are completely objective and there is no real answer, just one the teacher chose to be the best answer i guess
Was it in the balls? I'm totally against ball-stomping, but this is probably one of the rare cases where you deserve it :)Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Maybe he had a good excuse. But it'd have to be very good.
I had Pharmacy: Sociology and Pharmacy Practice last semester, and yeah, it was as much a joke as yours. Very relevant, yes, but you'd only need to attend if you completely lack common sense, in which case I'd be very worried that you're studying pharmacy. You can bludge the entire semester, and study 2hrs the night before the exam by reading the 1st 2 required readings, and skimming the rest, since they're just repeating the same thing.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
Edit: only for sociology though. The other exams are hell.
I lost my wallet.
I hope you didn't have lots of hard to replace stuff in it.
I was quite amused earlier this year when I read from local news that some granny got her purse stolen and lost bloody 1300 euros. Who the heck walks the streets carrying that much cash...