Originally Posted by python862
My bitch starts and ends at work.
You probably don't know this (because I forgot to tell everyone - as if you cared anyway), but I've recently been employed by Kmart. I've been training on the register for the past week or so, and have been on my own for another few days. I've had a relatively easy time of it so far. Well, until today.
This story starts with a co-worker of mine asking me if I minded working for him Saturday (today) from 5-10. Being the nice guy I am, I accepted, and we made the necessary arrangements with the supervisors. So today comes along, and while I'm not completely enthused by losing a quarter of my Saturday, I'm still relatively okay with everything. I walk in, meet with the supervisors, who again clear everything, and I clock in. I swear, as soon as I turned on my register's light, people just frickin' FLOCKED to me like flies on shit. No lie.
At this point, my attitude's kind of spiraling down, but I still try to keep my spirits up and hope dearly that the day ends swiftly, and that after this round of customers, I could relax for a bit.
Clearly, I was wrong as all hell.
Okay, so I've covered my part of the bitch, but that still leaves the guy who asked me in and the girl who's working as the only other cashier tonight.
I'll start with the guy I switched with; I come in, and he's in the store, because he didn't expect me to show. That's the first dick move. After I get settled with the first round of customers, he comes up to me and asks if I worked tomorrow. Conversation went as follows:
"Hey, you working tomorrow?"
"No, I don't think so... why?
"...Think you'd like to come in tomorrow?"
Son of a bitch. Second dick move.
Needless to say, I decline and get back to work, because there's another fifteen customers coming my way.
Now for the really shitty part: the other cashier? Wasn't doing SHIT. Whenever I actually saw her running her register, she was taking one or two customers, while I was left to deal with the other thirteen. Worst of all were the times she WASN'T there (most of the time), when I still had to deal with the incessant lines. At about 7:30, when my shift is half-over, I finally catch up to the wretched line and happily jump at my supervisor's advice to take my 15-minute break. When that's over, I'm back at my register, and everything is still calm.
Wait another three minutes, and there's the line again, with no help from the other cashier.
And all of that isn't even taking the irrational customers into account.
For instance, there was this one lady who had at least fifteen plants in her cart, and when she gave them to me so that I could scan them, she just left them there on my counter, allowing me no room to move or put anything. Finally, one of the other people in her party gain enough sense to move the damn things out of my way.
Then there was a man and his wife, buying crap that they thought were on sale (I think they probably were, too), but the deal wasn't showing up on my register. So the guy goes ballistic and pretty much tells me where to stick it. But he has more items that he needs checked out, so I move on to the next item on the list. Mistake on my part because I was already frazzled and ready to snap: I forgot to void the rest of the crap out. So the guy pretty much explodes when I tell him the new total, so I walk away and ask the supervisor how to void all. She tells me, I void, and I find only the wife at the counter, because the man had gone to check prices. More likely is that he decided to go smoke some weed, because when he got back, he was much much calmer than before. I ring all the items again and get them out of my line, apologizing the whole way through.
So, after almost four hours of this, my supervisor finally calls the chick over to do something and allows me to do some returns. I finish the first cart-full of returns, and when I get back to the front of the store, there's only three or four customers in her line. That was a bitch to see. Here I am, trying to do fifteen things at once, and then she comes and finally does something, and she has it all easy! After I get almost done with the second cart of returns, I get called back to my register, and it starts all over again. Fifteen minutes of line passes and I get back to my returns, and after I'm done with them, I am told to go bring the carts back from outside, where all the stupid douches leave them. I do this, and by the time I'm done, it's time to close. I couldn't have been more relieved as I closed out the register.
And for all the bitching I did, I do have to say that I felt rather satisfied to find the huge stack of bills in the register (even though I know I'm only making about 1/20 of that back in my paycheck).
What a fucking adventure. I'm not closing for someone else ever again. Period.