that was awsome, waited so long for that chapter .. was worth it
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that was awsome, waited so long for that chapter .. was worth it
Yeah, his smoke techniques are really cool, and go with him well.
Only wish that the art was as good as the story line.
At first I didn't like this arc at all, but it's getting better as it goes by, but it would still be the worst arc so far, that's because I liked the other arcs alot.
i kinda like this arc more than greed island, greed island was more perky and uh.. cheesy... hisoka was rendered into such a side character [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
this arc is very dark and disturbing, at first i thought the whole alien ant think was stupid but the way they made them more human after is making it worthwhile, and we finally get to see some real powerful ppl fight
Well, I really liked the arcs before Green Island, especially the Hunter Exam, where Hisoka shined, as he would be my favourite character.
Also, I liked Green Island, this arc I think is just meh, it's ok but not great. The king is stupid, only some characters make it good.
I just can't wait till this arc is over, I think HxH will pick up again.
i wanna see if the chief could actually beat the king [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] maybe he will die a cool way and hisoka or killua's dad or grandad or gons dad will show up (isnt he supposed to be interested in other creatures?)
255 is out, mangatraders has it.
nothing much happened here, but we get to see Killua again, which is good since it means we are ready for the story to progress and get some Gon + Killua kickass action in the near future
This alien ant thing is so 'cell'-ish. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
good to see killua back in action, i honestly forgot that octopus saved him etc. i was thinking they would have put more of the other chars or the chief training [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
256 is out...
Don't have a link with me atm...
godamn it finally a new chapter, dloading now
anyone think marou could win against that right hand girl?
shes too strong , shes like hisoka lol
I think he could, but I doubt I would...
Anyways, the bad news keep coming...
Hunter X Hunter on Hiatus (2005-11-16 17:13:28)
Following the recent announcement that D.Gray-man would be temporarilly halted due to the manga-ka being ill, Shonen Jump has announced that Yoshihiro Togashi is also ill, therefore Hunter X Hunter will be on hiatus until next year's issue #8, to be released on January 23. Source: Manga News [ discuss ]
I just read chap 253-256 and this happens[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
finally, 257 is out!
I reapet, 257 is out!
out! out! out!
257! 257 !257!
as for the plot itself, all the wine to the king, i guess he really feels stupid now...
I think that's only what we are being led to believe, but seeing his psycho face in the last page, I think he's going to get even more psychotic.
Well, he sucks at that game, that's for sure.
The raw for 258 is also out. Meruems madness continues.
Decent chap but come on lets stop this,they have said 100 chaps in a row that next chapter Gon and co will attack the king. Im sure we will see it next year.....