I have the outro, came out a whiel ago, but I'm still looking for the intro.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Has anybody been able to track down the ending song? It's the only op/ed that I currently like and don't have [img][/img].
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I have the outro, came out a whiel ago, but I'm still looking for the intro.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Has anybody been able to track down the ending song? It's the only op/ed that I currently like and don't have [img][/img].
Hybrid Be
you can get the intro AND outro here. the OP is Unlimited by Aikawa Nanase and the ED is Fuhen by Rin', just in case u don't know which one to dl.
wow i just watched it. the next couple of episodes will be awesome!! how come only pretty men get groupies? but then he was pretty cool at the end of 11. YAH!!!
Hmm... been a while since I got a new Aikawa Nanase song... didn't know she did the intro. But anyways thanx for the link, got some new tunes for my mp3 player.
Thank You Eurasian[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img], you've just become my favorite girl on the forums. Hmmm I think you're the only girl on the site :/. Goes off to listen to Fuhen.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
Hybrid Be
you can get the intro AND outro here. the OP is Unlimited by Aikawa Nanase and the ED is Fuhen by Rin', just in case u don't know which one to dl.
wow i just watched it. the next couple of episodes will be awesome!! how come only pretty men get groupies? but then he was pretty cool at the end of 11. YAH!!!
Fuhens not that great [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] *sorry*
Fuhen uses great instruments. i love the beginning.
Aeon, there are other girls. but i'm glad i'm ur favo. it feels good to be liked!!! and ur very very welcome.
Fuhen isn't all that. I like Unlimited more
(On something completely random: just noticed that my space bar is so worn out that it's shiny.)
yes that is really random. well, my keyboard is stained w/ food cuz i eat at the computer all the time.
i think unlimited is ok because nothing beats the one she did for inuyasha. I LOVE THAT SONG!!!
haha. not to burst the bubble of random thoughts but i thought this thread was for samurai 7???
neway, what i don't get is heihachi... i mean i reckon he's the coolest... but like, what's the deal with him chucking schizo's and the whole issue with trust? i thought he was pretty trusting and made up his mind pretty quickly about joining the samurais ... but maybe that was due to the bribery.... ???? AND at outset, we see that he's full on friendly and stuff...
btw, i think LUNAR are a little lacking with their subbing.. don't get me wrong it's not bad, just especially with the farmers.. they make 'em out as if they're total idiots who can't talk proper.. i reckon colloquial language would be more appropriate... they only talk different to the samurais (or 'proper' japanese) is coz of their dialect... i dunno.
someone correct me or something.
[first post! how exciting]
Na' you are right about the Lunar subbing... they have never been that accurate on subbing... I only get Lunar releases when they are the only ones releasing... else i go for someone else....
thanks for agreeing with me Budweineken. Although i seem lunar sub better one before but not samurai 7...maybe is a new guy who join lunar fansub it.
heihachi is trusting. since that dude betrayed them, he feels like that trust is gone and treats that person like an enemy. but kambei believes the good in everybody. that's so touching.
anyways, i really like katsushiro now. KILL KILL KILL!!
ok...the story begining to make more sense now. I thaught only the seven samurai gotta fight the bandit but now i realize the whole village is going to fight which make more sense since there is no way 7 samurai take a whole armies on it own.
Yeah, I liked the way they rallied the villagers. Heihachi's true personality has turned out to be a lot different from the friendly guy they first introduced. He seems the most bloodthirsty of the bunch.
I thought Katsushiro's first real battle was done well. He was pretty clumsy during the fight and shocked at the outcome. I didn't really understand Kanbei's response, first backhanding him and then fixing up his sword. Mix your messages much? But it seems pretty clear who Kirara will choose now. "I will go down with you."
I think he hit him beacause he was in shocked and he wanted him to snap out of it... or something along those lines...
Or maybe he just wanted him to toughen up... his weak mind will interfere with their mission
HAHAHA! i like that lil quote mae. "I will go down with you." HAHAHA! that's true. u just can't imagine kirara w/ kyuzo.
I thought he hit him cause his sword wasnt sharp making the kill painful and messy instead of clean.
I'm pretty sure he slapped him because he neglected maintinence on his sword. Not taking care of your sword is the equivlant of just pretending to be a samurai, not taking the whole thing seriously. I would take it as a fairly large insult if I taught someone a serious martial arts technique and they practiced it a few times and could only do it half-assed when I asked them to perform it later (back-story: I used to teach martial arts)
Another thing, I don't think Heihachi is bloodthirsty at all, he's just used to being on a battlefield where you kill traitors because they can't be trusted.
all the samurai are badass except that green haired troll. katsushiahdiahodhuoesffro or whatever, he sucks. the most badass is kyuzo obviously.
WHAT?!?! but that's kinda true...