don't worry about it, rock lee has won at least two fights. him against sasuke and naruto... ha.
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don't worry about it, rock lee has won at least two fights. him against sasuke and naruto... ha.
haha yes, forgot about that......
you know, i bet it sucks for the people who are a fan of a character whose only real contributions to any fight involve self injury
if lee has a long life, its all because of luck.....and well, maybe the merciful hand of kishimoto
heh, i was wondering what the 5th meant by " i have already done someting about that " i think the leaf made a new trety with the sand- on ethat has both villages much more involved with daily duties. this is my only explination for what we ahve come to see. otherwise good or bad this fight is not something a group w=of nin on a mission would get involved with.
now to address 2 comments one Lee is no longer drunk- kmimaro makes note of this. second for the person mentioning how sasuke surpased lee..this never happened. he almost matched his top speed without opening of gates of course. and again for thoose you who are continually trying to put strength within the naruto universe on a linear scale... IT IS NOT A LENEAR EQUATION FOR THE STENGTH OF CHARACTERS IN NARUTO-THIS IS NOT DBZ. certain skills and techniques are simply more or less effective depending on the skill employed by an opponent.
also yes gaara is strong but he is still gennin/chunnin lvl any one of the jounin would own him. i highly doubt he is the strongest of the sand.... and if he is that really doesnt say much for the sand now does it.
Kimimaro has a taijutsu based fighting abuility his physical attacks will most likely not be able to break through the barrier of sand without use of lvl2...and lord knows what kind of power he is going to have @ lvl2 he is already a monster compared against even the strongest of the gennin/chunnin. He lacks Lee's speed so kimimaro is gong to have a tough fight against him.
oh yeah i almost forgot... as for Itachi and all the itachi comments. i hate to break to all of you. Itachi's can be beaten by some of the introduced characters. and from what i can tell from dialog and what limited interactions with Itachi. were it not for the mange sharingan anyone of the 3 would have a fair shot at beating him. its that damn genjutsu that Oro is afraid of. and it is that jutsu that really makes him so damn devistating. only way to combat it is to avoid looking at it. and from waht we can tell only one capable of performing such footwork is currently Gai... and no that does not mean i think that Gai could take him all it means is we know that his particular method of fighting itachi is effective agaist him.
back to the 3- Oro wasnt weary of Itachi until after thy had ben in akatsuki together. apperantly Oro saw something that itachi did that he knew he could not counter( im assuming mange sharingan ) why is tha relavent simple Jyraiya didnt back down inspte of the fact being from the leaf he is gong to know of itachi's past and very well what he is capable of. or so he thinks. He was not afraid of the genjutsu. as for the 5th... well honestly remains to be seen fighting a crippled Oro, and a jounin really doesnt say much to me.
as for itachi being greatest genious of the unfortuunately this is not true. yes he was amazing hands down. but no more so than any of the 3 from what i can tell. especially Oro- the 3rd saw something in him that he had yet to come across. including a bright hopeful that surely would have caught his eye by attaining title of anbu captain @ age 13
Itachis is strong and eceptional strong for his age, seeing as he is still very younge but he is at the Hokage, and sannin lvl.
it's funny how everyone still clings on to "sasuke isn't faster than lee!" too funny.
and why do people think kimimaro's fight is so onesided (kimimaro at disadvantage). yeah, it's a two on one but kimimaro owns, he ain't going down without a good fight.
i remember reading ( although it may have been translated wrong ) how Sasuke was "almost" as fast as lee. it was something to the effect of coming close to Lee's speed, or something like that. no matter i highly doubt Sasuke could match Lee's speed with gates open i just dont see it in terms of balancing out skills and abilities. i dont however think that lee could beat Sasuke... unless he was drunk maybe... Anyway remains to be seen we are all pretty excited to see how th cchanging unfold and work into the story. i do have a feeling Sasuke is going to mop the floor with Naruto. hste to say it but Sasuke needs to train under Oro, because right now he really is too weak. All he's got is his damn chidori and under developed sharinga. Oro will develope thoose eyes and Sasuke's body over next 3 years ( with hope of jacking Sasuke's body of course ) and mold him into an extremely efficient machine of death. much like his favorite of waht was the sound 5- kimimaro.
Yup, Orochimaru doesnt like choose whose gonna be his host yust randomly, Kimimaro was chosen for a good reason, obviously that is yet to be revealed. Like Lee hasnt even really touched him yet =PQuote:
and why do people think kimimaro's fight is so onesided (kimimaro at disadvantage). yeah, it's a two on one but kimimaro owns, he ain't going down without a good fight.
the only advantage sasuke has over Lee in terms of speed is that he know how to counter attacks....but lee lacks that talent n he has admitted to that too. thats why when Sasuke was fighting with Gaara at almost the same speed as Lee he did more damage than Lee who was super fast. anyhow thats a thing of the past now Gaara is figting Kimimaro.....i wonder if he'll summon Shukaku again...or transform ..that is yet to be seen.....but one thing is for sure....Kimimaro can't do shit to Gaara with his stupid Bones....because Gaara has the perfect defense against Kim....and plus Gaara has Lee too...
i can't wait for the next couple of chapters...i wish Kishimoto decides on a combo chapter .....that would be finish off the sound....and than leave the next chapter for just Sasuke Vs. Naruto fight......and i think Naruto is gonna kick Sasuke's ass all the way to Konoha....because Naruto know Rasengan, Summoning Technique...and recently he has been using his clones in a very strategic manner.....which Sasuke can't do....he can only form replications of himself...he can't summon shit....he just has chidori which can be countered with clone...and he'll run out of Chakra since he can normally use chidor twice....and third with Lvl 1....and now he is at Lvl 2 so i'll say another 2 more chidori attacks...
we all know Naruto is not gonna die....otherwise the series will we can easily predict that Naruto is not gonna get hit by any of Sasuke's chidori attacks.....Second Sasuke is not gonna get hit by Naruto's Rasengan....since that would kill Sasuke too...which is not gonna happen i think its just gonna be whole of Clones. Kyubi Chakra and Gamabunta....fight...
I have a feeling Gaara will not use his badger-no-jutsu because he is good now, since I think mr. badger is an evil spirit (like it'll kill everything in sight, including Lee, which would be against the mission I'm assuming). Also because this is a manga, there will always be things that limit a good guys power (like those who watch Inuyasha, there was poison bees for Miroku's wind tunnel and Inuyasha's sword broke). Kimimaro will definitely put up a very good fight if Gaara doesn't transform, since he hasn't even went to level 2 yet.
About Sasuke and Lee, I think Gai said they were around the same speed, if you don't count Lee's speed when he opens the gates.
OT - Skip if you want, does not contribute to the thread
And now go sit in the corner and shame yourself for 30 minutes.Quote:
Originally posted by: xtort
The only people who keep beinging him up are the Itachi-nazis, ...
After that visit your history teacher and ask him nicely to explain to you the meaning of the words you use.
Thanks in advance, Elessar.
Do we know what lvl the people that tried to kill him were at... im fairly shure they were not gennins and didnt he a high ranked mission.Quote:
also yes gaara is strong but he is still gennin/chunnin lvl any one of the jounin would own him. i highly doubt he is the strongest of the sand.... and if he is that really doesnt say much for the sand now does it.
EDIT: O BTW does anyone know why my sig dont show....?
I noticed Kankuro had a second doll on his back, does that maybe mean he can use two at once(one with each hand)? Would be pretty cool.
SNOWBALL: " You can enable your sig by adding <*img src="LINKHERE"> Remember to remove the asterisk, i needed to add it so the command would show up here. "
Itachi didn't kill Kakashi because he wanted Kakashi to learn Tsukiyomi and pass it on to Sasuke.Quote:
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
And don't give the me line: I am not going to kill you now, but I will kill you later.
Either you kill or you don't, and if you really have power to do it, don't make threats that only can come true in the future. If you are going to do something, just do it. Talk about what will happen in the future is as useless as argue about if they fought who'd win, the 4th or Itachi, Shika or Haku?
That's my theory anyways.
Same thing when he pulled it off on Sasuke later on. He didnt' kill Sasuke because he was merely showing him the ability.
Who knows why Itachi is babying his little brother. Maybe he has some plan for him later.
what? you people thought that lee was gonna whoop kimimaro's ass cuz kimimaro's bloodline is the morphic bones. some idiot thought of 'LEE'S IRON FIST STYLE WILL CRUSH KIMIMARO AND HIS BONES" or some stupid theory like that and look at what happened? lee got beat like a step-child by his step-father. kishimoto will think of a way even out the battle field against lee and gaara, it won't be so damn one sided. GOD [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Yondaime Gaara is figting Kimimaro.....i wonder if he'll summon Shukaku again...or transform ..that is yet to be seen.....but one thing is for sure....Kimimaro can't do shit to Gaara with his stupid Bones....because Gaara has the perfect defense against Kim....and plus Gaara has Lee too...
I think that Kankuro has 3 dolls now. ( It looks like it on the last page)
and I'm sure that Kimimaro will put up a really good fight vs Lee and Gaara, he can do whatever he wants with his bones, like change to shapes of them, split them, increase the durabillity and stuff like that so I'm sure he will find a way to penetrate Gaara's sand or he will just do something else awsome with lvl 2
lee's been incapacitated for a while though, sasuke had plenty of time to surpass lee's speed with what he copied from it, while lee prolly got a little rusty after not being able to train as diligently for the past however many months....not to mention he shouldnt be up to full strength right out of surgery
gaara can still use the badger transforming power, and i'd be surprised if he never does.....he still has control over himself in that form, just not when he's asleep. And even so, i can imagine him telling all his teammates to leave the area so he can safely call out shukaku if the situation requires it.
edit: and where's the 3rd doll? i only see 2
first doll - active
second doll - on his back
third doll - he's holding it in his hands, but the page ends halfway through, so it isn't very clear.
Might be just me but Gaaras goard seems alot bigger too it was always big but looking back it seems huge now
Gaara did have 1 a rank missioni believe but lets not forget so has Kakashi's team. and counting the going after Sasuke thats 2.
these kids arent weak that not what im saying but i am prety confident Kakashi could have killed Gaara, same goes for Gai. With kurenai use of use of Genjutsu im sure she could have done the same. Itachi, any of akatsukimembers im guessing any of the 3, could definately have killed him.
Lee was not beat like red headed step child. He was actually winning while he was really drunk Kimimaro was not able to compensate. granted once he was Lee got jacked up yet again. but i speculate after lee gettign his tail whipped so many times ( every fight short of sasuke ) Lee will finally be able to win against somone..
let's look at what happened:
1. lee comes in attacks, doesn't hit kimimaro (except for that blind cheapshot when he saved naruto).
2. lee gets drunk, hits land on kimimaro.
3. kimimaro goes lvl 1 (whatever lvl you wanna say he is at) and cuts up lee like a piece of meat.
4. lee goes wtf, tries to attack again and gets his arm impaled.
5. we see lee regaining consciouness and even more cut up and bruised than before.
5. lee sobers up, opens up first gate and attacks. but attack stopped by bones
6. kimimaro is seconds away from putting a hole in lee's face but gaara saves him with his cat litter.
in six easy steps, i've proven that lee was getting beat like a step child by his drunk father. sorry lee fans, lee is a little girl.
Lee landed more than 1 hit- and yes after Kimimaro went lvl1 it was game over for Lee. but Lee had begun to sober up- enough for Kimimaro to make note of it. with drunken fist Kimimaro was not able to compensate quik enough to block Lee's unpredictable movements...then again he hadnt gone lvl1-
well it is safe to say Kimimaro would mop the floor with Lee, but lee did hold his own after he drank the sake.