Ever seen the guy who obviously got carried to your rank? That's Iok.
Clueless. Fucking. Iok.
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Ever seen the guy who obviously got carried to your rank? That's Iok.
Clueless. Fucking. Iok.
They absolutely need to sue Iok for all the damages. That guy is totally intentionally causing so much trouble. In fact they should arrest him and throw him into some pitiful, vermin infested cell on Mars, to wait for a trial. It would suitably ruin his reputation further. I'd like that much more than a simple death. Although even if he does die, they should spread the news how this all was his fault, so that he would gain no honour from dying fighting.
He can intentionally be elitist.
he certainly didnt read his history books, otherwise he would know not to land with a ahab reactor on his back... besides that?
the gundam armor was on his way to a heavily populated city, just by snipping it from afar he succeeded in diverting it to a less populated farm...
he is not in the "wrong" of bringing a mobile suit to arrest a treacherous leader, nor trying to save more people... we as viewers see the whole picture and know for a fact he is doing mistake after mistake but from his point of view he is right
1) He doesn't really have grounds to call Fareed a "treacherous leader". He just wants to maintain the status quo so his fraction stands at the top. Fareed hasn't done anything wrong.
2) He wasn't trying to save the town. He thought he "got back" at the machine for killing his subordinates. I doubt he had any idea there was a town there.
He makes short-sighted decisions that don't really have an aim.
What he did initially was, if compared to our reality, akin to allowing terrorists to acquire a nuclear bomb. While he didn't do it intentionally but do to his incompetence, it's a sad fact that he was in a position of power and leadership that allowed him to do it easily, so he bears full responsibility. Then, later, he ruined an official operation to stop the mobile armour, or comparatively, he basically saved the terrorists carrying the nuclear bomb from govenment troops that were about to try to get it back safely. If his motives were questioned later, all he could say would be: "I didn't want that other officer to get any credit." That's exactly what he would say, as well, because he's a blistering idiot.
if compared to our reality would be to try to stop a foreign government/military group(tekkadan) from acquiring a nuclear bomb, in his idiocy he actually activated the countdown for the bomb.
if you think about it, catching fareed besides tekkadan with the nuclear bomb below their feet is enough to call ANY leader a traitor. remember that fareed's trip wasnt audited and thus "unofficial". if you still want to compare to our reality its like finding a US general at iran's nuclear reactor.
once again fareed's operation in mars is not official...Quote:
While he didn't do it intentionally but do to his incompetence, it's a sad fact that he was in a position of power and leadership that allowed him to do it easily, so he bears full responsibility. Then, later, he ruined an official operation to stop the mobile armour, or comparatively, he basically saved the terrorists carrying the nuclear bomb from govenment troops that were about to try to get it back safely.
i believe that's what he would said because he is indeed an idiot, but he might as well say that he was sent by his officer in charge to arrest fareed for trafficking weapons of mass destruction with tekkadanQuote:
If his motives were questioned later, all he could say would be: "I didn't want that other officer to get any credit." That's exactly what he would say, as well, because he's a blistering idiot.
Ep 37 is out!
Goddamn this show is so fucking awesome.
Although it's understandable, but it felt like Orga is losing his edge. Now that he has so much to lose, in other words so much to protect, he's not anymore the brazen gambler he once was. Fortunately Mika is the same as ever and always there to set Orga straight. That also carries the benefit of nicely confusing McGillis, who can reasonably expect some things from Orga but can never be really prepared for the stunts Mika might pull off.
It seems like Gundam pilots can't expect more than a single fight against Mobile Armors even if they happen to survive. Limiters off is deadly business for the mortal body.
Looks like Mika is gonna lose a foot or both feet next. The scene in the preview with him lying on his side suggests as much.
But I am so looking forward to the Dark Souls style man vs monster battle next episode!!!
Best part of this episode was the harem being formalized.
there is just no way that orga is going to die now... and even if he does it will be a last minute sacrifice by the end of the series...
mika is already to fucked up to be the only main protagonist and there is no one around that can replace the leadership of orga anymore...
by the way, do the barbatos power ups stay each time that mika gives up a part of himself? are we expected to see him fighting like he did against the mobile armor from now on?
Episode 38
I don't think he would be able to, simply because it'd be too OP. No mobile suit can stand up to him if that becomes his base performance level. If they start digging up more Mobile Armours however then I'll buy into it.
You're right about Orga. His love story with Mika is too far down the line now to stop. It's the basis for this story.
Barbatos was ripped to shreds this episode. Maybe it's not over for Mika to have a normal life. Once the war is over, strip Barbatos down to its minimal parts (like the cockpit housing?), give it wheels, and let Mika tether to that with a 5m cable. Maybe it'll be the size of a Haro.
Or just make it wireless..?
Or have Eva length cables.
Mika has no hobbies anyway. All he needs to do is make babies with his harem, and that can be done within Barbatos.
I think that was the best mecha battle I have ever seen period. So much happened in such a short period of time, and all of it was awesome.
Has no one invented electric wheelchairs yet despite there being flying robots around?
OMG Gundam the Farmer. Amazing.
It's strange the head engineer simply didn't build him one. I guess he's too busy entertaining Merribit to do any extra work.
Seriously, though, I guess the thought simply never occurred to these folks as previously anybody getting wounded too badly would simply be thrown away as trash to die somewhere alone, out of sight. Mika must be the first Martian soldier who is still kept around in that state.
But now he gets to be carried around like Yoda.
Or like a sack of rice. Why the hell was he being carried like that anyway?