the most annoying thing about the dog is that its a fucking ugly and small one!
would love to see a german shepard dog biting some zombie-necks
*remembers "I am Legend"*
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the most annoying thing about the dog is that its a fucking ugly and small one!
would love to see a german shepard dog biting some zombie-necks
*remembers "I am Legend"*
so... what? i don't get the context.
he died the most heroic way possible for a dog btw ^^
He tried to bite his master's head off and got a bullet to the head >_>
Yeah, a regular Lassie
nah, she was already dead when she got bitten in my eyes, protecting his master,
and if I'm not mistaken her master suffocated her, which was even more dramatic ^^
The sole female I can't stand on this series is Saeko. Yes, I even like the brainless nurse.
So anyway... still looking for a decent fansub to substitute GG. Anyone found one? TMD didn't quite convince me last time.
I'm surprised at all the Saeko hate. She was extremely popular (#1) even in the manga. What's so bad about her that anyone would choose the nurse over her?
I don't, at least yet, believe Saeko is nothing but the author's chauvinistic image of a dream girl, so I have no reason whatsoever to hate her. In fact I still like her the best of the females. I suppose the fact she has shown only strength, calmness and logic so far could put off some of the audience as it could indicate lack of personality and character.
Like Sapphi said, flaws often define characters and thus if a character shows no flaws, they will look robotic and suffer from no development. Unless it's a shoujo show, where the male love interest may be perfect at everything, har har.
Anyway, if the new girl turns out not useless and will provide funny scenes, she might become my favorite. As long as she stays away from ecchi (unless it's for hilarious purposes like with Kusano from Sekirei).
For the record, I don't hate Saeko. I just dislike her attitude. And when I began reading this manga, years ago before the long hiatus, I always had a preference for both Rei and Saya (Takagi). Also the little girl (whose name wasn't revealed yet) is just too cute...
Meh. At least I don't believe that if a character is popular among most of the fanbase it should mean I have to like her.
I would find it interesting to see how Saeko being willing to bow down to a man could be considered a flaw by anyone other than a female supremacist. My take is that she just doesn't see herself as 'leader' material for some reason. I do think she has an idea of what a 'leader' ought to be though and she sees some of that in Kuromo and tends to encourage him to embrace it in her own way. Whatever it is that Saeko is reacting to I certainly don't think it's as simple as him having a penis.
She makes me think of a soldier looking for a worthy commander to follow. She has her own head and her own ideas but lacks (or suppresses) the internal spark needed to take the reins and blaze her own trail pulling everyone along with her. Instead she defers to Kuromo and only offers council and analysis, leaving the final decisions up to him. Considering she could kick his ass or browbeat him into obedience with her seniority and maturity I think it takes a lot of self-discipline for her to behave the way she does towards him.
As long as you follow orders and don't impede their implementation by others.
On a completely unrelated note, what the hell Saeko. Standing on top of a rapidly moving and blatantly jerking Humvee just seems retarded despite how awesome it looked. I know it's silly amidst all the other liberties this show takes with realism but that one ripped through my suspension of disbelief so jaggedly I couldn't help but address it.
Also, despite the apparent miracle that he understands Japanese and human gestures like nodding the dog needs to go. Ideally it could be used as a decoy to get a heroic sacrifice credit but one way or another it needs to be left on the side of the road.