What will happen if the ritual stopped? Is it neccessary for a Golden Witch to exist? Now that Beato have a new outlook on being a witch, she will want to stop the ritual. I doubt Eva would allow that. Or it is still a different "board"?
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What will happen if the ritual stopped? Is it neccessary for a Golden Witch to exist? Now that Beato have a new outlook on being a witch, she will want to stop the ritual. I doubt Eva would allow that. Or it is still a different "board"?
Damn, I really enjoyed all the nasty twists this episode took.
Beatrice playing nice to get Battler to acknowledge her was a brilliant stroke, and we're back to really having no idea whether she means it or not. Even going as far as sacrificing herself to take out Eva-Beatrice to make herself look selfless. I suppose it is to Battler's credit that he thought something was a bit out of place right before Ange showed up to save him from being forced into admitting it.
Also very interesting was that Lambdadelta is really running Beatrice's side. In the end, it is really devolving into another way for Lambda to fight and destroy Bernkastel. From Lambda's words, Beatrice doesn't even seem to have enough existence to manifest herself continually without Lambda's endorsement. It does make me wonder that if Lambda has such a strong influence, why is it that Bernkastel's only allowed move seems to be the ability to throw Ange into the game?
As a final comment, 12 years sure did one hell of a number of Eva. She looked like she was 70 or 80.
After the Tsun, go Dere...
Best plan of all time, and it almost worked if it weren't for the sister. I mean, who wouldn't have been fooled by that blushing Beato?
I am thinking that since Beatrice is initially part of the game, so is Lambdadelta since she controls Beatrice. It may be relationship that precedes the game. Bernkastel simply joined in as support for Battler, making her influence significantly less compared to the others.
Beatrice complimented Bernkastel when she first showed up on defeating Lambdadelta, a Great Witch. Bernkastel is a real witch herself as well, so the both of them should be more powerful than an unacknowledged Endless Witch like Beatrice, who will only gain her full powers when Battler recognizes her.
On the other hand, we can't really say that Lambda has more power than Bernkastel. Both of them are in Beatrice's territory, and Lambda's only influence so far has been endorsing other witches, Eva and now admitting that she's the only reason Beato can still continue on.
It is a strange relationship all around. Battler's insane magic resistance allows him to trump any of Beatrice's powers, but she is largely powerless outside this territory without him. Bernkastel and Lambda obviously exert their own powers outside of this specific space (their earlier battles being alluded to in eps 5 and when Lambda first shows herself).
From Virgilia's explanation, Beatrice is ranked higher than both Bernkastel and Lambda, but only if she is recognized. Yet Lambda seems to hold the greatest power following this latest arc.
And by Bernkastel's admission, Ange will take be the "final" Beatrice, and claim her title as Golden Witch...
I'm very confused. :confused:
To review:
- Bernkastel can transcend time and eventually allow miracles to occur.
- Lambdadelta can absolutely kill without fail (except Bernkastel).
- Beatrice can do anything, but only once she has been recognized and no one can provide a more plausible explanation, yet Lambda now holds her reigns.
She certainly hesitated before she went back to crazy-face after deredere mode. She must have liked going dere in Battler's presence.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I don't understand why Virgillia would help her though. Was she also acting nice the entire time, and that she's just as ruthless a witch as Beato is?
Ronove certainly overrode his authority this episode, going so far as to push Eva-Beatrice into her seat. Even his "certainly" comments were said without a hint of respect, only courtesy.
I really have no idea what's going on in the Lambda - Beato power relationship. I can only think that Beato needs Battler's acknowledgment as much as she needs Lambda. Just as Lambda was Eva-Beatrice's endorser, she may well be Beato's endorser when Virgillia passed on her title. Regardless of how much your power grows, your senior's endorsement may be a requirement in the hierarchy of witches.
Best twist of all time. I shat bricks.
I agree! I'm completely shocked! But I knew something was up because the # of episode is still 18. So it there should be something left. I was anticipating it and the result didn't not disappoint me.
Well, I think it's pretty safe to say Game 3 was committed completely by humans.
My guess at Beato's red text: "No murders on this game board were committed by witches." Battler is so gullible, covering his ears.
I think it's pretty obvious that Eva committed the majority of the murders this time. Especially considering she said as much and shot Battler in the end.
Hahaha, as expected of Beato, such act can be misleading! Wasn't Ange Battler's sister?
That she is. Her hair colour and "no good...no good at all" is an exact replica of Battler's. Hopefully she'll be better at solving puzzles.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
PS: They managed to use the "Over 9000!" cliche without sounding lame. Good on them.
Awesome Ep. The 'deredere' Beatrice bugged me ever since she showed up, people shouldn't just do 180 degree personality shifts like that. I almost wanted to write it off as her previous callousness somehow being related to the Endless Power which she passed to Eva within the game but I couldn't square that away as the personality shift was just too jarring.
When Battler finally accused her of faking her help I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her to let loose that sweet cackle and Beatrice didn't disappoint at all. Well played indeed.
Has anyone tried figuring out the red web of truth concerning Nanjo's murder? Thought I'd list them all.
After Jessica was injured, Eva was under Battler's constant surveillance. Therefore, Eva has a perfect alibi for murdering Nanjo.
At the time of Nanjo's murder, Battler, Eva, and Jessica were alive.
At the time of the crime, only Nanjo and Jessica were in the servant room.
Jessica Ushiromiya did not commit murder!
Eva and Battler weren't involved in Nanjo's murder either!!
No more than 18 people exist on this island!
Nanjo's death was a homicide, and the culprit killed him from point-blank range!
Red only tells the truth!
I think it's pretty easy. Someone else killed him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
Best bet is Kanon for a couple reasons.
Kanon can be "dead" and still be alive, according to my theory.
Kanon shows up and helps Jessica escape.
Guessing the motivations for people is significantly harder. I feel like game 3 is the hardest to sort out at the beginning.
I think this is the game where "things went wrong" for the regular murderer(s). Obviously a couple unusual things happened, all of the servants "died" and Eva found the gold.
I feel like game 3 is probably servants vs. adults at the beginning, with Nanjo playing both sides and some of the servants faking death. After that, Eva finds the gold, and it becomes a 3-way battle. Kanon probably kills Nanjo because he was going to kill Jessica or he had betrayed their side in some way and he found out.
Isn't the difference between these two terms the key? Eva and Battler were not involved [in any way] in Nanjo's murder, but Jessica merely did not commit murder. Perhaps she caused Nanjo's accidental death inadvertently. She didn't commit murder, but her actions led to his death.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
If the subs are 100% accurate (which I doubt), then it would cause some problems with Ryllharu's proposal, since it's referring to Nanjo's death as a homicide AND a murder, meaning whoever killed him did it with the intent to kill.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
That said, I'm more inclined to believe the term "murder" is there for convenience, while the meaning behind "homicide" was used very intentionally.
What's extra funny about the word homicide? The definition is generally the killing of a human being by a human being. That would mean that it was another human besides Eva, Battler, and Jessica, and not a witch.
Since there are only 18 people on the island, either someone is not really dead, or someone is managing to be 2 people at once and there is a mystery 18th person.
I feel like the web of red is there to force you to realize someone is not actually dead.
Human here is synonymous with "person". A witch counts.Quote:
Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles
What I was getting at is that "homicide" includes both "manslaughter" and "murder", and therefore the legitimacy of using the (subbed) word "murder" in the other red statements, as murder encompasses killing intent.
Either way, Jessica accidentally killing Nanjo is pretty silly. And since witches don't exist, I'll go with one of the other people faking death.