Fullmetal Alchemist on Hulu
Wow Guys - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is already on Hulu.com
This is literally the fastest I've ever seen a Japanese anime officially subbed and put online freely for American viewage. They even subbed the OP (though they forgot to translate it..). Of course fansubs are still generally better, but I think this is actually viable competition for the fansubbers, if it isn't already (at least America wise).
It's less surprising that they picked a mainstream anime though. I will be totally shocked if/when they pick something like Basquash/Queen of Blade to sub... ahh
Fullmetal Alchemist: Ep. 05
Episode 05 is available - some rumours say it's subbed by Eclipse - :
EP 05
The strange mixture betweeen serious action/humour is still ongoing.