Today I learned that this thread is going down.
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Today I learned that this thread is going down.
why do you say that?Quote:
anyway, today i learned that our people eat the weirdest and nastiest things that i wouldn't touch.
Today, I learned all about the heat pipes on my ASUS Premium motherboard that will sit inverted in the Lian Li [V1100B-PLUS] case I just ordered.
I also learned that because they will be inverted, I am an idiot for investing in both, as they are not very compatible.
today i learned a penny can fuck up a whole washing machine...yup....
Today I learned that whenever I have a long weekend break, God strikes me ill with something, just to fuck with me. Haha, you got me again, you asshole.
today I learned that contrary to popular belief,
mustard + marshmellow != good
it's a popular belief that mustard and marshmallow go well together? i never heard of that. guess i learned something new today too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
well, um, a little voice inside my head said it was... so in my books, that makes it popular belief.
Today I learned that the number one always-included ingredient in pasta sauce (at least in Italy) is NOT tomatoes/tomato paste. It's garlic.
I also learned that the switch to the Euro currency has 'helped' lots of nations' economies by allowing prices for everyday neccesity items to double or triple after the change. Meanwhile luxury items and expensive things, along with salaries, have remained the same. Books, transportation, cheaper medicine have all doubled in their average costs in Italy since the Euro change. The price for clothing and food has almost tripled.
Today I learned that building a robot is not as easy as it seems. Even if the programming is all correct, the circuit can be tricky and unreliable and die at any time. I also learned that it's way less time and hassle to pay the extra money for a professional microcontroller programmer rather than trying to build one yourself.
I learned the above, as well I learned that making sigs are alot harder then it looks like. They take a long time to make, but After long last i have one I can say i made and doesn't look like crap.
Originally posted by: Mr Squiggles
today I learned that contrary to popular belief,
mustard + marshmellow != good
am i missing something?? i'm pretty sure that it means that its a popular belief that mustard and marshmellow dont go good together...and he was proving it wrong....unless today i'm about to learn a new meaning of contrary...Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
it's a popular belief that mustard and marshmallow go well together? i never heard of that. guess i learned something new today too [img][/img]
i learned that you shouldnt practice flame baton throwing, next to a garden (idiotic neighbors)
Today i learned KitKat builds robots at home, which ofcourse means that she MUST be part japanese.
Today I learned that I am related to this man:
Yes, a swedish king.
Well to be honest, I've known this for a long time but I never knew exactly WHO I was related to. And this is him. My family is the offspring of one of his many mistresses (on my mother's side). He apparently had lots of affairs and a very small of the total number of illegitimate children is unknown. And my ancestor was conceived when he was roaming about somewhere in Sweden. Originally he was from France (ARGH I HAVE FRENCH BLOOD!) but he later learned swedish well and ascended the throne here (as read on wikipedia). Also, our current swedish king is a descendant to Oscar I, but I'm not related to the current royalty since it's another branch on the family tree. Cool huh?
So I guess the whore qualities lie in my blood [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] My blood, which also happens to be blue!
Kneel before king Terra!
Today I learned that being related to royalty really doesn't mean more than perhaps a cortazone shot to the old ego... Terra is a Frenchman! That explains alot!
Today I learned where to buy peanut butter in Italy. Seriously I had looked in just about all of the stores and nobody had any idea what I was talking about. Even the Pakistani and Moroccan ran bodegas didn't have any idea where to get it. Then I went down to this Asia Mach (that's the real, honest to god name of the store) to look for some good spices (Italy does not have alot of good hot spices in the north...) and there it was! Aisle 2! I think its from the Netherlands or Denmark or somewhere like that because the they spell it as Pa(^accent on the a)te d'arachide.
Well it's not so much "ego" as it is "extremely interesting" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I've always enjoyed research related to family.
Today I learned that when watching End of Evangelion you should really pay attention, or else you'll end up googling in panic, re-watching the series going "Why God WHY?!" and eventually get back to the last 2 minutes of EoE and go OMGWTFHAX and die of shock.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Today I learned that I am related to this man:
Yes, a swedish king.
Well to be honest, I've known this for a long time but I never knew exactly WHO I was related to. And this is him. My family is the offspring of one of his many mistresses (on my mother's side). He apparently had lots of affairs and a very small of the total number of illegitimate children is unknown. And my ancestor was conceived when he was roaming about somewhere in Sweden. Originally he was from France (ARGH I HAVE FRENCH BLOOD!) but he later learned swedish well and ascended the throne here (as read on wikipedia). Also, our current swedish king is a descendant to Oscar I, but I'm not related to the current royalty since it's another branch on the family tree. Cool huh?
So I guess the whore qualities lie in my blood [img][/img] My blood, which also happens to be blue!
Kneel before king Terra!
Today I learned that you cannot say "King of Sweden" without laughing your ass off [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Today I learned that the best way to make pizza is to use a wood burning oven.
I also learned that cheese from buffalo is actually delicious and costs considerably more in Italy than other types of cheeses.
OMFGWTFHAX is a pretty good way of summing up feelings on EoE. But I think you need to make it OMFGWTFHAXW/HOTSAWZ to really capture the true calamity that is your soul upon finishing that movie.Quote:
Originally posted by: eat_toast
Today I learned that when watching End of Evangelion you should really pay attention, or else you'll end up googling in panic, re-watching the series going "Why God WHY?!" and eventually get back to the last 2 minutes of EoE and go OMGWTFHAX and die of shock.
Today I learned that spontaneous human combustion, or SHC, is really cool. If you're too lazy to read the link then i will summarize by saying that SHC is when someone just lights on fire for no apparent reason, and no one quite knows why.
I'd have to say thats probably one of the coolest ways to die. That would be my mode of death if I could choose. Even better, as I'm just about to kill someone, I'd just suddenly ignite and the the other guy would be like "wtf?". Kinda like the end of the Kimimaro vs. Gaara fight but with fire for added awesomeness.
And then when i get to the afterlife or whatever, I'd be the coolest guy there, just because i can say that i died in complete and awesomely random fashion. The "I took a bullet for my loved one" and "I slew 100 orcs before dying" guys would have nothing on me.