Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Wow, Ino is a huge improvement. I think she put her forhead protector somewhere up on her thigh. Its gotta be one of those two black bands on her legs that are mostly hidden. I forget what those things are called, the thing a bride wears on her leg at weddings that they throw to the bachelors. Wonder which is next, Kiba, Shino, or Hinata? I hate being right btw....
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
I forget what those things are called, the thing a bride wears on her leg at weddings that they throw to the bachelors.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
Wonder which is next, Kiba, Shino, or Hinata? I hate being right btw....
Post-filler Shino
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Man, and I thought he was gonna have trouble getting laid before.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
HAHA, that's a good one. Looks like he added some ants to his army of chakra eating bugs.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
omg..., shino is so cool now ^^
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Fine.... Just because Ero-Fan hates being right, today will be post-filler konohamaru pics instead.
Post-Filler Konohamaru
Post-Filler Konohamaru Corps
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Woot!!! Finally wrong! Is it just me, or did they not change at all? I mean, I figured they might not grow much, but no new outfits either? They all have a head protector, though, so I guess their all genin now. Is that Ebisu? Poor bastards got him as a leader....
Edit @ Assertn: Hey, you cheated! That's more than one character.. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Hasn't the Closet Pervert been Konohamaru's teacher already for a long time? Seems likely he would continue doing that, especially after Naruto taught sexy no jutsu to the whole bunch.
I suppose they have grown a bit. Certainly Konohamaru looks a bit more mature in the first pic. Unless it's just that pic.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Well, he does look a bit older, but I wasn't exactly expecting much. So cool.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
they didn't change much... im sure ebisu want them to be in sexy jutsu when he is teaching them ^^
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
He probably does, but he's too much of a closet pervert to admit it. That's his downfall. Just like the third. They should all be open and proud of it like Jiriya and it wouldn't screw them up so much.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Oh Konohamaru! He looks... spookilly like Naruto...
And his little snot dripping friend who likes long divisions (with the glasses, what the fuck is his name?) is like a little Kabuto .... minus the coolness.
Ebisu! Clost pervert might be one of the minor characters i am most interested in. What exactly makes the guy such a renowned teacher? What kind of special skills does the guy have anyhow?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I guess Kon looks alot cooler there. Though, its pictures like that that really make me question why people say Kishimoto's drawing is so great. Those pictures are just awful.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Huh? not only are those snippets taken from 1/6-1/4 of a page, but there's nothing really wrong with them. Unless you're more of a grayscale kinda guy.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I wonder if Konohamaru buys a new oversized scarf each time he has a growth-spurt.
And yeah, there's nothing wrong with those drawings. They look fine to me.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Huh? not only are those snippets taken from 1/6-1/4 of a page, but there's nothing really wrong with them. Unless you're more of a grayscale kinda guy.
Well, one of the things manga readers are always telling me why I should read the manga is because the artwork is supposedly better. And while I certainly couldn't draw pictures that good, I have to say that even on bad days, still frames of the anime are better drawn than those pictures. So that leads me to believe that either most of the pics in this thread are bad examples of the manga, or manga readers are blind.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Hell, I read the manga and watch the anime. While I perfer the anime, the manga holds me over till fillers are done. I think its hard to compare a manga to an animated series. How much you want to bet they already started on work of the post-time jump anime? They have all this time to clean up their artwork. Thats why this filler arc is done by the cheapest animation team they could find. The manga is put out every week (I think), so they only get a couple of days to edit it before it comes out. Really not a fair comparison imo.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Well then DarthEnder...I have to ask...
Have you ever read manga of any kind before?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)