anyway, good to see kira kicking ass again =]
looking forward to asuran and justice next ep
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anyway, good to see kira kicking ass again =]
looking forward to asuran and justice next ep
First off if any of that happened we wouldn't have much of a show. Also Dullindale has footage of Calgari attacking Zaft forces outside of the defence of Orb so he has every reason and intention of crushing Orb in order to finish the battle.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Cagalli should be dead. Mwu/ Neo in an old shitty Sky Grasper should be dead. Outgunned ORB forces= dead
Oh, and since Cagalli basically overthrew the Roma government in ORB, why the hell are they still fighting ZAFT?!? Wouldn't she get on the phone with Dullindal and say, "The old leader is gone. We're searching to find Djibril and bring him to justice." That at least gives them plausible credit to use against Dullindal later if he doesn't stop the attack, since he's done ZERO things wrong that any joe-schmoe knows of, and continuing to fight ZAFT after the coup d'etat seems to prove his justification for attacking ORB with such a large force...
Toward the end of phase 42, while Lacus is talking to Asuran and Meyrin about why he has to go out and fight, you see a flashback of the conversation that happened on the Eternal between Lacus and Kira and you see three mobile suits, I know one's Freedom and the other one's Justice but why is there a third one? I'll try to get a screenshot up if no one knows what I'm talking about...
Check out page 9 of this thread.Quote:
Originally posted by: tripz1196
Toward the end of phase 42, while Lacus is talking to Asuran and Meyrin about why he has to go out and fight, you see a flashback of the conversation that happened on the Eternal between Lacus and Kira and you see three mobile suits, I know one's Freedom and the other one's Justice but why is there a third one? I'll try to get a screenshot up if no one knows what I'm talking about...
[Haro^2_Tori^2] just released ep 42. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Click me
been posted on previous page already [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
There are several reasons. First, it would be a hollow speech unless they have Djibril and are ready to hand him over. It would be very easy to see it as them trying to buy time. Second, Cagalli almost married Yuna so Dullindal could just say that she is making it up. Third, Orb has always been a "difficult" nation, Dullindal would love for it to be gone, all he wanted was an excuse so he could still be the good guy in the public eye.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Cagalli should be dead. Mwu/ Neo in an old shitty Sky Grasper should be dead. Outgunned ORB forces= dead
Oh, and since Cagalli basically overthrew the Roma government in ORB, why the hell are they still fighting ZAFT?!? Wouldn't she get on the phone with Dullindal and say, "The old leader is gone. We're searching to find Djibril and bring him to justice." That at least gives them plausible credit to use against Dullindal later if he doesn't stop the attack, since he's done ZERO things wrong that any joe-schmoe knows of, and continuing to fight ZAFT after the coup d'etat seems to prove his justification for attacking ORB with such a large force...
I'm just taking this from a political POV. You still have to try to hold a dialogue. Or would you rather have your fast act as leader upon returning to power be continuing to fight ZAFT and fuel the war I thought she was so adamantly against?Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
There are several reasons. First, it would be a hollow speech unless they have Djibril and are ready to hand him over. It would be very easy to see it as them trying to buy time. Second, Cagalli almost married Yuna so Dullindal could just say that she is making it up. Third, Orb has always been a "difficult" nation, Dullindal would love for it to be gone, all he wanted was an excuse so he could still be the good guy in the public eye.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Cagalli should be dead. Mwu/ Neo in an old shitty Sky Grasper should be dead. Outgunned ORB forces= dead
Oh, and since Cagalli basically overthrew the Roma government in ORB, why the hell are they still fighting ZAFT?!? Wouldn't she get on the phone with Dullindal and say, "The old leader is gone. We're searching to find Djibril and bring him to justice." That at least gives them plausible credit to use against Dullindal later if he doesn't stop the attack, since he's done ZERO things wrong that any joe-schmoe knows of, and continuing to fight ZAFT after the coup d'etat seems to prove his justification for attacking ORB with such a large force...
Also, like I said, even if Dullindal keeps up the attack, Cagalli loses nothing for fighting back to defend ORB. But if she doesn't at least try to make peace, it can be said she didn't really care about the citizens, or was too stupid to try that approach. Not only does it cover her ass, maybe end the battle but it also can be used as a lens to see Dullindal for what he really is. If he's all peace-loving like he says on TV, he'd stop. He'd be put in a bind.
As it is now, Dullindal has no clue that ORB isn't still his enemy being controlled by the remnants of Logos (or at least he can say that to the public) and so he could wipe out ORB (which he wants) and not face any negative consequences. Cagalli is playing into his hands by not opening up a dialogue with him immediatley after taking command.
EDIT: And to DDBen, yes its obvious Dullindal wants to destroy ORB, no matter what. But Cagalli fighting against ZAFT outside of ORB, while she's trying to get into ORB to protect ORB, is self-defense and compltley acceptable, especially since ZAFT is aggressively invading ORB, not the other way around. Your point is quite mute when you consider that once she's on the ground and running the country AND DOESN'T KNOW DULLINDAL IS EVIL. Her requesting a cease-fire would be the best way to unveil Dullindal for what he really is, since he wouldn't stop.