Bears have an excellent sense of smell. I'm surprised you two actually caught it off guard.
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Bears have an excellent sense of smell. I'm surprised you two actually caught it off guard.
When I was growing up, my mom liked to tell me stories of her girl scout camping days. In woods that had bears in them, they'd go on hikes, and make sure to be singing most of the time.
Out of curiosity, was it a black or a brown bear?
You should have brought some pepper spray or bear mace. I friend got sprayed by bear mace once. It was potent.
Why you always gotta bring race into the picture?Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
If a black bear attacks you, it's because you've either startled it or you look like a potentially tasty meal. Making yourself big and noisy and trying to scare it off or fight it off is the only way to go.
If a brown bear attacks you, she's not planning on eating you, but you may have invaded her space. In which case, playing dead may be the safest route.
In either case, bear mace/pepper spray may work against humans, but it's pretty unreliable against actual bears...
I learned today that a Giant Squid has 3 hearts, while an Apatosaurus is thought to have only 2.
I learned what a Chelsea Smile was today.
and just how did that topic come up?
Me? If so, it was one of those game threads similar to this one on another forum and someone said something about a chelsea smile. I was like wtf, is that some type of kinky sex position? So I looked it up. Unfortunately it was something far worse.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Chelsea smile=kinky sex position. I really did laugh out loud, with that one.
I just looked it up. It's not a sex position, it's a torture technique.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Today I learned that most engineering students in my year (2nd year university) can't put together a proper sentence for shit. One of my assignments right now requires me to go through other people's writing and my goodness... they fucking suck donkey balls.
Now if only that was limited to second year engineering students but sadly, that isn't the case.
What year are you, Abdula?
I wonder how much the internet and online forums have contributed to the deterioration of the proper usage of the English language. MTV is to blame too.
A thin line, ain't it?Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
That reminds me of a random thought I had once.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
"After death, there is only sex. Heaven and Hell are only a state of mind."
Today I learned that the Dell Dude did not get fired for being busted for marijuana. According to (not sure of their reliability but I think it's a website dedicated to exposing internet rumors), the dude ad campaign was ended as all such campaigns must come to an end, not because the actor had been busted for drugs. I believed the rumors until now.
Today I learned that, after watching Texhnolyze a second time, it's not a complete mindfuck like I thought it was when I first watched it 2 years ago.
Steve Jobs doesn't even know anything about computers.
He's just an asshole businessman who got out-assholed by Bill Gates.
I learned that men's ties are expensive. It's the first time I've gone out and bought a tie. I'm going to a friend's party, and the dress code demanded a tie. To my surprise, skinny ties aren't that common around the place. Most still stock a heap of the broad-ended types.
So I picked out one that I thought was quite decent, and had to cough up $60. It's probably no big deal when ties are concerned, but it's the first time I've paid so much for something smaller than a jacket.
Of all the things you can drink, canned ice tea (like Lipton Brisk or Arizona) is the worst thing for your teeth. It's not so much the sugar as the variety of additives. It's around twice as bad as any type of cola (Pepsi, Coke, etc), and something on the order of 30 times as bad as coffee or brewed tea.
What was more surprising is the best thing you can drink aside from milk? Root Beer. Coffee and brewed tea are about the same.
(Yeah, I was at the dentist today.)
This is quite shocking. I love Arizona iced tea.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Your first hint of trouble should have been that this company is from New York, not the state for which it is named.
How's that saying go? "New York City?!?! Get a rope..."
Carbonated drinks are quite bad because the high acid contents soften the outer layer of your teeth. Thus, the worst thing of all you can ever do is to drink carbonated soft drink and then go brush your teeth right away. It means you will wash off the outer layer of your teeth before it can harden again.
At least if you believe what you learn at the dentist...
My dentist's advice was to just rinse with a drink of water after you drink soda or other carbonated drinks, so that's probably right.
Why do we see divers showering in between their dives? (as in olympic divers etc)
To keep their muscles warm. The temperature difference between the water and the air is enough to cause muscle tightness.
Also, I learned that reheating a pizza+box in a 200 Celcius oven results in a very burnt, and nearly combusting box. Good pizza though.
This was the message in a toothpaste television advertisement.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Today I learned that dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
Lol, thats one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
Today I learned that the word "democracy" is banned in online chat rooms in China.
Today I learned that in Singapore, it is illegal to sell or own chewing gum. (Excuse the double post, was not sure whether to make a new post or edit the old one. Please merge if I have broken the rules.)
Did you learn how punishable an offense it is? Obviously it's not as harsh a punishment as it would be for other prohibited items, like good old cocaine. I wonder how it compares to, say, throwing cigarette butts around.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Today I learned exactly just how easy it is to get access to most people's personal information and then rob them of their identities. Prepare to be disturbed.
Today I learned that I haven't posted here in several weeks. It's kind of crazy, really ... that's the first time I've seen that message since we installed vbulletin.
I guess it says something pretty positive about the current staff that nobody's been pestering me about things one way or the other.
Well I hope this knowledge you've acquired serves you well, complich8Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Today I learned that a psychology student in New York rented out her spare room to a carpenter in order to nag him constantly and study his reactions.
After weeks of needling, he snapped and beat her repeatedly with an axe leaving her mentally retarded.
Ironic. :rolleyes:
She should have seen it coming, being in psychology and all. It's also why you need controlled experiments >.>Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Hahaha, after reading that, and seeing controlled experiments, I think of shackles. :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
That's pretty dumb of him, he could have went to see a shrink, he had one living the door next to him.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Wrong "I" word. I think you're looking "Inevitable".Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Oh well, at least her experiment is out there now to teach future students what not to do.
I believe it was thomas edison (I may be wrong) who said (as he failed to make the lightbulb work countless times before getting it right):Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
"I did not fail countless times in attempting to make the lightbulb, rather I succeeded in finding 99 ways how not to make a lightbulb"
Or something like that.
Yeah, well she found 1 out of the 99 ways to fail. Too bad there isn't a retry button.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
I guess the moral isn't to stop experimenting, it's to take the necessary precautions and foresee the possible consequence of your actions. It isn't, of course, always foreseeable.
So what happened to the guy in the end? Is he in it for manslaughter or murder?
This was definitely foreseeable, and I want to say it serves her right for messing with the poor guy's head but I can't because what he did was excessive and unnecessary. Why not just talk to someone or talk to her, or better yet since I'm sure there was nothing keeping him there, why not just move out.
He should have seen her for counselling :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
But yeah, really....beating the shit out of someone like that for nagging
You would think it would have occurred to her to ask if he had any psychological problems before she started experimenting on him, and I wonder if she had a roommate, boyfriend or someone else living with her just in case, because no matter how I look at it experimenting with a stranger that you live with, especially if you're alone, is just stupid.
Nagging is a quite a powerful tool that ought not be underestimated. I'm pretty sure that given enough information on just about anyone, I can nag them until they either kill me, or kill themselves. I can probably even dictate which of the two outcomes will occur. I'll say it, she got what she deserved.
There are so many things this guy could have done before resorting to capital punishment. Maybe try telling her to stfu?
he didn't kill her.
Being a psychologist she probably knew how to get into someone's head, and it did take weeks.
Whether she should have seen it coming is one thing, but beating the shit out of someone like that, because she was being annoying is, by all accounts, excessive.
Yet another reason that psychologists have to run their experiments by their ethics boards...
It may change the jury's idea if they find out that a psychologist was trying to do an experiment ( with a person aho lives right next door, who comes home from a stressful day at work), where she made him feel horrible.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Depending on what's happened to the guy or how long she had been doing it.. well, it really can change things. But, everyone's supposed to be logical at all times, unless there's too much stress or temporary insanity.
After reading that post, I tried to pronounce the author's name for the first time.
To my surprise, I learned that bagandscalpel was short for bag and scalpel
Because.. your current title made me look it up.
Yaoi comes from the phrase "Stop, my butt hurts!"
Yamette, oshiri itai!
It all makes sense now.
Now the next question you know what its in reference to?Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
No....but something tells me it's in reference to.....castration?Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
The scalpel represents the penis, and the bag represents the scrotum.
haha wtf? You guys are fucked up.
He's referring to Faust from Guilty Gear:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Today I learned, just a little of what occupies the minds of my fellow Wooters:oQuote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Today I learned that everyone here <3's cock....
Today I learned again that high school sucks. As well as moving to yet another new school, though I can't complain. I'm not looking forward to that everlasting grind just yet. But still... bleh.
Today I learned that it is illegal, in some states, to dance to the Star Spangles Banner.
Where do you get this stuff from? Who would dance to that anyway.
The Star Spangled Banner is a bad national anthem. I know I'm not the first to say it. We've got a lot of easier songs.
- It is a very technically demanding song. Not any drunkard can sing it and feel all patriotic about it (looking at you with envy La Marseillaise). An octave and a half!
- Embarrassingly enough, I don't know with confidence all the words to the part usually sung, and it's pretty obvious a lot of "professional" singers at sporting events and the like don't either. I doubt much of anyone knows that there are three more verses, much less the words to them (I didn't until I checked Wikipedia to make sure).
*dances to the star spangled banner*
Oh hoh, don't be so sureQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Well I guess you're half right. I actually heard this from my band teacher in high school but never actually checked his facts until just now. Funny.
Weird part is that once you know this, it becomes obvious in hindsight. That song couldn't sound any more like a drinking song if they tried.
Today I learned it was Deadfire's birthday a little while ago? Tell him I said happy birthday!
I also learned that college is a lot of work :c
today i learned, someone thinks Deadfire is a she.
Today I learned that Deadfire is going to very angry when he comes back...Quote:
Originally Posted by Saberfire
you should hope that the canadian army doesn't let soldiers take the weapons back home.
We could just get rid of saberfire, only one post so far so nobody is going to notice.
Today I learned how fun it is to feed alka-seltzer tablets to seagulls at the beach!
What was stopping DF from using Saberfire anyway?
Guys with urinary tract infection have increased libido.
They go out. They go hard. They love you long time.
Spreading their infection.
What? You're freaking weird Bill.
It's not like the infection's my fault. Anyway, to those who like cock, you have been warned.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
What? i think I'm gonna die of laughter because i can't stop laughing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Today I learned.. that the Saber banner here.. says Got Saber? >.>
I never noticed it said that till now. The question mark gave it away :/ I feel so blind.
Today I learned... actually yesterday... that my BF had his brain taken over by aliens and fried or something since he took the night off of his gaming. o.O; Not that I'm complaining. XD
Today I learned 1st hand, that women in Tokyo>women in Seoul. Also, escalators and short skirts are man's best friend.
Today i learned all equations for function F(x)=a(x-p)^2-q... or known as f(x)=ax^2+bx+c
Ah..I long for those good old days already....and I only graduated 1.5 years ago.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
I remember my maths teacher once said the quadratic equation is the most remembered equation of all times. As in people in retirement homes and stuff can still recite it.
My friend next to me remarked "Heh, and look where that got them.."
Today I learned that I still have my admin privileges in the Gallery section! Mwahaha! I could wreak havoc on all your images!
I'm so frightened! What's going to happen to all my poor pics? KitKat has turned evil!
Today I learned how awesome Thunderhorse sounds on piano: clickety-clickety.
Whoa, that kid is fucking awesome!! I LOVE Thunderhorse.
Today i learned that FF VII works on 10:16 pc monitor without problems.
Today I learned that spiders can eat birds.
Holy. Shit.
Edit: Not as amazing, but still:
Coffee shrinks breasts but reduces cancer risk
FYI, Hormone Replacement Therapy may increase breast size, and also increases the risk of breast cancer. Link between breast size and cancer rates? Or rather, increasing breast size from your individual norm vs cancer rate?
God I hate spiders.
today I learned that from the time I was 7 until I was 9 I was willing to give a lap dance to anybody fast enough to grab my wrist.
btw, this is an even better idea than the 'stop light frat parties' we had...
ouch. old stuff is old. but it made me lol.
Today I learnt how auditors work. In detail.
Today I learned my university has no idea when I graduated.
I was a December grad (as opposed to the typical May for all those with a different higher education system) because I needed one more class in my major to graduate.
Today, I got a yearbook in the mail. A yearbook that, I didn't order, didn't pay for, and full of people I most certainly did not spend four years of school with. Sure, I recognize a few faces here and there, but I went to classes with for all intents and purposes, none of these people.
"Bewildered" is the only word that can aptly describe how I felt when I opened the box it came in.
Did you know that a can of V (250mL) contains 29% of your recommended daily sugar intake? (that's 27g)
I learned that when you jump off a building, it's better that as soon as you hit the ground (with your legs), you should roll to prevent any impact damage. Thought that was pretty neat how they demonstrated. :D
Yeah? I always thought of bobbing down slowly like suspensions. Guess rolling would be easier. Fall from high enough though, and you'll have enough trouble simply not landing on your head
Eww, that would not be a nice scene to endure.
I had a "whoaaaah" moment about 1 hour ago.
I saw a message on the ticker on some news channel which said "The media have etc..." which was weird because I always thought "the media" was a singular noun. Then I realized it's Latin:
Datum - Data
Medium - Media
My head asplode.
just like how ppl say forums instead of fora.
And antennas instead of antennae.
Today I learned that the sacred incantation that Ash messes up in Army of Darkness actually came from a sign posted on the cubicle of the programmer who created the Tron program in the movie. I saw it while watching Tron for the first time.
Actually, before that, it was used as a phrase in the classic '50s black-and-white sci-fi flick "The Day the Earth Stood Still".
Keanu Reeves is like the best person to play Klaatu. All he has to do is walk around blankly and react to everything quite woodenly.
Which is good because that's all he can do.
Yakuza (Japanese gangsters) literally means "8 9 3" and refers to a losing hand in a traditional Japanese card game.