Not really a bitch, but actually a followup of the bitch.
Hello from the hospital guys.
I entered yesterday, and will stay here until late monday. LOL
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Not really a bitch, but actually a followup of the bitch.
Hello from the hospital guys.
I entered yesterday, and will stay here until late monday. LOL
stay clear from all the food, except the blue jello.
so it's not just a normal fever after all, do the doctors know what it is yet?
Seems you missed part of the bitch man.
I've had problems for the past 3 months, losing 12 kg.
Do they have a name for the thing you're having, or is it a stomachbug.generic?
I hate that you can't buy a lot of stuff on CDs nowadays. I really like owning CDs, but I can't seem to find Heart's "Dreamboat Annie" album anywhere. I'm really not in the mood for buying their 3 or 4 "Greatest Hits" CDs either.
Also, hope you get well soon Ryouga.
I hate how everyone keeps bitching.
Dunno the term in english.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Colitis Ulcerosa.
Thanks Xan.
Shot in the dark, but I think it might be a stomach ulcer or something close.
Ahh, I have that condition...caused me to lost about 8-10 kgs in about 6 months. I eventually stabilized, but it was annoying. I couldn't really eat anything that I wanted to. Hope you get better, RZ
Damn, that's nasty.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Close enough. Inflammed large intestines, with other complications, like ulcers. Basically a bitch.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Shipping (from online shopping) in Canada sucks balls. I ordered something from Directcanada on Thursday of last week and it only arrived in Toronto today. Even though it's here, it wasn't delivered. It'll probably be delivered tomorrow, which means I will receive it on Thursday since I won't be home for the delivery guy tomorrow and will need to go to the post office on Thursday to get it.
It normally takes 3-4 days for ground shipping when I order stuff. I don't understand what the delay is this time. I've used Canada Post in the past and it wasn't this slow. This is complete bullshit. 8 days to receive a package? At least the shipping was free...
People in the states are lucky to have places like Newegg where shipping is blazing fast and doesn't cost an arm and leg.
shipping is pretty fast here too, if i order something ill have it within 48hours, and it'll only cost about 8 euro's to ship
You live in a very small country, DS. No wonder everything works like a clockwork.
That being said, the post works pretty efficiently here as well. Rarely have I needed to wait anything for more than a few days, normally not even that. The bad thing is they raise prices every year, but I guess that's unavoidable when the greedy oil barons keep raising the oil prices so... greedily and it's a transportation business.
so, this guy i work with and I were talking last week about how cheap amd stock was and i thought it would be a great idea to buy some. my coworker said he uses etrade so i figured i'd open an account. I did, and i moved money into the account last friday. since then the stock has gone up from about $4.50 to $5.60 today.
when i goto buy the stock it says i can't buy anything under $10... i'm confused so i send them messages which prove to be a waste of time.
So today i try again because the initial week is over... wrong !
this lady is telling me that i could wire money to my account but that i cant use the money that is in my account that i sent last week until the 21st at which point the stock is likely going to be to a point where i dont want to buy it anymore.
wtf? my call got cutoff right after i said " so, you're telling me that if i wired money today i could use it, but i can't use the money that is already in my account?" seriously... wtf?
So we posted our new website at work except for this one page "forms" that has.... probably 100 or more forms that i spent a good 12+ hours working on was axed. axed and replaced w\ the obsolete forms page from the previous website, which I'm now being asked to fix links on and can't find the form files anywhere...
seriously, i spent hours doing this and even though i was getting paid to do it, i just feel completely indifferent to this other forms page. i could care less if any of its links worked since i spent hours adding each link into the one I made. here is a sample :
Mine :
Currently being used :
uhmm, you might want to tell them that the "bailees customers property Floater' form number isn't centered..
but I guess they already know it, and simply hare whoever tries to use the website.
This bitch is still the bane of my existence. I made a bunch of updates to dead links and such on the old crappy page and today they've been overwritten and my boss is asking again for me to do the same thing and i had to explain to him that i already made those changes...
such bullshit... fixing broken links on a 12 year old web pages when i spend 12+ hours redoing the entire page w\ links that all 100% work.
My job's been insane the last 3 weeks or so, and it continues to be insane now. It'd be great conversation material with other hardcore nix nerds, but the only other hardcore nix nerds I know are the people I work with, and they're right there with me.
Lately I've been finding that even the highest level devs at work don't play on my level for systems and software development stuff. Like, I'll address a problem they're having by telling them what's wrong and how I fixed it, and from technical leads and lead developers on three different teams in the last two weeks, I've gotten responses that amounted to "I don't really know what you just said, but it sounds good!"
I love my current job, with which I'm in general happier than I've ever been with a job in my more than a decade of working, but it sort of bothers me sometimes that I know at most 3 people within a decade of my age either way who can keep up with a significant subset of the topics I deal with on a day-to-day basis. But I guess that's why the job pays as well as it does ...
My piece of shit car is a death trap and I still have a week or two before my new car comes in.
@complich8: I've always wanted that kind of elite skillset where everyone around me can't keep up. I sort of have that, but the people I lord over are much lower on the totem pole of technical ability than those you deal with.
@assertn: What kind of car is it? It's made in America isn't it.
What kind of new car are you getting? You should probably buy Japanese or German cars, or Italian if you can afford it.