RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
who do you guys think will win?
i think kimimaro has to win cuz of all the hype. it'd be stupid to make someone seem so powerful and just get owned by a drunk fool.
Didn't you read the chapter? Lee is a natural drunken boxer.
On the last page:
"Light headed and with an unfixed viewpoint, when in that stance even Gai fears him.."
If Gai fears Lee when he's like that, then he must be reeealy badass when drunk
Kikimaro will have a hard time and maybe regret to be born when he'll get his ass kicked
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
i dont think lee would "lose" would seem to pointless to bring him out here just to fail miserably.
however i also dont think that kimimaro will actually be defeated. He'll prolly just retreat and head back to the sound village or somethin, especially since sasuke's already free and runnin about his evil ways anyway.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
I think it could be pointless if the fight went either way. It would be pointless for Lee to make his grand entrance again, just to get his ass kicked, but it would also be stupid if they brought out this new hyped up bad guy (Kimi) just so they could show Lee destroy him with his new drunken boxing technique. I'm also gonna assume that the fight won't be decided right now.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
man, it's annoying when people say "didn't you read the chapter?"
i asked to hear what people thought would happen...i think assertn's and konohamaru's are more plausible actually...but i dunno.
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
I think Kimimaro will sorta win , maybe because either lee will pass out from the pain of the recovering surgery our maybe lee will do some drunken style moves then pass out because comon he's still young and can't control liquor, and kimimaro will just leave lee behind and go after sasuke. Well just an opinion[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***
This chapter just rocks, nothing to add [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]