I hope Kiba doesn't go through with it...
I keep hoping for his good looking sister to show up and save him though.
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I hope Kiba doesn't go through with it...
I keep hoping for his good looking sister to show up and save him though.
only way kiba is gonna live is if sakon and ukon leave for whatever reason.
i have 204 long ago, when 205 out?
This week. This isn't a new topic its just had a lot of replies thus bumping it to the top.
Question, who is kiba's sister? Did we ever see her? (can't remember)
nope we havent seen hs sis if he got one. but we have seen his mom and dad fighting to protect the village. they got the same marks as kiba on their cheeks. i watched Mononoke Hime(Princess Mononoke) the other day and noticed that she(Mononoke Hime) had the same marks as kiba and his family.... weird.. does those marks mean soemthing?
Probably has something to do with wolves. Or maybe Kishimoto is giving a nod to Miyazaki. Good observation. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
hehe not really that hard to miss http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif but i also thought it had some japanese symbolic to wolves or something...
I'm sure and store that sells Japanese swords in China Town.
Power PMV, please be quiet.. it's annoying.
I dunno about Ibiki but i'm probably about 75% sure that the kid with the goggles is Obito.
yea that kid might be obito. some ppl thinks it's asuma since he got a thing in his mouth...
actually, Kakashi's female team mate (not the boy) also had those markings, but she wasn't the one from the ANBU team that talked with Kakashi be4 the 3rd's funeral...
and yes, we can't see Shika getting hit cuz we know he won't stand up later, and i doubt anyone believes that Shika will die in this mission...
Does anyone think that Kiba will be on his deathbed, while either Choji or Neji hobble from god knows where to finish what Kiba started. More likely that Choji might help, since Neji does have a pretty big gaping hole. Choji seemed more to be just extremely worn out.
The way I see it, Kiba's dead. He might putter around for a bit more, but he's basically dead. Not that I dislike him, but he has the most potential to set off Shikamaru. Shikamaru's isn't necessarily fighting to win, he's fighting with a logical purpose to give Naruto as much time as possible to escape (since Shika doesn't know that Naruto has been cornered). If Kiba were to die and die so loudly as for his death cry to be heard by Shika (Possibly little doggie wailing?), then Shika might then very well put it into overdrive. That would be some fight, for Shika to place actual emotion into a fight.
As for Naruto, it seems like he gonna go berserk. It'll be even cooler if Kimimaro has some sort of ability to show Naruto all his dying comrades. I'll like to see how Kimimaro is changed by Naruto (since all of Naruto mortal enemies have been changed by him somehow)
What I would hate to see is if anyone aside from the original team of 4 comes to the rescue. That and if no one dies at all.
I know this is an addition to a discussion started almost a week ago, but hey! I'm a college kid a week away from finals.
Hey you bring up some good points, Welcome to the forum. Always post what you like as long as its on topic http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i think the ones that has the greatest chance of dying are neji and kiba. both tied for the worst chance of survivial.
1. i think neji HAS to die. yeah, i know it's an anime, he had this whole thing with main and branch family, and said "i cannot die yet" and some stuff like that but come on. he has TWO HUGE holes in his body. one through his shoulder (which is not fatal immediately) and one through right above his right hip. i'm no doctor, but i know that once one of your kidneys and whatever organ(s) infront of it go byebye, you will probably die from shock and more importantly, blood loss. the way kishimoto drew neji's hole in his shoulder makes it look like he's arm is only held by his skin and the shoulder joint is gone. he has to die, i can't think of any way he can be saved. even if he was rescued by the shizune, the medic ninja can't reconstruct neji's body and organs.
2. kiba. so i guess suicide is the only way to kill ukon if he has attached himself to a person. again, the stab kiba caused on to himself looks like it's above the right hip. so let's say the kunai penetrates all the way, existing out the lower back. so ok, this live kiba with little time to some how escape from ukon (assuming ukon leaves kiba's body) and sakon (assuming he is busy washing out his eyes). but, sakon and ukon aren't gonna let him off that easy obviously so kiba will have to face them both. even though all three of them are injured in one way or another, kiba will be at a disadvantage. i think he will only live if sakon and ukon retreat and that's highly unlikely.
EDIT: i know you can survive without one kidney, but the blood loss would be too detrimental to neji. and it's been a while since his fight ended.
Those marks represent wolf/dog fangs, also Jio from 666satan has them, and a guy from mr.fullswing 2
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>actually, Kakashi's female team mate (not the boy) also had those markings, but she wasn't the one from the ANBU team that talked with Kakashi be4 the 3rd's funeral...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I dont know, her marks looks diferent from the Inuzuka's fangs, and she has not dark hair as the Inuzuka family so...
i was thinking about the picture in chapter 122 page 16, they aren't dark but they look like Kiba's family markings...
Maybe the medic team should come rescue Neji and then Rip out Spider Man's kidneys and transplant it on Neji.
Better yet, Hinata's father feels sorry for Neji, so he decides to donate his own kidney.
About blood loss, that can't be helped, so high possibily that he will die from that.
remember they are ninjas and normal damage models dont apply, i mean after all iruka took a huge ass shuriken to his spine and hes fine and dandy now, and he is about the same lvl as the rest of the genin because they are all pretty clearly at the chuunin lvl combat wise.
hm so jiraiya taught 3 people not just yondaime.