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So you're just an asshole. Alright, got it.
No - you are just flat out not stating the truth. I already explained why but here it is again.
It's Eren all over again. But that's why I hated this way too long scene where nothing happened, just the group becrying their 'fallen' companion. It's wasted time. If you don't kill someone for real, don't spend this much time on it.
define: "this much time" ?
1 minute is too much for a "fake" deathscene?
- That manufactured outrage-scene at the very end. Otakus be like 'ololol they ran out of budget, 2 minutes of bird eye!'. Nah, that's a lame attempt at artificially creating an Endless Eight-reaction, to get people talking about it. They could have added lots of interesting scenes, but nah, static bird eye it was. Fuck them.
In 1 minute? No.
Also "Fuck them"? Okay tough guy, didn't drink your milk today? How about you start growing up.
It's been years already. At some point in time you should've crossed the line in your life where you stop being a complete asshole on the internet and become more rational.
- WHY would he attack the champion with hair? As we saw, the champion was completely taken by surprise. Ram any blade into the back of his head and it's done. Sigh
It's not done by a simple stab with the sword there is simply no way that this beast would've died in one hit, no matter where you hit it... but that's beside the point, he didn't even have one - he jumped him with whatever was available, showing his craftiness which is exactly what this show portrayed him as. On top of that, it added a lot of power to the scene itself.
He even prepared for it, but ... he tells his comrades about countermeasures in the last possible moment? That entirely defeats the whole 'this is like a pen and paper rpg' shtick. There was no reason not to tell them beforehand.
Not only did he mention the reason why he brought it, it doesn't defeat the pen and paper nature of this show either.
but hey I dismissed your point simply by saying "that's not severe enough for me, duh", right?
btw, will you go back to trolling now, just like last time?
@ shinta:
edit: I honestly don't think so.