What he's doing though is leaving the game because the other player cheated, he didn't even try to fight back. How will his men see him now? The commander backs out because he's afraid of a "ghost sniper". Not something a man with pride would do, which is why I said he wouldn't have given in to Ikta when he was truely pride incarnate.
Not to mention that he's on a horse and he could scream "charge" and start attacking with his men (apparently, all you have to do is lower your flag, wtf lol bullshit), reducing the possiblity to die even further because hitting a moving target on horseback pretty difficult I guess.
He backed out because he has no pride at all and is afraid.
What this situation came close to is:Quote:
A good analogy would be when playing a multiplayer game you are really good at and you get cheated, would you cheat as well just to beat that player when you can just beat him fairly next time? Cheating just to get even sounds more petty than prideful. Pride (taken in a positive sense) is different from having a big ego after all. Both commonly coincide but are not always the same thing.
Player A suggest we'll build up ressources and decide a 30 min match with a single match @ the middle of the map, the one who wins this will be the winner of the whole fight.
Player B aggrees and wants to meet Player A @ the middle of the map
Player A however decided to ignore his own proposed agreement and destroys Player B base in the meantime and tells B to leave the match or he'll lose the rest of the base, even though he has about 1/5 of the manpower of B.
Player B stays in the middle of the map and does nothing, or leaves the match because they had an "agreement".
"very scientific" *cringes*