I don't know..
The Defence Minister's tone suggested that Itami wasn't very good at combat and made up for it with his talent for running.
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Itami bringing down a soldier and killing him in melee combat in the first episode showed that he is a bad ass.
Where this show failed at is keeping that consistent in the ridiculous "hostage Itami" arc.
I know some people consider it nothing but a joke, but in my eyes it really did look like he was purely thrilled to get kidnapped by a cadre of bishoujo. After everything we have seen, can you really say that wouldn't fit his personality? I mean, the personality that's exceedingly hard to define because it's full of contradictions at best unless you view him like a thoroughbred otaku half living in his own dream world.
I just don't see the point in making him a ranger and a special ops whatever. Can't he be just a really good but lazy normal soldier?
This show is the kind of comedy that piles cliches and unlikely, cheesy details mountain high, fully on purpose. Itami in reality being all kinds of badass things, yet looking like a loser, is a part of it. It doesn't matter if it makes no sense. Kind of like camp films.
IŽm so happy when people post in this thread during the week when no new ep has been released, always making me think "omg, a new ep already?!"
It makes much more sense now that we've learned the reason he and his wife got divorced. They do seem to genuinely love and care for each other, the problem is that he was simply too distant. His drive to care for her had him throw himself into every task he was given to support her, while forgetting the entire reason he was doing so. He took on missions with large hazard pay that keep them apart for extended periods so he could send her more money.
The scene of him saying goodbye to her outside the van said everything about their relationship. Probably will end up being the best scene of the whole series.
Because that would otherwise ruin the best recurring gag of the entire series: Kobayashi losing her shit each time she finds out that he already is everything she strives to be when she doesn't want to respect him at all.
Episode 11 - HS
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I continue to be amused by Rory. If you think about it and her 900 years of life, she has probably seen as much during the time with the Japanese than during the whole time before. Fantasy worlds are oft kind of static culture, society, and technology wise, so she must have become bored of it all in 900 years. Yet now she's seeing pretty much every day something new and previously unthinkable. She's probably also seeing new things about the original denizens of that world when they interact with the Japanese.
Shouldn't the unarmed transport helicopter have had an escort? It's a world of dragons and other flying monsters. Would seem wise to me to avoid careless risks.
I wonder why the dark elf was such a straight-laced moralist. Aren't dark elves supposed to be sort of spartan, coarse, and militaristic people? You'd think anybody who dares and has an opportunity to drink, would drink.
With the ep starting as it did, I thought we'd get a Lelei centered episode, but alas, no.
It seems the dark elves of GATE are more in line with the ones from Those Who Hunt Elves and Seikishi Monogatari than those of D&D.
Well, didn't care much for this latest episode. Had a couple of good scenes, but the rest failed to entertain me as much as the previous ones.
Also... another Fire Dragon burning an Elves camp? If there isn't a bigger picture as to why this is occurring, then really disappointed in the repetitiveness of the plot.
Dumb episode with lots of annoying scenes.
What I will ask, though: So how do these people deal with fire dragons usually? Like, when they cannot ask an alien force from another dimension for help. Thinking back to the first fire dragon, even Rory didnt seem like she could defeat the dragon. She wouldnŽt die either, as she regenerates, but still ... And throwing an army of 10000 soldiers against that monster doesnt sound like a solution either.
I got the impression it was the same dragon that attacked Tuka's village. And it has been wonded by the SDF.I might be wrong though
That's what I thought as well. And that her forest is just really far away so it took her a long damn time to get to Arnus Hill.
Let's hope Itami will get the railgun, laser cannon, or whatever he lamented they were missing in the fight against the dragon during the diet hearing. To be more realistic I reckon a wheeled APC with a good autocannon turret would do the trick if they don't send in the attack helicopters or jet fighters.
Seeing how the Japanese are responsible for creating a wounded beast, I don't think the dark elf will have much difficulty gaining help.
nothing here answered my question, though: how do the natives deal with a fire dragon?
Just how we deal with Tsunami's and Earthquakes.
I did answer it to you in a way... there's really been no reason to deal with a Fire Dragon if we go by the notion that these creatures don't usually go into these types of rampages through villages, etc. Which is why I mentioned that I think it was established that this was outside of the norm.
Not sure how they deal with them per se, but besides that... has there been a need to do so previously?
we donŽt know. I guess weŽll hear of some shitty hero-tale at some point, where the dragon has some videogame-esque weak point to beat it easily. Then Itami can beat the dragon himself, thus becoming the gayest hero of all times (cause heŽll refuse all the thousands of girls hitting on him afterwards).
And earthquakes and tsunami arent quite comparable. We donŽt build our capitals at the center of such natural events ... but the dragon can freely fly up to the EmpireŽs capital , and then what?