And this is a Madhouse show...
In any case, quite pumped to see a continuation here. There are SO many series I want a continuation for, once in a rare moon we can rejoice.
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Few more details, looks like it's coming out on January 2018:
I need this now.
Me too.
I really do.
It does look quite promising. Having read the LNs (except the latest one translated), it should have good stuff.
Looks nice. I really need to rewatch season 1, though.
Oh, you're back.
Kinda. Lots of personal business. Did I miss anything important? :o
Overlord Movie 1, Movie 2 (recap movies)
[AVT] Overlord II - 01 [720p] [English SUB]
The video quality is shit, but it's Overlord. It'll do.
I'll just wait for the actual airing and a HS release. I've read the novels anyway, so it's not like I'd be burning to know what happens next.
HS version is out.
What a great first episode... and even though I'm not really part of the group that is responsible for the 2nd season, the creater/animator message at the end took me by suprise.
The production values looked really decent. I guess the studio found funding easier to secure this time.
The episode content was kind of all over the place. If I wasn't a novel reader, I wonder how I'd have felt about it? Would it have felt coherent to suddenly include so many new people? A part of the problem is that the first season cut some stuff because obviously they were never dreaming of making a second season, so it made sense to drop material that was only necessary for later things the original anime would have never covered. So, they needed a bit of a rushed start here.
It felt overwhelming to watch the beginning of the episode when I first watched the subpar releases. I promptly stopped watching a few minutes in and caught up with S1 by watching the movies. That made S2 way easier since everything is fresh. It went that bad after that.
It wasn't overwhelming at all for me. I don't know what information I'm missing, but expect to hear more background stories from the human factions and new characters soon. But even without it, the worldbuilding is already done well enough (thanks to season 1 too)
The new characters were necessary because S1 ended right before their introduction was due.
People who watched S1 wanted to know more about the human factions, especially the faction that attacked the vampire loli and their objectives. We already knew about the kingdoms and their location on the world-map.
The next Enigma to solve is the big dragon and his knowledge about "world items" and the term "Yggdrasil" (which so far as I remember, has only been mentioned by Ainz as a player)... and I'm pretty sure that he'll be Ainz's main opponent for season 2... or at least I hope so. The "100 years ago"-talk sounded like as if Ainz was not even the first "human"/player to enter this world. But the one before him was most likely an Alliance player, while Ainz is a Horde player.
At some point, I hope to see a 3-way war emerging with Ainz in the middle of it all as the undefeatable endboss. A true opponent and worldboss-faction.
on a side note:
Regrit reminded me of Ana from Overwatch.
It was overwhelming if you needed an introduction back into the series like I did. "Overwhelming" is pretty much just "where the fuck were you from again?" though.
It sounded like the Dragon only just knew about the term Yggdrasil. He's had all 100 years to figure it out if he knew prior to this.
Episode 02
No wonder these guys have overpopulation issues. They want to fuck way too easily.