You didn't say "I wasn't amused".. so were you amused?
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You didn't say "I wasn't amused".. so were you amused?
In my opinion the biggest problem was that the noname characters got so low points, all the named characters suddenly really high. Why were the nonames even involved in this contest? Of course it's a foregone conclusion only the main and main supporting charaters can continue on, but it still looks stupid. One Chinese restaurant girl could't break that unnatural situation. It's like watching men's javelin championships and seeing how 5 people throw close to 90 meters, whereas 25 reach only 50 meters. That would make no sense whatsoever.
But whatever. I don't mind the fanservice at all. It was like that from the beginning so I knew what sort of manga/anime I'm following. If it bothered me, I wouldn't be here in the first place.
It was nice to see vichyssoise mentioned. Good stuff. I make it every now and then. Exceedingly simple yet jolly good.
Not even remotely amused or anything. That episode was trash.
The awesomeness of food anime was really impacted by the mediocre fanservice. And I like fanservice. It's just it rubbed me the wrong way this time as it is back to the low quality it was in the first few episodes.
Ah, yes. It was definitely a step backwards to the early episode or two when I wondered if I should have been watching this as well. I don't mind an episode here or there for laughs though. Making 24eps full of it is a different matter.
i had no problem with the more sexually pronounced presentation in this episode, as it made a nice stark contrast to the stuckup bitch in the jury that would score everybody with 0 up to that point.
Anyway, finally nearing the final showdown.
Episode 24 Final - HS
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Clearly a series that simply continued as long as there were episodes left, paying only cursory attention to where it ended. That is, it ended right after the first round of a tournament (at least not in the middle of a round). Of course considering overall pacing, there might not have been much of a choice, as the pacing was rather good. If they had tried to avoid this tournament entirely, there would have been lousier episodes before the end.
Quite a decent ending to the show. The old director's laughter was a suitable ending to the tournament preliminary round itself. Alice was as funny as ever, contrasting Nakiri 'Bitch' Erina well. I can't claim I'd have been super thrilled about this show as the manga has generally speaking been enough, but it was a surprisinglygfood watch. It's most of time nice to see and hear characters animated and voiced.
what do you mean with "ending to the show"? Is it not going to be continued?!
I certainly hope it will continue. I mean they still got the entire tournament in front of them!
This should be popular enough to get a continuation.
If the accuracy in food isn't there,.. eh. I don't cook enough to notice. I'm all for the characters however, so bring on the sequel.
I don't know if it continues. When writing that earlier post, I tried to check ANN for news of a second season, but didn't find any. Of course it's entirely possible I missed an article. You'd certainly think this was popular enough, being full of boobs'n'stuff.
Main gripes probably are that it does not add much interrest for the manga readers and that it is at times unapealing to appaling...
But when you're a manga reader, you're prepared to face such hardships and watch that regardless.
I wasn't.
I started this and dropped it in the first few episodes. The manga is just much better. I hope OPM doesn't tread the same path.
well, seems like there will be a second season after all next year (2016).
speaking as a non manga reader, i can assure you this was a really entertaining anime.
it just an underdog story, but the characters are really lovable and pretty much all of them are memorable...
at the beginning i was expecting a boring story where the main character will pretty much win all the battles, but most of the time he fucks up at first, and then improvise using his own skills.
even the season's finale was bitter sweet (pun intended) when he won over more judges but then didnt got the highest score.
i watched the whole season in less than 24 hours (with work in the middle, i think i slept only about 3 hours), by the end of episode 24 i was smiling knowing there will be more stories to tell.
I just don't want a second season because the manga is better. If you don't read the manga, naturally that doesn't apply to you. That said, I've stopped reading the manga at around the same point the anime ended, so I'll probably hop back in to see if I'm still interested.
HS- Shokugeki no Soma S2-01
And it's here! Certainly felt a bit rushed but hey, delicious Alice-Sama.
Honestly said ... it felt too rushed. The first season had built up Alice as this (seemingly) invincible cooking genius. And now Soma beats her in a single episode with a ... not that impressive dish. I´m not a bento expert, but from what I´ve seen in anime, I´d vastly prefer Alice´s bento, where I can pick and eat everything with a single bite, hasslefree. Whereas Soma´s bento requires hashi and has a soup and sauce, both of which I´d be too scared to carry around in my bag the whole day. The only real argument given against Alice was "if the topic had been sushi, you´d have made the exact same thing", but how does that refute her bento´s validity?
Ma, ma, let´s see how this goes. Although I do not understand why it´s only 13 episodes. Are we almost caught up to the manga?
Are you studying Japanese? I notice you keep inserting random Japanese interjections in your posts for some reason.
The reason Souma won is because he took advantage of the theme instead of just working around it, like Alice did.
Yes, I am. Although I used "hashi" because "sticks" wouldn´t come to my mind while I was writing that posting lol
I get that. As I said, I´m arguing from the perspective of somebody who knows bento only from school-themed anime. In that context, or even if I had to choose what I´d take with me when I leave the house, I´d prefer Alice´s bento. It´s less complicated and less likely to spill all over my notes.Quote:
The reason Souma won is because he took advantage of the theme instead of just working around it, like Alice did.
Regarding Souma's bento, you understand the container is made purposefully for that use and it can't leak right ?
You also understand when Souma says that the hot soup/sauce will cook the vegetables by the time you eat the bento.
Souma really did cover all of the aspects of preparing and then eating a bento several hours later.
Alice's was nice, but didn't qualify as a bento you can bring to work to eat several hours later for example.