She's outright told him on at least 2 occasions that all he needs is her. He knows she's a nutcase who is head over heals for him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ark
You just have to fill in the gaps.
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She's outright told him on at least 2 occasions that all he needs is her. He knows she's a nutcase who is head over heals for him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ark
You just have to fill in the gaps.
Okay, I know they have similarities, but here is one critical difference between Shinji and Yukiteru.
If Shinji does not fight, everyone dies.
If Yukiteru does not fight, only he dies, and even then, he has been fighting to protect not only himself, but others as well.
Yuno, while absolutely hot and awesome and yandere, is fucking crazy. I can certainly understand why Yukiteru is acting the way he does.
I understand that Yuno's a nutcase, but I'm referring specifically to the kissing scene in the car after Sixth died. He's acting too much like he genuinely cares about her when he should reply with an "I'm not ready", and tell her whether or not he's willing to try to warm up to her.
Then again.. He was too dumb to figure stuff out this episode, so that's prolly too much to ask.
He's probably afraid to do that because Yuno will do something crazy, and he is probably right.
His eyes look real awesome in the second pic. Doesn't change the fact that he's a loser, though.
If I were Yuukii I'd bone Yuno like no tomorrow, then massacre bitches I guess.
What I'd give for a girl like Yuno(not exactly as crazy maybe)..... all it takes is something like a "I love you" to keep her at bay. lol.
Anyways, it's probably the fact that Yuno is a nutcase that Yuki probably has 2nd thoughts about her. Wouldn't you guys be scared? Yeah she is crazy about you, but you have no idea when she might just snap and kill you as well.
Yukki had a hunch at first but he quickly feared her. The thing is that she's his lifeline/shield for now. Without her, he'd be dead multiple times. He also probably knows deep inside (feeling becoming fear) she might turn against him either when her love turns to hatred or when they are the last 2 players... It has been clearly stated that only one must remain.
You could say he's been very lucky till now, with events going his way, making right decisions even by pure luck. Or he's utterly smart/badass. Another idea would be he's really the true God of the game, ie the one who created all of this game/rules and false god so he can't be dying no matter what.
if he is god of this game, then how he can be dumb as fuck?
Gotspeed - Episode 10
Edit: Okay.. first up, the OP replacement. Did you guys consider using the voiceless versions of the music instead? I would think the effect would improve since you don't have 2 "instruments" trying to be the focus, and remove the effect the passages have when the vocals and piano weren't playing in unison. The hardest bit here would actually be manipulating the voiceless, full-length tracks from the CDs into the TV version. That said, nicely played.
Hopefully with this, Yuki finally gets over the whole corpse thing. They still haven't covered what space-time-continuum-changing effect that room had... At this rate I can only say that it's an exaggeration of having Yukki running away from his Happy End.
That Akise fellow.. fishy.. very fishy... who the hell is he anyway?
As for 9th.. :3. Mummur's voice-over was hella confusing. Guessing that cop wasn't some childhood friend but just another cop after her head.
I hope the Piano crap is removed from the real episode.
I second that. not to mention that my ears started hurting when murmur was reading that crap. god that was one of most awful ideas ever.
The fancovered OP was not to my liking but I don't think it sucked, it just didn't live up to what it was trying to replace. Hopefully that was a one time thing but I worry that all the inevitable negative feedback this will receive could become the troll food that turns Gotwoot into the next gg, but such is life when getting your wares from volunteers.
Anyway, props to Yukiteru for questioning why he wouldn't want Yuno as a girlfriend, I mean sure she's nuts, but she's the best possible kind of nuts in his case and it's not like he can get rid of her so he may as well make the most of it. Minene's back story was nice too, I like a mild tsundere once in a while, in fact iirc Minene had some dere moments around the 4th as well, maybe she has a thing for cops and her whole terrorism thing is a tsun tantrum.
Wait, so... replacing the OP was retarded?
why you no use dis as op
(not that I watched it...o-or anything:o)
Bad opening for a bad episode :)