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Use the link below, the one I linked had no subs.
Will watch now.
Yeah, didn't notice straight away, there was no sub track.. lol I kept watching for 3 minutes after the OP without noticing that I understood less than 20%.. I must be dead tired today.
The episodes of this keep getting more and more interesting. Beatrice gets more and more character development lately too, a wonderful touch.
Beatrice seems to be losing a great deal of control she once had over this game, or perhaps more importantly, the facade of control that she once made look absolute is falling away, and we're finally seeing how weak she really may be.
When Battler slapped her, Beatrice immediately reminded me of a young child. A little girl who doesn't think she did anything wrong, and is shocked when no one has any sympathy for her. Battler abandoning her really cut into Beatrice deeply. She went too far, and only after she gets punished does she realize how far she was going.
After that, she mercy-killed both Maria and Rosa, though the latter death was still fairly brutal. I think the rest of this arc may have her losing even more control to Eva. According to Beatrice's scenario, Eva has all the power now, similar to the situation with Beatrice and Virgilia earlier.
Perhaps Beatrice is really afraid of being left all alone? Either way, she has become one of the deepest characters in the series.
Sayaka Ohara did a fantastic job this episode, managing to make a psycho witch sound extremely cute, especially in her dere moments.
While I liked that there was indeed a Beatrice character in the show, I didn't like her all that much because of her yangire qualities that seemed to go overboard with her hysterical laugh, but this episode changed my mind. A multi-faceted tsundere with a touch of yangire is fantastic.
Yes, she played it wonderfully. I wonder how far Beatrice will have to go to get Battler to play with her again.
I think just showing Battler her boobs would work wonders.
This episode explains Ronove's character completely. Compared to him, each Beatrice (at least the last two) must seem like a little girl. Even if he's technically serving them, his long established status as the carer must grant him a great deal of freedom.
Do you guys think the servants will betray Beato and side with Beatrice instead? That would be an interesting development, since the only ones that will ally themselves with Beato if that did happen is Battler, and maybe Virgilia.
Hmm, never thought I would see Beatrice care about Battler. They are enemies, as she said, but I guess having too much fun can have that effect. Wonder what will happen next?
Even Battler apparently cared about Beato to a certain extent, as he said so himself.
BattlerXBeato ending??? Yeah, right...
I was expecting that to happen this episode. They're respecting their former master out of pure respect, but when there's a conflict of interest between the witches, they'll have to back the younger one. At least Beato was brought up by Virgilia and hence harboured some feelings towards her, but Eva was one crazed bitch, who has just been granted powers to do whatever she wants.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Eva's still listening to people because she's still grasping the concept that she's a witch. Once that reaches her head and she realises she's more powerful than any of them, she'll kill those who oppose her, including the preceding Beatrices. I actually expected that to happen towards the end.
Lucky for Beato that Battler isn't playing the game, because so far it looks like she doesn't have a chance on this board. Eva (maybe with Hideyoshi helping) killing Rosa and Maria is just way too easy.
Battler seems to be in command of the board once again, but he seems to have a lot of authority, as well. I guess Beatrice is coming back onto the board next session.
Everybody has a soft spot for Beato. The effect is much more prominent when they're contrasting her to the utterly ruthless Eva-Beatrice, despite how only a few episodes ago, Beato was acting in exactly the same manner.
I actually started to forget Battler had a mum and a dad in the game. His only crying scene lasted for such a short amount of time it seemed everyone dying afterward were as impartial to him as it was to Beato.
Amazing how much power Battler has for a human being to actually correct someone like Beato. She's even trying to change so that Battler will recognize her as a real witch. Seems like Ronove supports Beato.
A forlorn Beato is a cute Beato.
What surprised me is it has taken all this time for Battler to reveal he has a younger sister! She is the final girl in the current OP it seems, and perhaps she will play a role in the next arc. Where has she been all this time?
The change in Beato is quite dramatic. She may get Battler to acknowledge her after all, she just had to finally grow up and remember the lessons her teacher once told her. I'm still left wondering where Bernkastel's "aid" comes in to play here. Beato can keep restarting the game until Battler acknowledges her, so I wonder how Bernkastel has been helping, if at all. Lambda assisted fighting Battler's side by endorsing Eva-Beatrice.
I really can't stand the green-haired bunny girl's voice. I've never heard Eri Kitamura sound so totally obnoxious. The other one is fine, and none of Beato's former furniture ever bothered me nearly as much.
I'm impressed at Ronove's integrity at not calling Beato out.
Even more so, is how they continue to make Beato completely hatable while making Eva-Beatrice totally unforgivable despite starting out the same way. The turning point for me was then each of them got slapped. Beato woke up. Eva killed her husband.