A Saint's Agony ~ The Door of Faith Reopens
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Siggy's Passionate Sacred Pose Lessons
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Siggy is something else, what a bitch. They're definitely making me prefer Annelotte for the start of Rebellion.
The real winner this episode was Ymir. I loathed her in the original two series, but she was very amusing in this one. While it's true that she was older than all the others in the first series, she actually sort of felt...grown up now. No more throwing random fits and tantrums. All business savvy, all the time.
Yeah, Ymir was great. In the first series she was pissed that no one recognised her and her weapons. I guess that was because Catalaya was around all the time. Now she's just promoting herself whenever she can.
I thought it was thoroughly amusing that she bought time by making money. That's like.. the epitome of business. :)
Siggy.. yeah, I hate her. Melpha was just annoying, but this one pisses me off. I actually liked the bandit-woman too.
Horo's tail exercises >>>>> sacred pose lessons.
HorribleSubs - Rebellion 03
edit: and Rebellion 01, 02
Sun/Moonlight Dancer turned out to be more likable than I initially expected. I thought she was going to be a Menace.v2. She is, in a sense, but more fun.
Still looking forward to the pirate/rapier chick. Her design shouts Tony Taka, and it's the first time that I've thought that a QB design looked remarkably different in style compared to all the others. The "big chick" this time also looks much much better than the blacksmith woman from last time.
Other than that, none of the other characters in the OP/ED look remotely like they could be working for the Witch of the Black Swamp, so I'm guessing that it's just all about competition now?
The Pirate Captain works for the Swamp Witch. Ghost pirates and all. According to Wikipedia, she's designed by Morisawa Haruyuki, the Character Designer from Rinne no Lagrange.
I think most of the Rebellion character designs look vastly different from the original style.
I thought LunaLuna was more like Nyx v2. Tentacles as weapons, and personality shifts, one filled with innocence, one very much not. But way better.
I meant swamp witch in that there's some over-reaching "boss" who has a few lackeys entering into the QB contest on her orders in order to foil something.. but we'll see how that goes. A different plot would be nice of course.
Ah, yes. I forgot about Nyx, and Lunaluna was indeed better. I suppose I based my impressions on skin colour and dress standards more.Quote:
I thought LunaLuna was more like Nyx v2. Tentacles as weapons, and personality shifts, one filled with innocence, one very much not. But way better.
Wouldn't that be Claudette this time? Since she ended the QB Tournament, she's like the Eternal Queen or something ridiculous.
Very little sign of her thus far, and all we see are her servitors and lackeys (Ymir, the other dwarf, Elina, random assassin girls and debatably Siggy).
But I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't just a pure two-way fight between Annelotte's forces and Claudette's. Siggy already feels like she would go against Claudette if it wasn't in line with her zealous beliefs.
Claudette would be like the previous queen in that she wants to win the contest again. I had the impression that the Witch wanted to sabotage the contest in some way (though in actuality, her actions just served to force some characters to do some half-assed shit they didn't feel like doing, heh). I wasn't under the impression that Ymir was Claudette's lackey...Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
And yeah, Siggy's a bitch.
Melona and Airi always insisted the Swamp Witch wanted to stop the tournaments. Pretty much exactly what Claudette has done. It wasn't clear if the Swamp Witch wanted them to stop because she wanted to rule, or some other more benevolent reason. Her followers made occasionally statements it would be for the good of everyone, but of course, that's really hard to believe.
I don't know...Siggy's not that bad. She's insane, sure, but that's mostly due to her blind zealous devotion. She may burn people alive, but she's also kind to children, the needy, and old people. If Elina doesn't like her, that's a good reason to give her another chance.
What has Elina got to do with this?
I'm not informed that Claudette wants to stop this tournament...
There is no tournament. They mentioned it in episode 2, ~2:45, as the illegal fights are going on.
It's right there in the title, this is not the organized Queen's Blade tournament for the right to rule, it is an armed rebellion instead.
I don't like Elina, I think she's a bitch. Anything that pisses her off or that she dislikes is a good thing imo.
In SFW's release of QB Rebellion: A Saint's Agony, the males said "She was in the last Queen's Blade..." (2:29) when Ymir showed up. I took that to mean "She was in the last Queen's Blade tournament", like how I would say a certain athlete was in the last Olympic games. It didn't mean that the tournaments were cancelled after the last time it was held.
I took rebellion to mean that there are those who oppose the Queen, but I wasn't aware that they were going to take Claudette down without participating in the tournament... but you're right. Rebellion can mean an armed uprising.
Yes, Ymir was in the last tournament. So was Claudette and Reina and everyone else. Reina won, placed Claudette on the throne because she didn't want to rule. Claudette canceled the QB tourney during her reign which continues to present.
OhShit - Rebellion 04
wow. Okay, I didn't notice how risque Ymir's attire was. Still, I don't think even Japan will show those undeveloped breasts bare - however close they get to it. She's coming off quite nicely as the scheming brains behind the government military. I never would have thought.
I like that everyone keeps giving Annelotte nicknames (Onii-chan despite accpeting she's a girl, Onee-sama/Fated One, etc.), none of which she is particularly fond of being called.
Siggy may be really dumb/blind/zealous and a bit too strict, but it is clear she's a good person at heart. Even if she thought Mirim was possessed by a demon, she was willing to defend her from Ymir. Even after she was prepared to burn Mirim to death, once Ymir showed up and claimed her, Siggy wasn't happy about giving the clearly suffering girl to Ymir.
The jewels on Claudette's face make her look stupid. Not a fan of her new outfit, in contrast to most of the returning cast.
Not that it will ever matter, but who keeps fixing Annelotte's armor? Reina usually lost the leather straps holding her breastplate up, and Tomoe's shredded clothes were easy to replace. Actually, most of the girls in the previous seasons wore clothing instead of armor.
OhShit - Episode 05
So much spying.. Yeah, Rebellion is kicking off much better than QB did, plotwise anyway. I wonder if I'd feel this way if the first two seasons didn't turn out the way they did though.
I kind of feel unfair for Ymir in that I predict her demise will be due to Siggy backstabbing her.
Siggy will undoubtedly betray Ymir and the Queen. It's strange, Ymir seems more like the arch-nemesis than Claudette does. Her greed certainly seems to have gotten the better of her, but the increase in her brutality is a bit surprising from the way she used to be. She always cared more about fame and money, but I never thought she was a particularly deceptive and cruel person.
Siggy seems to have caught on already that Ymir is anything but trustworthy and honorable.
Indeed, Rebellion feels a lot more like QBs2 than it does QB. It flows together well, and has a cohesive plot.