I just wish Lelouch's command of 'live' to Suzaku does not apply as how we have discussed this girl with her wall... It would suck for Suzaku to never 'die' thanks to that command.
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I just wish Lelouch's command of 'live' to Suzaku does not apply as how we have discussed this girl with her wall... It would suck for Suzaku to never 'die' thanks to that command.
Huh? And why would he not die?
The command "live" given by Lelouch is unconditional (well except for the condition of being alive I guess, but that applies to everything), which means it will never be canceled, but that does not mean Suzaku can't die. He will simply try his very best to live, but if faced with a situation where even that is not enough, he will die.
No no... I did not mean to can not die... but that he will be able to always escape alive...
It makes me think if that is how he survived on the last episode of last season...
He can't do what he can't do. He can't always escape alive. The only thing that command does is to make sure that he doesn't commit suicide or be too careless with his life. It does not add to his survival capabilities, except of course, if you include motivation to survive in that classification.
EDIT: and all of a sudden, I'm a missing nin. I didn't even notice my 1000th post dammit.
I still hate Suzaku *random* :mad:
and judging by the first episode..he's going to continue to be an annoying character for me.
Anyways, I'm looking foreward to find out the infomation that was left out between the first and 2nd seasons..such as what happened at the end, who brainwashed, and so fourth..
shall be an interesting series, none-the-less
Well...traditionally, a geas (the proper spelling) if not fulfilled results in the death of the compelled.
Still, here it obviously works differently. Euphie just outright resisted it, and did manage to not kill Suzaku.
But the short answer is we already know. If they can't reasonably perform the compulsion, they shut up and look dazed and confused, as Cornelia did when she didn't know the answer to his questions, and there are a few others similar to that.
Not really. The reason why she looked dazed and confused is because it is a command to answer a question, and if you try to answer a question you do not know the answer to, that is exactly what will happen to you. If the fulfillment of the command is reasonably impossible but attempt is, the victim should still try will all their might. But if you mean commands that are simply impossible, like "fly" or "transform into a god-like mecha" then that daze effect will probably apply.
EDIT: I realize that the command "fly" may not apply, due to several reasons, but the second one is stll a good example for my point.
I can't even think straight there was so much awesome was packed into this episode. As past questions are answered, new and bigger ones just spring up in their wake. And biggest of all is the mystery of the Hyakku Shiki Mk III and it's pilot, and the tidbit of answer we got was fantastic. I want more, I need more, I must have more.
EDIT: OMG Hyaku Shiki Mk III is awesome.
Someone PLEASE make a gif of 17:17-17:19
Quoting LittleKuriboh that episode was "super special awesome".
We finally found out what happened to Lelouch and Suzaku and indeed our suspicious were confirmed that the Emperor had a memory altering Geass.
Honestly this series is shaping up to be better than season 1. Can't wait for the next episode.
Edit: And oh yeah, I still fucking hate Nina.
I guess mine (and many many others') instincts were correct about Rollo. He's an asshole.
I think I will really enjoy the interplay between the two now though. At school where they are both undercover, with everyone's memories messed around with to accept his presence as Lelouch's brother, the two will probably repeatedly try to kill each other. I can't wait.
But then again, the Emperor said that only Suzaku both knew about Lelouch's identity and the geass. Perhaps he meant specifically Lelouch's. Because Rollo definitely has one, and he very likely knows exactly who Zero really is because he was installed in such a position as well as his behavior in the first episode. I'm still hoping for the constant "chess match" between the two. Borgia-style.
Nina probably pissed her...skirt when she saw Zero. Or was that anger? Her face gets all ugly and then you can't tell what emotion she's conveying.
But I disagree about the (Hyakku Shiki Mk III as Yuki is calling it, isn't that from a Gundam?). Instant movement is super lame. Sure it makes it badass, but it also makes it really cheap. Like Gundam SEED cheap. While Kallen's Gurren is flipping around doing crazy shit on its tires and design for close combat, the new thing just *poof*...there.
But I do like its sonic hammer thing. One clean shot, kill the pilot.
That elbow weapon was pretty cool. Seems reminiscent of martial arts. Where Kallen's is an implosion, this one's like an impact.
This is the one and only time that I'll complain about Eclipse's speed.
Full of awesomeness episode...
So Urabe killed himself to give them more time... ouch. So within the Black Knights who know of Zero's true identity then? CC and Kallen only?
I had a wild idea... the emperor has two geass... and one obviously rewrites memories... so... could he have re-written Nunnally into... Rollo? I think they had the same eye shade color... and they do resemble each other... or this could only be CLAMP's designs.
Kallen was mad at Lelouch... and wondered if she was Geass-ed to be loyal... Lelouch should have told her the truth... although maybe she would not have believed it. Still, she seems to still want to follow 'Zero'. Oh yeah... loved the interaction between the two... handing his coat to her.
Carares is gone fast, and the Chinese Union is being manipulated. Although at first I thought they were pro-Zero... until we saw that man Geass-ed.
Zero came back with style... wonder if Ougi and the rest saw the transmission?
Nina sucks... hope she gets killed soon.
Mass produced Lancelots suck. Hope they destroy them.
Actually he said that Suzaku was the only Knight of the Round that knew that. Rollo probably knows it too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
So am I the only one who didnt know that Britain (which for so long I thought was the "homeland" of Britainia) is actually under EU control?
Eclipse's version is out but i dont no how to post a link..dling now
I'll do it for ya
Episode 2 XviD - Eclipse
Episode 2 h264 - Eclipse
Oh, damnit damnit damnit, if it was 3hrs faster, I could have dled it before I went to uni.....I'll have to enjoy your discussion tomorrow....
Anyone else thinks about the implications of the emperor's Geass on the very existence of Britannia?????
Charles is probably the first emperor... and Britannia might not even have existed before him. hell, Britannia might be a lot smaller than we think.
also, i didn't know Britain was under E.U. control. seriously, i first thought britannia was the world, then everytime we learn something new, we find out its not as powerful as we first thought.
I personally like Rollo. he'll bring out something interesting in Zero.
Didn't they say Britannia controlled a third of the world? That's a pretty massive empire any way you slice it.
There're basically on three major factions left in the world right? Britannia, EU, and the Chinese Union. And maybe The United States of Japan would make the fourth!