Well, I'm sure some people already know what happened...
*100% Ranting ahead, so you can stop reading here if you want.
Just so people know, my translation in it is unedited and very unpolished. I'm ashamed that it's seeing public eyes...
Anyway, I can't say I didn't see this possibility with all the rage pent up over the past MANY months. I myself got mad at Message many times about the whole installer deal.
I'm angry at myself for letting this get this far and letting people talk me into waiting for Message's installer. I'm angry at the person who did it. I'm angry at Message for taking this long. In short, a lot of anger and disappointment.
Well, I really don't care who did it, it's just a waste of my time. I just wish he/she would've came talked to me beforehand about all his anger for the delay.
Moving ahead. Well, I really have no idea right now. Quitting over something like this is just stupid, but then again, I've lost my motivation for now.
If some group thinks I'm going to take too long or quit and wants to start a new translation for HF, go ahead.
Please don't take this as a sign of me quitting. There's too many good games out there that needs translation. I'm sure I'm just depressed...
Okay, now I'm really ranting. I'm going to go sleep now.
*This is my opinion, and has nothing to do with the rest of the staff, so all critique can go to me.
That was just after the Leak came out.