^you can skip the try out for NM's position. just come to the channel.
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^you can skip the try out for NM's position. just come to the channel.
whats NM's position anyway?
come to the IRC channel to find out.
and eclipse you came in and leave straight away, give some time before a reply.
I finallly made it to the Irc channel!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Deblas are you still recovering from last night?
Hahaha, sounds interesting. What happened?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Deblas are you still recovering from last night?
trust me you dont want to know. I'll tell you this. dont open anything that BOC sends youQuote:
Originally posted by: kooshi
Hahaha, sounds interesting. What happened?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Deblas are you still recovering from last night?
no offense to anybody in this forum, but i wouldnt open anything anybody here would send, unless i specifically asked for it. just safer that way.
kooshi come to the channel sometime and I'll fill you in, fill you in GOOD
no kooshi dont listen to him. noooooooooooooooooo
NOooooOOooooooooooOOOOo HEs EVILQuote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
no kooshi dont listen to him. noooooooooooooooooo
Hmm, with 2 people with the same response, I'll heed their warning, hahaha.
Don't listen to them. Eclipse wasn't even there, so you actually only have 1 person telling you not to, and that's the guy that went to the sites, so his opionion is biased, therefore you should just listen to me. COME
can someone turn off +i in the channel.
yeah seriously.........
Hmm...didn't Joker set it to +i in the first place? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Okay, Okay, it wasn't Mut@t@ it was me pwning Mut@t@, here is the log...
* Joker-kun sets mode: +im
* Joker-kun sets mode: -h Mut[at]t[at]
For the n00bs, that means I took away his halfops and set the channel to moderated and invite only...only problem was I forget and went to bed....
yeah and left it on all night, when no hops or ops (besidr ciber and yourself) were in the channel.
[18:09] <%AssertnFailure> http://forums.gotwoot.net/messagevie...;enterthread=y
[18:09] <%AssertnFailure> basey is lucky he put in that little insert
[18:09] <%AssertnFailure> but im tempted to
[18:10] <%AssertnFailure> say "locked" as the next word
[18:10] <%AssertnFailure> and then lock it
[18:10] <Eurasian> do it then
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> i don't get it
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> what does
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> arnie
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> have anything to do with
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> locked
[18:10] <%AssertnFailure> stfu
[18:11] <%Mut[at]t[at]> you stfu
[18:11] <%AssertnFailure> i'll associate arnie with california
[18:11] <%AssertnFailure> which i'll associate with you
[18:11] <%AssertnFailure> which i'll associate it with "something that needs to die"
[18:12] <Eurasian> ouch
[18:12] <%AssertnFailure> B)
[18:12] <%Mut[at]t[at]> and then
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> i'll associate my dick
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> onto your face
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> which didn't make any sense
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> but i obivously don't care
Im not giving up Mut! I deserve to have this post!!
<NarutoMaster> * Joker-kun sets mode: +v NarutoMaster <--- Im glad you got your admin powers back to
<NarutoMaster> lol
* Joker-kun sets mode: -v+h NarutoMaster NarutoMaster
<Joker-kun> ill give you the chance to kick mut
<Joker-kun> you got 10 seconds
<NarutoMaster> oh, im hopped!
<NarutoMaster> lol
<Joker-kun> 8
* Deblas has quit IRC
<Joker-kun> 6
* Joker-kun sets mode: -m
* Mut[at]t[at] was kicked by NarutoMaster (Mut[at]t[at])
* Mut[at]t[at] has joined #gotwoot
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Mut[at]t[at]
<NarutoMaster> omg, i kicked Mut
<Assassin> lol